2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00

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commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, [options]) ⇒ object

Returns an object containing all option values set on the command line. By default it parses the global process.argv array.

Parsing is strict by default - an exception is thrown if the user sets a singular option more than once or sets an unknown value or option (one without a valid definition). To be more permissive, enabling partial or stopAtFirstUnknown modes will return known options in the usual manner while collecting unknown arguments in a separate _unknown property.

Kind: Exported function

  • UNKNOWN_OPTION If options.partial is false and the user set an undefined option. The err.optionName property contains the arg that specified an unknown option, e.g. --one.
  • UNKNOWN_VALUE If options.partial is false and the user set a value unaccounted for by an option definition. The err.value property contains the unknown value, e.g. 5.
  • ALREADY_SET If a user sets a singular, non-multiple option more than once. The err.optionName property contains the option name that has already been set, e.g. one.
    • If an option definition is missing the required name property
    • If an option definition has a type value that's not a function
    • If an alias is numeric, a hyphen or a length other than 1
    • If an option definition name was used more than once
    • If an option definition alias was used more than once
    • If more than one option definition has defaultOption: true
    • If a Boolean option is also set as the defaultOption.
Param Type Description
optionDefinitions Array.<module:definition> An array of OptionDefinition objects
[options] object Options.
[options.argv] Array.<string> An array of strings which, if present will be parsed instead of process.argv.
[options.partial] boolean If true, an array of unknown arguments is returned in the _unknown property of the output.
[options.stopAtFirstUnknown] boolean If true, parsing will stop at the first unknown argument and the remaining arguments returned in _unknown. When set, partial: true is also implied.
[options.camelCase] boolean If true, options with hypenated names (e.g. move-to) will be returned in camel-case (e.g. moveTo).