create or replace view pv_power_v as select time, cast(values->'PowerActive'->>'value' as float) as power, values->'Status'->>'status' as status, device from measurements where application = 'PV'; create or replace view pv_total_import_v as select time, cast(values->'Power'->>'value' as float) as power, device from measurements where application = 'Power' and device = 'Total' and attributes->>'Status' = 'Ok'; create or replace view power_v as select time, cast(values->'Power'->>'value' as float) as power, device from measurements where application = 'Power' and attributes->>'Status' = 'Ok'; create or replace view temperature_heating_v as select time, cast(values->'Value'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application = 'Temperature Heating'; create or replace view gas_v as select time, cast(values->'Volume'->>'value' as float) as volume, device from measurements where application = 'Gas' and attributes->>'Status' = 'Ok'; create or replace view temperature_v as select time, cast(values->'Value'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application in ('Temperature Multisensor', 'Temperature Shelly Plus HT') union select time, cast(values->'Temperature'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application = 'Zigbee2MQTT Hottis Eupenstr.' and attributes->>'DeviceModel' in ('WSDCGQ11LM', 'WSDCGQ01LM'); create or replace view temperature2_v as select time, cast(values->'Value'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application = 'Temperature Wago'; create or replace view humidity_v as select time, cast(values->'Value'->>'value' as float) as humidity, device from measurements where application in ('Humidity Multisensor') union select time, cast(values->'Humidity'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application = 'Zigbee2MQTT Hottis Eupenstr.' and attributes->>'DeviceModel' in ('WSDCGQ11LM', 'WSDCGQ01LM'); create or replace view soil_v as select time, cast(values->'Water'->>'value' as float) as water, cast(values->'Conductance'->>'value' as float) as conductance, cast(values->'Temperature'->>'value' as float) as temperature, device from measurements where application = 'de-hottis-app01' and attributes->>'DeviceType' = 'dragino-lse01'; create or replace view co2_v as select time, cast(m.values->'CO2concentration'->>'value' as float) as co2concentration, cast(m.values->'Humidity'->>'value' as float) as humidity, cast(m.values->'Temperature'->>'value' as float) as temperature, cast(m.values->'Brightness'->>'value' as int) as brightness, m.device as device, d.attributes->>'Label' as label from measurements m, devices d where m.application = 'de-hottis-app01' and m.attributes->>'DeviceType' = 'hottis-scd30' and m.device = d.label; create or replace view locative_v as select time, device as person, values->'Location'->>'value' as location, values->'Trigger'->>'value' as direction from measurements where application = 'Locative'; create or replace view router_v as select time, device, cast(values->'wan-in'->>'value' as int) as wanInOctetsPerSeconds, cast(values->'wan-out'->>'value' as int) as wanOutOctetsPerSeconds from measurements where application = 'SNMP' and device = '';