This is a minimal MQTT client library in C.
It comes with an adaption layer for the ioLibrary_Driver for the WizNet chips which can be found here
You find a fork with a Makefile a STMCubeMX generated project here
Using this adaption layer you should find it easy to adjust it for other platforms.
This work is directly derived from the famous PubSubClient library of Nick O'Leary, which can be found at
It is most or less a plain C rewrite.
All honour for this working MQTT client library goes to Nick O'Leary, all blame for bugs in the C port shall go to me.
The library provides the following functions:
void mqttClientInit(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, client_t *client, callback_t callback);
Initializes the MQTT client, handover a client handle according to the definition
from platformAdaption.h
and a callback function for incoming messages.
Implement this callback function for incoming messages with this footprint:
typedef void (*callback_t)(char*, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
bool mqttConnect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
uint8_t *address, uint16_t port,
const char *id,
const char *user, const char *pass,
const char *willTopic, uint8_t willQos,
bool willRetain, const char *willMessage,
bool cleanSession);
void mqttDisconnect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
bool publish(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char *topic,
const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t plength,
bool retained);
bool subscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char *topic, uint8_t qos);
bool unsubscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char* topic);
bool mqttLoop(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
bool mqttConnected(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);