246 lines
7.1 KiB
246 lines
7.1 KiB
#ifndef DallasTemperature_h
#define DallasTemperature_h
#define DALLASTEMPLIBVERSION "3.7.7" // To be deprecated
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// set to true to include code for new and delete operators
#define REQUIRESNEW false
// set to true to include code implementing alarm search functions
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
// Model IDs
#define DS18S20MODEL 0x10 // also DS1820
#define DS18B20MODEL 0x28
#define DS1822MODEL 0x22
#define DS1825MODEL 0x3B
#define DS28EA00MODEL 0x42
// Error Codes
typedef uint8_t DeviceAddress[8];
class DallasTemperature
void setOneWire(OneWire*);
// initialise bus
void begin(void);
// returns the number of devices found on the bus
uint8_t getDeviceCount(void);
// returns true if address is valid
bool validAddress(const uint8_t*);
// returns true if address is of the family of sensors the lib supports.
bool validFamily(const uint8_t* deviceAddress);
// finds an address at a given index on the bus
bool getAddress(uint8_t*, uint8_t);
// attempt to determine if the device at the given address is connected to the bus
bool isConnected(const uint8_t*);
// attempt to determine if the device at the given address is connected to the bus
// also allows for updating the read scratchpad
bool isConnected(const uint8_t*, uint8_t*);
// read device's scratchpad
bool readScratchPad(const uint8_t*, uint8_t*);
// write device's scratchpad
void writeScratchPad(const uint8_t*, const uint8_t*);
// read device's power requirements
bool readPowerSupply(const uint8_t*);
// get global resolution
uint8_t getResolution();
// set global resolution to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
void setResolution(uint8_t);
// returns the device resolution: 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
uint8_t getResolution(const uint8_t*);
// set resolution of a device to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
bool setResolution(const uint8_t*, uint8_t, bool skipGlobalBitResolutionCalculation = false);
// sets/gets the waitForConversion flag
void setWaitForConversion(bool);
bool getWaitForConversion(void);
// sets/gets the checkForConversion flag
void setCheckForConversion(bool);
bool getCheckForConversion(void);
// sends command for all devices on the bus to perform a temperature conversion
void requestTemperatures(void);
// sends command for one device to perform a temperature conversion by address
bool requestTemperaturesByAddress(const uint8_t*);
// sends command for one device to perform a temperature conversion by index
bool requestTemperaturesByIndex(uint8_t);
// returns temperature raw value (12 bit integer of 1/128 degrees C)
int16_t getTemp(const uint8_t*);
// returns temperature in degrees C
float getTempC(const uint8_t*);
// returns temperature in degrees F
float getTempF(const uint8_t*);
// Get temperature for device index (slow)
float getTempCByIndex(uint8_t);
// Get temperature for device index (slow)
float getTempFByIndex(uint8_t);
// returns true if the bus requires parasite power
bool isParasitePowerMode(void);
// Is a conversion complete on the wire?
bool isConversionComplete(void);
int16_t millisToWaitForConversion(uint8_t);
typedef void AlarmHandler(const uint8_t*);
// sets the high alarm temperature for a device
// accepts a char. valid range is -55C - 125C
void setHighAlarmTemp(const uint8_t*, char);
// sets the low alarm temperature for a device
// accepts a char. valid range is -55C - 125C
void setLowAlarmTemp(const uint8_t*, char);
// returns a signed char with the current high alarm temperature for a device
// in the range -55C - 125C
char getHighAlarmTemp(const uint8_t*);
// returns a signed char with the current low alarm temperature for a device
// in the range -55C - 125C
char getLowAlarmTemp(const uint8_t*);
// resets internal variables used for the alarm search
void resetAlarmSearch(void);
// search the wire for devices with active alarms
bool alarmSearch(uint8_t*);
// returns true if ia specific device has an alarm
bool hasAlarm(const uint8_t*);
// returns true if any device is reporting an alarm on the bus
bool hasAlarm(void);
// runs the alarm handler for all devices returned by alarmSearch()
void processAlarms(void);
// sets the alarm handler
void setAlarmHandler(const AlarmHandler *);
// The default alarm handler
static void defaultAlarmHandler(const uint8_t*);
// if no alarm handler is used the two bytes can be used as user data
// example of such usage is an ID.
// note if device is not connected it will fail writing the data.
// note if address cannot be found no error will be reported.
// in short use carefully
void setUserData(const uint8_t*, int16_t );
void setUserDataByIndex(uint8_t, int16_t );
int16_t getUserData(const uint8_t* );
int16_t getUserDataByIndex(uint8_t );
// convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
static float toFahrenheit(float);
// convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
static float toCelsius(float);
// convert from raw to Celsius
static float rawToCelsius(int16_t);
// convert from raw to Fahrenheit
static float rawToFahrenheit(int16_t);
// initialize memory area
void* operator new (unsigned int);
// delete memory reference
void operator delete(void*);
typedef uint8_t ScratchPad[9];
// parasite power on or off
bool parasite;
// used to determine the delay amount needed to allow for the
// temperature conversion to take place
uint8_t bitResolution;
// used to requestTemperature with or without delay
bool waitForConversion;
// used to requestTemperature to dynamically check if a conversion is complete
bool checkForConversion;
// count of devices on the bus
uint8_t devices;
// Take a pointer to one wire instance
OneWire* _wire;
// reads scratchpad and returns the raw temperature
int16_t calculateTemperature(const uint8_t*, uint8_t*);
void blockTillConversionComplete(uint8_t);
// required for alarmSearch
uint8_t alarmSearchAddress[8];
char alarmSearchJunction;
uint8_t alarmSearchExhausted;
// the alarm handler function pointer
AlarmHandler *_AlarmHandler;