Overhaul testing to use testify
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,23 +9,27 @@ require (
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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
func TestAuthValidateCookie(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
c := &http.Cookie{}
@ -24,87 +25,85 @@ func TestAuthValidateCookie(t *testing.T) {
// Should require 3 parts
c.Value = ""
valid, _, err := ValidateCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid cookie format" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid cookie format\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid cookie format", err.Error())
c.Value = "1|2"
valid, _, err = ValidateCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid cookie format" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid cookie format\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid cookie format", err.Error())
c.Value = "1|2|3|4"
valid, _, err = ValidateCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid cookie format" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid cookie format\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid cookie format", err.Error())
// Should catch invalid mac
c.Value = "MQ==|2|3"
valid, _, err = ValidateCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid cookie mac" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid cookie mac\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid cookie mac", err.Error())
// Should catch expired
config.Lifetime = time.Second * time.Duration(-1)
c = MakeCookie(r, "test@test.com")
valid, _, err = ValidateCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Cookie has expired" {
t.Error("Should get \"Cookie has expired\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Cookie has expired", err.Error())
// Should accept valid cookie
config.Lifetime = time.Second * time.Duration(10)
c = MakeCookie(r, "test@test.com")
valid, email, err := ValidateCookie(r, c)
if !valid {
t.Error("Valid request should return as valid")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Valid request should not return error, got:", err)
if email != "test@test.com" {
t.Error("Valid request should return user email")
assert.True(valid, "valid request should return valid")
assert.Nil(err, "valid request should not return an error")
assert.Equal("test@test.com", email, "valid request should return user email")
func TestAuthValidateEmail(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Should allow any
if !ValidateEmail("test@test.com") || !ValidateEmail("one@two.com") {
t.Error("Should allow any domain if email domain is not defined")
v := ValidateEmail("test@test.com")
assert.True(v, "should allow any domain if email domain is not defined")
v = ValidateEmail("one@two.com")
assert.True(v, "should allow any domain if email domain is not defined")
// Should block non matching domain
config.Domains = []string{"test.com"}
if ValidateEmail("one@two.com") {
t.Error("Should not allow user from another domain")
v = ValidateEmail("one@two.com")
assert.False(v, "should not allow user from another domain")
// Should allow matching domain
config.Domains = []string{"test.com"}
if !ValidateEmail("test@test.com") {
t.Error("Should allow user from allowed domain")
v = ValidateEmail("test@test.com")
assert.True(v, "should allow user from allowed domain")
// Should block non whitelisted email address
config.Domains = []string{}
config.Whitelist = []string{"test@test.com"}
if ValidateEmail("one@two.com") {
t.Error("Should not allow user not in whitelist.")
v = ValidateEmail("one@two.com")
assert.False(v, "should not allow user not in whitelist")
// Should allow matching whitelisted email address
config.Domains = []string{}
config.Whitelist = []string{"test@test.com"}
if !ValidateEmail("test@test.com") {
t.Error("Should allow user in whitelist.")
v = ValidateEmail("test@test.com")
assert.True(v, "should allow user in whitelist")
// TODO: Split google tests out
func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
google := provider.Google{
ClientId: "idtest",
ClientSecret: "sectest",
@ -127,18 +126,10 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
// Check url
uri, err := url.Parse(GetLoginURL(r, "nonce"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error parsing login url:", err)
if uri.Scheme != "https" {
t.Error("Expected login Scheme to be \"https\", got:", uri.Scheme)
if uri.Host != "test.com" {
t.Error("Expected login Host to be \"test.com\", got:", uri.Host)
if uri.Path != "/auth" {
t.Error("Expected login Path to be \"/auth\", got:", uri.Path)
assert.Equal("https", uri.Scheme)
assert.Equal("test.com", uri.Host)
assert.Equal("/auth", uri.Path)
// Check query string
qs := uri.Query()
@ -150,11 +141,7 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
"prompt": []string{"consent select_account"},
"state": []string{"nonce:http://example.com/hello"},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(qs, expectedQs) {
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
assert.Equal(expectedQs, qs)
// With Auth URL but no matching cookie domain
@ -166,18 +153,10 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
// Check url
uri, err = url.Parse(GetLoginURL(r, "nonce"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error parsing login url:", err)
if uri.Scheme != "https" {
t.Error("Expected login Scheme to be \"https\", got:", uri.Scheme)
if uri.Host != "test.com" {
t.Error("Expected login Host to be \"test.com\", got:", uri.Host)
if uri.Path != "/auth" {
t.Error("Expected login Path to be \"/auth\", got:", uri.Path)
assert.Equal("https", uri.Scheme)
assert.Equal("test.com", uri.Host)
assert.Equal("/auth", uri.Path)
// Check query string
qs = uri.Query()
@ -189,11 +168,7 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
"prompt": []string{"consent select_account"},
"state": []string{"nonce:http://example.com/hello"},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(qs, expectedQs) {
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
assert.Equal(expectedQs, qs)
// With correct Auth URL + cookie domain
@ -205,18 +180,10 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
// Check url
uri, err = url.Parse(GetLoginURL(r, "nonce"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error parsing login url:", err)
if uri.Scheme != "https" {
t.Error("Expected login Scheme to be \"https\", got:", uri.Scheme)
if uri.Host != "test.com" {
t.Error("Expected login Host to be \"test.com\", got:", uri.Host)
if uri.Path != "/auth" {
t.Error("Expected login Path to be \"/auth\", got:", uri.Path)
assert.Equal("https", uri.Scheme)
assert.Equal("test.com", uri.Host)
assert.Equal("/auth", uri.Path)
// Check query string
qs = uri.Query()
@ -228,14 +195,7 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
"state": []string{"nonce:http://example.com/hello"},
"prompt": []string{"consent select_account"},
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(qs, expectedQs) {
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
assert.Equal(expectedQs, qs)
// With Auth URL + cookie domain, but from different domain
@ -248,18 +208,10 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
// Check url
uri, err = url.Parse(GetLoginURL(r, "nonce"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error parsing login url:", err)
if uri.Scheme != "https" {
t.Error("Expected login Scheme to be \"https\", got:", uri.Scheme)
if uri.Host != "test.com" {
t.Error("Expected login Host to be \"test.com\", got:", uri.Host)
if uri.Path != "/auth" {
t.Error("Expected login Path to be \"/auth\", got:", uri.Path)
assert.Equal("https", uri.Scheme)
assert.Equal("test.com", uri.Host)
assert.Equal("/auth", uri.Path)
// Check query string
qs = uri.Query()
@ -271,14 +223,7 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
"state": []string{"nonce:http://another.com/hello"},
"prompt": []string{"consent select_account"},
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(qs, expectedQs) {
for _, err := range qsDiff(t, expectedQs, qs) {
assert.Equal(expectedQs, qs)
@ -290,68 +235,47 @@ func TestAuthGetLoginURL(t *testing.T) {
// }
func TestAuthMakeCookie(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://app.example.com", nil)
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-Host", "app.example.com")
c := MakeCookie(r, "test@example.com")
if c.Name != "_forward_auth" {
t.Error("Cookie name should be \"_forward_auth\", got:", c.Name)
assert.Equal("_forward_auth", c.Name)
parts := strings.Split(c.Value, "|")
if len(parts) != 3 {
t.Error("Cookie should be in 3 parts, got:", c.Value)
assert.Len(parts, 3, "cookie should be 3 parts")
valid, _, _ := ValidateCookie(r, c)
if !valid {
t.Error("Should generate valid cookie:", c.Value)
if c.Path != "/" {
t.Error("Cookie path should be \"/\", got:", c.Path)
if c.Domain != "app.example.com" {
t.Error("Cookie domain should be \"app.example.com\", got:", c.Domain)
if c.Secure != true {
t.Error("Cookie domain should be true, got:", c.Secure)
if !c.Expires.After(time.Now().Local()) {
t.Error("Expires should be after now, got:", c.Expires)
if !c.Expires.Before(time.Now().Local().Add(config.Lifetime).Add(10 * time.Second)) {
t.Error("Expires should be before lifetime + 10 seconds, got:", c.Expires)
assert.True(valid, "should generate valid cookie")
assert.Equal("/", c.Path)
assert.Equal("app.example.com", c.Domain)
expires := time.Now().Local().Add(config.Lifetime)
assert.WithinDuration(expires, c.Expires, 10*time.Second)
config.CookieName = "testname"
config.InsecureCookie = true
c = MakeCookie(r, "test@example.com")
if c.Name != "testname" {
t.Error("Cookie name should be \"testname\", got:", c.Name)
if c.Secure != false {
t.Error("Cookie domain should be false, got:", c.Secure)
assert.Equal("testname", c.Name)
func TestAuthMakeCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://app.example.com", nil)
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-Host", "app.example.com")
// No cookie domain or auth url
c := MakeCSRFCookie(r, "12345678901234567890123456789012")
if c.Domain != "app.example.com" {
t.Error("Cookie Domain should match request domain, got:", c.Domain)
assert.Equal("app.example.com", c.Domain)
// With cookie domain but no auth url
config = Config{
CookieDomains: []CookieDomain{*NewCookieDomain("example.com")},
c = MakeCSRFCookie(r, "12345678901234567890123456789012")
if c.Domain != "app.example.com" {
t.Error("Cookie Domain should match request domain, got:", c.Domain)
assert.Equal("app.example.com", c.Domain)
// With cookie domain and auth url
config = Config{
@ -359,9 +283,7 @@ func TestAuthMakeCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
CookieDomains: []CookieDomain{*NewCookieDomain("example.com")},
c = MakeCSRFCookie(r, "12345678901234567890123456789012")
if c.Domain != "example.com" {
t.Error("Cookie Domain should match request domain, got:", c.Domain)
assert.Equal("example.com", c.Domain)
func TestAuthClearCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
@ -375,6 +297,7 @@ func TestAuthClearCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
func TestAuthValidateCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
c := &http.Cookie{}
@ -388,103 +311,88 @@ func TestAuthValidateCSRFCookie(t *testing.T) {
r := newCsrfRequest("")
c.Value = ""
valid, _, err := ValidateCSRFCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid CSRF cookie value" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid CSRF cookie value\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid CSRF cookie value", err.Error())
c.Value = "123456789012345678901234567890123"
valid, _, err = ValidateCSRFCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid CSRF cookie value" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid CSRF cookie value\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid CSRF cookie value", err.Error())
// Should require valid state
r = newCsrfRequest("12345678901234567890123456789012:")
c.Value = "12345678901234567890123456789012"
valid, _, err = ValidateCSRFCookie(r, c)
if valid || err.Error() != "Invalid CSRF state value" {
t.Error("Should get \"Invalid CSRF state value\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Invalid CSRF state value", err.Error())
// Should allow valid state
r = newCsrfRequest("12345678901234567890123456789012:99")
c.Value = "12345678901234567890123456789012"
valid, state, err := ValidateCSRFCookie(r, c)
if !valid {
t.Error("Valid request should return as valid")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Valid request should not return error, got:", err)
if state != "99" {
t.Error("Valid request should return correct state, got:", state)
assert.True(valid, "valid request should return valid")
assert.Nil(err, "valid request should not return an error")
assert.Equal("99", state, "valid request should return correct state")
func TestAuthNonce(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
err, nonce1 := Nonce()
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error generation nonce:", err)
assert.Nil(err, "error generating nonce")
assert.Len(nonce1, 32, "length should be 32 chars")
err, nonce2 := Nonce()
if err != nil {
t.Error("Error generation nonce:", err)
assert.Nil(err, "error generating nonce")
assert.Len(nonce2, 32, "length should be 32 chars")
if len(nonce1) != 32 || len(nonce2) != 32 {
t.Error("Nonce should be 32 chars")
if nonce1 == nonce2 {
t.Error("Nonce should not be equal")
assert.NotEqual(nonce1, nonce2, "nonce should not be equal")
func TestAuthCookieDomainMatch(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
cd := NewCookieDomain("example.com")
// Exact should match
if !cd.Match("example.com") {
t.Error("Exact domain should match")
assert.True(cd.Match("example.com"), "exact domain should match")
// Subdomain should match
if !cd.Match("test.example.com") {
t.Error("Subdomain should match")
assert.True(cd.Match("test.example.com"), "subdomain should match")
// Derived domain should not match
if cd.Match("testexample.com") {
t.Error("Derived domain should not match")
assert.False(cd.Match("testexample.com"), "derived domain should not match")
// Other domain should not match
if cd.Match("test.com") {
t.Error("Other domain should not match")
assert.False(cd.Match("test.com"), "other domain should not match")
func TestAuthCookieDomains(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
cds := CookieDomains{}
err := cds.UnmarshalFlag("one.com,two.org")
if err != nil {
if len(cds) != 2 {
t.Error("Expected UnmarshalFlag to provide 2 CookieDomains, got", cds)
if cds[0].Domain != "one.com" || cds[0].SubDomain != ".one.com" {
t.Error("Expected UnmarshalFlag to provide one.com, got", cds[0])
if cds[1].Domain != "two.org" || cds[1].SubDomain != ".two.org" {
t.Error("Expected UnmarshalFlag to provide two.org, got", cds[1])
expected := CookieDomains{
Domain: "one.com",
DomainLen: 7,
SubDomain: ".one.com",
SubDomainLen: 8,
Domain: "two.org",
DomainLen: 7,
SubDomain: ".two.org",
SubDomainLen: 8,
assert.Equal(expected, cds)
marshal, err := cds.MarshalFlag()
if err != nil {
if marshal != "one.com,two.org" {
t.Error("Expected MarshalFlag to provide \"one.com,two.org\", got", cds)
assert.Equal("one.com,two.org", marshal)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type Config struct {
Whitelist CommaSeparatedList `long:"whitelist" env:"WHITELIST" description:"Comma separated list of email addresses to allow"`
Providers provider.Providers `group:"providers" namespace:"providers" env-namespace:"PROVIDERS"`
Rules map[string]*Rule `long:"rules.<name>.<param>" description:"Rule definitions, see docs, param can be: \"action\", \"rule\""`
Rules map[string]*Rule `long:"rules.<name>.<param>" description:"Rule definitions, see docs, param can be: \"action\", \"rule\""`
// Filled during transformations
Secret []byte
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package tfa
import (
@ -12,56 +13,29 @@ import (
func TestConfigDefaults(t *testing.T) {
// Check defaults
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{})
if err != nil {
if c.LogLevel != "warn" {
t.Error("LogLevel default should be warn, got", c.LogLevel)
if c.LogFormat != "text" {
t.Error("LogFormat default should be text, got", c.LogFormat)
assert.Equal("warn", c.LogLevel)
assert.Equal("text", c.LogFormat)
if c.AuthHost != "" {
t.Error("AuthHost default should be empty, got", c.AuthHost)
if len(c.CookieDomains) != 0 {
t.Error("CookieDomains default should be empty, got", c.CookieDomains)
if c.InsecureCookie != false {
t.Error("InsecureCookie default should be false, got", c.InsecureCookie)
if c.CookieName != "_forward_auth" {
t.Error("CookieName default should be _forward_auth, got", c.CookieName)
if c.CSRFCookieName != "_forward_auth_csrf" {
t.Error("CSRFCookieName default should be _forward_auth_csrf, got", c.CSRFCookieName)
if c.DefaultAction != "auth" {
t.Error("DefaultAction default should be auth, got", c.DefaultAction)
if len(c.Domains) != 0 {
t.Error("Domain default should be empty, got", c.Domains)
if c.Lifetime != time.Second*time.Duration(43200) {
t.Error("Lifetime default should be 43200, got", c.Lifetime)
if c.Path != "/_oauth" {
t.Error("Path default should be /_oauth, got", c.Path)
if len(c.Whitelist) != 0 {
t.Error("Whitelist default should be empty, got", c.Whitelist)
assert.Equal("", c.AuthHost)
assert.Len(c.CookieDomains, 0)
assert.Equal("_forward_auth", c.CookieName)
assert.Equal("_forward_auth_csrf", c.CSRFCookieName)
assert.Equal("auth", c.DefaultAction)
assert.Len(c.Domains, 0)
assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(43200), c.Lifetime)
assert.Equal("/_oauth", c.Path)
assert.Len(c.Whitelist, 0)
if c.Providers.Google.Prompt != "" {
t.Error("Providers.Google.Prompt default should be empty, got", c.Providers.Google.Prompt)
assert.Equal("", c.Providers.Google.Prompt)
func TestConfigParseArgs(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
"--csrf-cookie-name", "\"csrfcookiename\"",
@ -70,64 +44,38 @@ func TestConfigParseArgs(t *testing.T) {
"--rule.two.rule=\"Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)\"",
if err != nil {
// Check normal flags
if c.CookieName != "cookiename" {
t.Error("CookieName default should be cookiename, got", c.CookieName)
if c.CSRFCookieName != "csrfcookiename" {
t.Error("CSRFCookieName default should be csrfcookiename, got", c.CSRFCookieName)
assert.Equal("cookiename", c.CookieName)
assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName)
// Check rules
if len(c.Rules) != 2 {
t.Error("Should create 2 rules, got:", len(c.Rules))
// First rule
if rule, ok := c.Rules["1"]; !ok {
t.Error("Could not find rule key '1'")
} else {
if rule.Action != "allow" {
t.Error("First rule action should be allow, got:", rule.Action)
if rule.Rule != "PathPrefix(`/one`)" {
t.Error("First rule rule should be PathPrefix(`/one`), got:", rule.Rule)
if rule.Provider != "google" {
t.Error("First rule provider should be google, got:", rule.Provider)
// Second rule
if rule, ok := c.Rules["two"]; !ok {
t.Error("Could not find rule key '1'")
} else {
if rule.Action != "auth" {
t.Error("Second rule action should be auth, got:", rule.Action)
if rule.Rule != "Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)" {
t.Error("Second rule rule should be Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`), got:", rule.Rule)
if rule.Provider != "google" {
t.Error("Second rule provider should be google, got:", rule.Provider)
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "PathPrefix(`/one`)",
Provider: "google",
"two": {
Action: "auth",
Rule: "Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)",
Provider: "google",
}, c.Rules)
func TestConfigParseUnknownFlags(t *testing.T) {
_, err := NewConfig([]string{
if err.Error() != "unknown flag: unknown" {
t.Error("Error should be \"unknown flag: unknown\", got:", err)
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Equal(t, "unknown flag: unknown", err.Error())
func TestConfigFlagBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
@ -135,135 +83,87 @@ func TestConfigFlagBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
if c.ClientIdLegacy != "clientid" {
t.Error("ClientIdLegacy should be clientid, got", c.ClientIdLegacy)
if c.Providers.Google.ClientId != "clientid" {
t.Error("Providers.Google.ClientId should be clientid, got", c.Providers.Google.ClientId)
if c.ClientSecretLegacy != "verysecret" {
t.Error("ClientSecretLegacy should be verysecret, got", c.ClientSecretLegacy)
if c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret != "verysecret" {
t.Error("Providers.Google.ClientSecret should be verysecret, got", c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret)
if c.PromptLegacy != "prompt" {
t.Error("PromptLegacy should be prompt, got", c.PromptLegacy)
if c.Providers.Google.Prompt != "prompt" {
t.Error("Providers.Google.Prompt should be prompt, got", c.Providers.Google.Prompt)
assert.Equal("clientid", c.ClientIdLegacy)
assert.Equal("clientid", c.Providers.Google.ClientId, "--client-id should set providers.google.client-id")
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.ClientSecretLegacy)
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret, "--client-secret should set providers.google.client-secret")
assert.Equal("prompt", c.PromptLegacy)
assert.Equal("prompt", c.Providers.Google.Prompt, "--prompt should set providers.google.promot")
// "cookie-secure" used to be a standard go bool flag that could take
// true, TRUE, 1, false, FALSE, 0 etc. values.
// Here we're checking that format is still suppoted
if c.CookieSecureLegacy != "false" || c.InsecureCookie != true {
t.Error("Setting cookie-secure=false should set InsecureCookie true, got", c.InsecureCookie)
assert.Equal("false", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.True(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=false should set insecure-cookie true")
c, err = NewConfig([]string{"--cookie-secure=TRUE"})
if err != nil {
if c.CookieSecureLegacy != "TRUE" || c.InsecureCookie != false {
t.Error("Setting cookie-secure=TRUE should set InsecureCookie false, got", c.InsecureCookie)
assert.Equal("TRUE", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.False(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=TRUE should set insecure-cookie false")
func TestConfigParseIni(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
if err != nil {
if c.CookieName != "inicookiename" {
t.Error("CookieName should be read as inicookiename from ini file, got", c.CookieName)
if c.CSRFCookieName != "csrfcookiename" {
t.Error("CSRFCookieName argument should override ini file, got", c.CSRFCookieName)
if c.Path != "/two" {
t.Error("Path in second ini file should override first ini file, got", c.Path)
assert.Equal("inicookiename", c.CookieName, "should be read from ini file")
assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName, "should be read from ini file")
assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "variable in second ini file should override first ini file")
func TestConfigFileBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
if err != nil {
if c.Path != "/two" {
t.Error("Path in legacy config file should be read, got", c.Path)
assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "Variable in legacy config file should be read")
func TestConfigParseEnvironment(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
os.Setenv("COOKIE_NAME", "env_cookie_name")
c, err := NewConfig([]string{})
if err != nil {
if c.CookieName != "env_cookie_name" {
t.Error("CookieName should be read as env_cookie_name from environment, got", c.CookieName)
assert.Equal("env_cookie_name", c.CookieName, "variable should be read from environment")
func TestConfigTransformation(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
if err != nil {
if c.Path != "/_oauthpath" {
t.Error("Path should add slash to front to get /_oauthpath, got:", c.Path)
assert.Equal("/_oauthpath", c.Path, "path should add slash to front")
if c.SecretString != "verysecret" {
t.Error("SecretString should be verysecret, got:", c.SecretString)
if bytes.Compare(c.Secret, []byte("verysecret")) != 0 {
t.Error("Secret should be []byte(verysecret), got:", string(c.Secret))
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.SecretString)
assert.Equal([]byte("verysecret"), c.Secret, "secret should be converted to byte array")
if c.LifetimeString != 200 {
t.Error("LifetimeString should be 200, got:", c.LifetimeString)
if c.Lifetime != time.Second*time.Duration(200) {
t.Error("Lifetime default should be 200, got", c.Lifetime)
assert.Equal(200, c.LifetimeString)
assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(200), c.Lifetime, "lifetime should be read and converted to duration")
func TestConfigCommaSeparatedList(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
list := CommaSeparatedList{}
err := list.UnmarshalFlag("one,two")
if err != nil {
if len(list) != 2 || list[0] != "one" || list[1] != "two" {
t.Error("Expected UnmarshalFlag to provide CommaSeparatedList{one,two}, got", list)
assert.Equal(CommaSeparatedList{"one", "two"}, list, "should parse comma sepearated list")
marshal, err := list.MarshalFlag()
if err != nil {
if marshal != "one,two" {
t.Error("Expected MarshalFlag to provide \"one,two\", got", list)
assert.Equal("one,two", marshal, "should marshal back to comma sepearated list")
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ func (s *Server) AuthHandler() http.HandlerFunc {
// Forward them on
http.Redirect(w, r, GetLoginURL(r, nonce), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ import (
// TODO:
* Setup
@ -24,19 +28,18 @@ func init() {
func TestServerAuthHandler(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Should redirect vanilla request to login url
req := newHttpRequest("/foo")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "vanilla request should be redirected")
res, _ := httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 307 {
t.Error("Vanilla request should be redirected with 307, got:", res.StatusCode)
fwd, _ := res.Location()
if fwd.Scheme != "https" || fwd.Host != "accounts.google.com" || fwd.Path != "/o/oauth2/auth" {
t.Error("Vanilla request should be redirected to login url, got:", fwd)
assert.Equal("https", fwd.Scheme, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("accounts.google.com", fwd.Host, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("/o/oauth2/auth", fwd.Path, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
// Should catch invalid cookie
req = newHttpRequest("/foo")
@ -44,42 +47,33 @@ func TestServerAuthHandler(t *testing.T) {
parts := strings.Split(c.Value, "|")
c.Value = fmt.Sprintf("bad|%s|%s", parts[1], parts[2])
res, _ = httpRequest(req, c)
if res.StatusCode != 401 {
t.Error("Request with invalid cookie shound't be authorised", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "invalid cookie should not be authorised")
// Should validate email
req = newHttpRequest("/foo")
c = MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
config.Domains = []string{"test.com"}
res, _ = httpRequest(req, c)
if res.StatusCode != 401 {
t.Error("Request with invalid email shound't be authorised", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "invalid email should not be authorised")
// Should allow valid request email
req = newHttpRequest("/foo")
c = MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
config.Domains = []string{}
res, _ = httpRequest(req, c)
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
t.Error("Valid request should be allowed, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "valid request should be allowed")
// Should pass through user
users := res.Header["X-Forwarded-User"]
if len(users) != 1 {
t.Error("Valid request missing X-Forwarded-User header")
} else if users[0] != "test@example.com" {
t.Error("X-Forwarded-User should match user, got: ", users)
assert.Len(users, 1, "valid request should have X-Forwarded-User header")
assert.Equal([]string{"test@example.com"}, users, "X-Forwarded-User header should match user")
func TestServerAuthCallback(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Setup token server
@ -98,50 +92,43 @@ func TestServerAuthCallback(t *testing.T) {
// Should pass auth response request to callback
req := newHttpRequest("/_oauth")
res, _ := httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 401 {
t.Error("Auth callback without cookie shound't be authorised, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "auth callback without cookie shouldn't be authorised")
// Should catch invalid csrf cookie
req = newHttpRequest("/_oauth?state=12345678901234567890123456789012:http://redirect")
c := MakeCSRFCookie(req, "nononononononononononononononono")
res, _ = httpRequest(req, c)
if res.StatusCode != 401 {
t.Error("Auth callback with invalid cookie shound't be authorised, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "auth callback with invalid cookie shouldn't be authorised")
// Should redirect valid request
req = newHttpRequest("/_oauth?state=12345678901234567890123456789012:http://redirect")
c = MakeCSRFCookie(req, "12345678901234567890123456789012")
res, _ = httpRequest(req, c)
if res.StatusCode != 307 {
t.Error("Valid callback should be allowed, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "valid auth callback should be allowed")
fwd, _ := res.Location()
if fwd.Scheme != "http" || fwd.Host != "redirect" || fwd.Path != "" {
t.Error("Valid request should be redirected to return url, got:", fwd)
assert.Equal("http", fwd.Scheme, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
assert.Equal("redirect", fwd.Host, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
assert.Equal("", fwd.Path, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
func TestServerDefaultAction(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
req := newHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ := httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 307 {
t.Error("Request should require auth with auth default handler, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request should require auth with auth default handler")
config.DefaultAction = "allow"
req = newHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ = httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
t.Error("Request should be allowed with allow default handler, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request should be allowed with default handler")
func TestServerRoutePathPrefix(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"web1": {
@ -152,17 +139,13 @@ func TestServerRoutePathPrefix(t *testing.T) {
// Should block any request
req := newHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ := httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 307 {
t.Error("Request not matching any rule should require auth, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow /api request
req = newHttpRequest("/api")
res, _ = httpRequest(req, nil)
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
t.Error("Request matching allowed rule should be allowed, got:", res.StatusCode)
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
@ -186,7 +169,7 @@ func (t *UserServerHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func httpRequest(r *http.Request, c *http.Cookie) (*http.Response, string) {
func doHttpRequest(r *http.Request, c *http.Cookie) (*http.Response, string) {
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
// Set cookies on recorder
@ -199,7 +182,6 @@ func httpRequest(r *http.Request, c *http.Cookie) (*http.Response, string) {
r.Header.Add("Cookie", c)
NewServer().RootHandler(w, r)
res := w.Result()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user