892 B
892 B
- for Ubuntu (since Debian is not available in Oracle-Cloud):
- install libnghttp2-dev to build, libnghttp2-14 to run
- install libssl-dev to build, libssl1.1 to run
- install libevent-dev to build, libevent-2.1-7 to run
- install libexpat1-dev to build, libexpat1 to run
- clone unbound or download and unpack the tarball
./configure --with-libnghttp2 --with-libevent --prefix /opt/unbound --sysconfdir /etc/unbound
make && make install
- download the root.hints file with
curl https://www.internic.net/domain/named.root > /etc/unbound/root.hints
- create the initial trust key:
unbound-anchor -a /etc/unbound/root.key
- create the initial Let's Encrypt certificate using
certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http -d <yourdomain>
, put key and certificate into/etc/unbound
- run the script
once a month (e.g. from cron)