Using this script it is possible to generate form letters from a template and an SQL query.
A template file with some placeholder variables is required and an SQL query to be executed against a MariaDB database. The column names from the query correspond to the variable names in the template.
The template is processed using the Cheetah template module, so simple variable placeholder are just the variable name prefixed with the dollar-sign.
However, all other Cheetah template language elements, like conditions, are also available.
The script will generate one output file for each row from the result of the database query.
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--query QUERY]
[--template TEMPLATE] [--outputPrefix OUTPUTPREFIX]
[--outputSuffix OUTPUTSUFFIX] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -f CONFIG
Config file, default is $pwd/serienbrief.ini
--queryFile QUERY, -q QUERY
query file, default is $pwd/serienbrief.sql
--templateFile TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE
template file, default is $pwd/serienbrief.tmpl
prefix for the output file, will be extended by an
auto increment number
suffix for the output file
--verbose, -v verbose output
Config file
The configuration file at least requires the database section. However, the options queryFile, templateFile, outputPrefix and outputSuffix can also be set using the configuration file.
host =
user = hv-serienbrief
pass = test123
name = hausverwaltung
queryFile = example.sql
templateFile = example.tmpl
outputPrefix = jahresabrechnung
outputSuffix = tex
Required modules
- mariadb
- cheetah3