adjust directory structure

This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Hottgenroth 2019-11-18 16:00:04 +01:00
parent f0672d3d72
commit ff595af755
9 changed files with 0 additions and 292 deletions

View File

@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "configuration.h"
tConfigBlock configBlock;
const uint32_t MAGIC = 0xC0DE0006;
extern ESP8266WebServer webServer;
bool configSaved = false;
void configServeIndex() {
bool configValid = (configBlock.magic == MAGIC);
if (! configValid) {
strcpy(configBlock.wifiSsid, "TV_WLAN");
strcpy(configBlock.wifiKey, "ioweishauhodohtheexairiedaihohbiethiihahchietoovieziajuboneecai");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttBroker, "");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttUser, "esp2");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttPass, "geheim");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttClientId, "Kitchen");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttTopic, "IoT/espThermometer2/measurement");
configBlock.mqttPort = 8883;
configBlock.measurePeriod = 300;
String buffer =
"<!doctype html"
"<html lang=\"en\">"
" <head>"
" <title>ESP8266 Thermometer Configuration Page</title>"
" </head>"
" <body>"
" <h1>ESP8266 Configuration Page</h1>";
if (configSaved) {
configSaved = false;
buffer += "<h2>Configuration saved</h2>";
buffer +=
" <form action=\"/config\" method=\"GET\">"
" <table>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"wifiSsid\">Wifi SSID</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"wifiSsid\" id=\"wifiSsid\" ";
buffer += " size=\"32\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.wifiSsid;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"wifiKey\">Wifi Key</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"wifiKey\" id=\"wifiKey\" ";
buffer += " size=\"64\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.wifiKey;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttBroker\">MQTT Broker</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttBroker\" id=\"mqttBroker\" ";
buffer += " size=\"64\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttBroker;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttUser\">MQTT Username</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttUser\" id=\"mqttUser\" ";
buffer += " size=\"32\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttUser;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttPass\">MQTT Password</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttPass\" id=\"mqttPass\" ";
buffer += " size=\"32\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttPass;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttClientId\">MQTT ClientId</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttClientId\" id=\"mqttClientId\" ";
buffer += " size=\"32\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttClientId;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttTopic\">MQTT Topic</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttTopic\" id=\"mqttTopic\" ";
buffer += " size=\"64\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttTopic;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"mqttPort\">MQTT Port</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"mqttPort\" id=\"mqttPort\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.mqttPort;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td>"
" <label for\"measurePeriod\">Measure Period</label>"
" </td><td>"
" <input type=\"text\" name=\"measurePeriod\" id=\"measurePeriod\" ";
buffer += " value=\"";
buffer += configBlock.measurePeriod;
buffer += "\"";
buffer +=
" />"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" <tr>"
" <td colspan=\"2\">"
" <button type=\"submit\">Save</button>"
" </td>"
" </tr>"
" </table>"
" </form>"
" </body>"
webServer.send(200, "text/html", buffer);
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println("indexHtml request served");
void configServeGetConfiguration() {
String arg;
arg = webServer.arg("wifiSsid");
strcpy(configBlock.wifiSsid, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("wifiKey");
strcpy(configBlock.wifiKey, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttBroker");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttBroker, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttUser");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttUser, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttPass");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttPass, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttClientId");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttClientId, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttTopic");
strcpy(configBlock.mqttTopic, arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("mqttPort");
configBlock.mqttPort = atoi(arg.c_str());
arg = webServer.arg("measurePeriod");
configBlock.measurePeriod = atoi(arg.c_str());
configBlock.magic = MAGIC;
EEPROM.put(EEPROM_ADDR, configBlock);
Serial.println("EEPROM saved");
configSaved = true;
webServer.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
webServer.send(302, "text/plain", "");
//webServer.send(200, "text/html", "configuration saved");
void showConfiguration() {
Serial.println("Configuration is");
Serial.print("magic = ");
Serial.print("wifiSsid = ");
Serial.print("wifiKey = ");
Serial.print("mqttBroker = ");
Serial.print("mqttUser = ");
Serial.print("mqttPass = ");
Serial.print("mqttClientId = ");
Serial.print("mqttTopic = ");
Serial.print("mqttPort = ");
Serial.print("measurePeriod = ");

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
typedef struct {
uint32_t magic;
char wifiSsid[32];
char wifiKey[64];
char mqttBroker[64];
char mqttUser[32];
char mqttPass[32];
char mqttClientId[32];
char mqttTopic[64];
uint32_t mqttPort;
uint32_t measurePeriod;
} tConfigBlock;
extern const uint32_t MAGIC;
extern tConfigBlock configBlock;
void configServeIndex();
void configServeGetConfiguration();
void showConfiguration();