This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Hottgenroth 2023-02-26 23:27:15 +01:00
parent 3b6bbb3544
commit 4fdf873b41
Signed by: wn
GPG Key ID: 836E9E1192A6B132
2 changed files with 57 additions and 9 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
\address{Nober Grundbesitz GbR\\
Wolfgang Hottgenroth\\
Eupenstr. 20\\
45259 Essen}
\backaddress{Nober Grundbesitz GbR, Eupenstr. 20, 45259 Essen}
\backaddress{Ingenieurbüro Hottgenroth, Eupenstr. 20, 45259 Essen}
\signature{xxx} %% Hier Unterschrift einfuegen
\writer{yyy} %% Hier eigenen Namen oder Kuerzel einfuegen
\phone{0815}{1234567} %% Hier eigene Telefon einfuegen
\bottomtext{\sffamily\footnotesize Gesch"aftsf"uhrer: Wolfgang Hottgenroth, Robert Nober, Gregor Nober ---
Bankverbindung: IBAN DE14 3605 0105 0001 5130 35, Sparkasse Essen}
% \yourmail{yourmail}
% \sign{sign}
\writer{wh} %% Hier eigenen Namen oder Kuerzel einfuegen
\phone{0174}{3072474} %% Hier eigene Telefon einfuegen
Bankverbindung: IBAN DE96 3505 0105 0001 5987 62, Sparkasse Essen}
%% Hier Adresse des Empfaengers einfuegen
\begin{letter}{vorname nachname\\
@ -29,6 +32,48 @@ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
\hline \bf{Nr.} & \bf{Datum} & \bf{Gegenstand} & \bf{Anz.} & \bf{Einzel} & \bf{Summe} \\ \hline \hline
\hline \bf{Nr.} & \bf{Datum} & \bf{Gegenstand} & \bf{Anz.} & \bf{Einzel} & \bf{Summe} \\ \hline \hline
\hline \hline
\multicolumn{4}{| p{10cm} |}{Zwischensumme} & & \hfill 1 \euro{}\\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{| p{10cm} |}{MwSt.} & 19 \% & \hfill 2 \euro{}\\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{| p{10cm} |}{\bf{Summe}} & & \hfill \bf{3 \euro{}}\\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\tt{1} & \tt{2} & \tt{3} & \hfill \tt{4} & \hfill \tt{5 \euro{}} & \hfill \tt{6 \euro{}} \\ \hline
\closing{Mit freundlichen Gr"u"sen}
% \encl{encl}