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Digital twin for Beckhoff BK-9000 Modbus-TCP coupler (and compatible Wago device)
This tool connects to a Modbus-TCP coupler, reads it process image and publishes
- the new state of a discrete input register (digital input) after a change
- the new value of an input register (analog input) after a change
- periodically publishes the current values of all input registers (analog inputs)
using MQTT messages. The topic is built from a configured prefix and the index of the particular registers.
Furthermore it subscribes to MQTT messages related to the coils for the setup and anytime a message is received, it set the particular coils accordingly.
Configuration is done using a configuration file
client =
scanrate = 0.25
broker =
digitalOutputTopicPrefix = dt1/coil
digitalInputTopicPrefix = dt1/di
analogInputEventTopicPrefix = dt1/ai/event
analogInputPeriodicTopicPrefix = dt1/ai/periodic
analogInputPublishPeriod = 10.0
disableAnalogInputEventPublishing = true
Operation details
While the input and discrete input registers are scanned with the configured scanrate, an action on a coil according to a received message is issued immediately. At the same time the all input registers are scanned.
Using a configuration option it is possible to disable the publishing of analog change event - if only periodic information (like for a thermometer or so) is required.
The MQTT messages related to change events of input or discrete input registers are marked as //retained//.
The tool is simply started using
python digitaltwin1.py
On default it searches the configuration file at $PWD/config
. This can be changed using the commandline argument -f
The Python modules pymodbus
, loguru
and paho-mqtt
are required.
A docker image with the required dependencies, the tool and a prepared default configuration in a volume is provided at registry.hottis.de/wolutator/digitaltwin1