379 lines
11 KiB
379 lines
11 KiB
package tfa
import (
// TODO:
* Setup
func init() {
config.LogLevel = "panic"
log = NewDefaultLogger()
* Tests
func TestServerAuthHandlerInvalid(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Should redirect vanilla request to login url
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/foo")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "vanilla request should be redirected")
fwd, _ := res.Location()
assert.Equal("https", fwd.Scheme, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("accounts.google.com", fwd.Host, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("/o/oauth2/auth", fwd.Path, "vanilla request should be redirected to google")
// Should catch invalid cookie
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/foo")
c := MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
parts := strings.Split(c.Value, "|")
c.Value = fmt.Sprintf("bad|%s|%s", parts[1], parts[2])
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "invalid cookie should not be authorised")
// Should validate email
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/foo")
c = MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
config.Domains = []string{"test.com"}
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "invalid email should not be authorised")
func TestServerAuthHandlerExpired(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Lifetime = time.Second * time.Duration(-1)
config.Domains = []string{"test.com"}
// Should redirect expired cookie
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/foo")
c := MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request with expired cookie should be redirected")
// Check for CSRF cookie
var cookie *http.Cookie
for _, c := range res.Cookies() {
if c.Name == config.CSRFCookieName {
cookie = c
// Check redirection location
fwd, _ := res.Location()
assert.Equal("https", fwd.Scheme, "request with expired cookie should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("accounts.google.com", fwd.Host, "request with expired cookie should be redirected to google")
assert.Equal("/o/oauth2/auth", fwd.Path, "request with expired cookie should be redirected to google")
func TestServerAuthHandlerValid(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Should allow valid request email
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/foo")
c := MakeCookie(req, "test@example.com")
config.Domains = []string{}
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "valid request should be allowed")
// Should pass through user
users := res.Header["X-Forwarded-User"]
assert.Len(users, 1, "valid request should have X-Forwarded-User header")
assert.Equal([]string{"test@example.com"}, users, "X-Forwarded-User header should match user")
func TestServerAuthCallback(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
// Setup token server
tokenServerHandler := &TokenServerHandler{}
tokenServer := httptest.NewServer(tokenServerHandler)
defer tokenServer.Close()
tokenUrl, _ := url.Parse(tokenServer.URL)
config.Providers.Google.TokenURL = tokenUrl
// Setup user server
userServerHandler := &UserServerHandler{}
userServer := httptest.NewServer(userServerHandler)
defer userServer.Close()
userUrl, _ := url.Parse(userServer.URL)
config.Providers.Google.UserURL = userUrl
// Should pass auth response request to callback
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/_oauth")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "auth callback without cookie shouldn't be authorised")
// Should catch invalid csrf cookie
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/_oauth?state=12345678901234567890123456789012:http://redirect")
c := MakeCSRFCookie(req, "nononononononononononononononono")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(401, res.StatusCode, "auth callback with invalid cookie shouldn't be authorised")
// Should redirect valid request
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/_oauth?state=12345678901234567890123456789012:http://redirect")
c = MakeCSRFCookie(req, "12345678901234567890123456789012")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, c)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "valid auth callback should be allowed")
fwd, _ := res.Location()
assert.Equal("http", fwd.Scheme, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
assert.Equal("redirect", fwd.Host, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
assert.Equal("", fwd.Path, "valid request should be redirected to return url")
func TestServerDefaultAction(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request should require auth with auth default handler")
config.DefaultAction = "allow"
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request should be allowed with default handler")
func TestServerRouteHeaders(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "Headers(`X-Test`, `test123`)",
"2": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "HeadersRegexp(`X-Test`, `test(456|789)`)",
// Should block any request
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/random")
req.Header.Add("X-Random", "hello")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow matching
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/api")
req.Header.Add("X-Test", "test123")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
// Should allow matching
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/api")
req.Header.Add("X-Test", "test789")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
func TestServerRouteHost(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "Host(`api.example.com`)",
"2": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "HostRegexp(`sub{num:[0-9]}.example.com`)",
// Should block any request
req := newHttpRequest("GET", "https://example.com/", "/")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow matching request
req = newHttpRequest("GET", "https://api.example.com/", "/")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
// Should allow matching request
req = newHttpRequest("GET", "https://sub8.example.com/", "/")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
func TestServerRouteMethod(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "Method(`PUT`)",
// Should block any request
req := newHttpRequest("GET", "https://example.com/", "/")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow matching request
req = newHttpRequest("PUT", "https://example.com/", "/")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
func TestServerRoutePath(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "Path(`/api`)",
"2": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "PathPrefix(`/private`)",
// Should block any request
req := newDefaultHttpRequest("/random")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow /api request
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/api")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
// Should allow /private request
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/private")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
req = newDefaultHttpRequest("/private/path")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
func TestServerRouteQuery(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
config, _ = NewConfig([]string{})
config.Rules = map[string]*Rule{
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "Query(`q=test123`)",
// Should block any request
req := newHttpRequest("GET", "https://example.com/", "/?q=no")
res, _ := doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(307, res.StatusCode, "request not matching any rule should require auth")
// Should allow matching request
req = newHttpRequest("GET", "https://api.example.com/", "/?q=test123")
res, _ = doHttpRequest(req, nil)
assert.Equal(200, res.StatusCode, "request matching allow rule should be allowed")
* Utilities
type TokenServerHandler struct{}
func (t *TokenServerHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, `{"access_token":"123456789"}`)
type UserServerHandler struct{}
func (t *UserServerHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, `{
func doHttpRequest(r *http.Request, c *http.Cookie) (*http.Response, string) {
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
// Set cookies on recorder
if c != nil {
http.SetCookie(w, c)
// Copy into request
for _, c := range w.HeaderMap["Set-Cookie"] {
r.Header.Add("Cookie", c)
NewServer().RootHandler(w, r)
res := w.Result()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
// if res.StatusCode > 300 && res.StatusCode < 400 {
// fmt.Printf("%#v", res.Header)
// }
return res, string(body)
func newDefaultHttpRequest(uri string) *http.Request {
return newHttpRequest("", "http://example.com/", uri)
func newHttpRequest(method, dest, uri string) *http.Request {
r := httptest.NewRequest("", "http://should-use-x-forwarded.com", nil)
p, _ := url.Parse(dest)
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-Method", method)
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-Host", p.Host)
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-Uri", uri)
return r
func qsDiff(t *testing.T, one, two url.Values) []string {
errs := make([]string, 0)
for k := range one {
if two.Get(k) == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Key missing: %s", k))
if one.Get(k) != two.Get(k) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Value different for %s: expected: '%s' got: '%s'", k, one.Get(k), two.Get(k)))
for k := range two {
if one.Get(k) == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("Extra key: %s", k))
return errs