2019-05-07 19:17:42 +01:00

309 lines
9.4 KiB

package tfa
import (
var config Config
type Config struct {
LogLevel string `long:"log-level" env:"LOG_LEVEL" default:"warn" choice:"trace" choice:"debug" choice:"info" choice:"warn" choice:"error" choice:"fatal" choice:"panic" description:"Log level"`
LogFormat string `long:"log-format" env:"LOG_FORMAT" default:"text" choice:"text" choice:"json" choice:"pretty" description:"Log format"`
AuthHost string `long:"auth-host" env:"AUTH_HOST" description:"Single host to use when returning from 3rd party auth"`
Config func(s string) error `long:"config" env:"CONFIG" description:"Path to config file" json:"-"`
CookieDomains []CookieDomain `long:"cookie-domain" env:"COOKIE_DOMAIN" description:"Domain to set auth cookie on, can be set multiple times"`
InsecureCookie bool `long:"insecure-cookie" env:"INSECURE_COOKIE" description:"Use insecure cookies"`
CookieName string `long:"cookie-name" env:"COOKIE_NAME" default:"_forward_auth" description:"Cookie Name"`
CSRFCookieName string `long:"csrf-cookie-name" env:"CSRF_COOKIE_NAME" default:"_forward_auth_csrf" description:"CSRF Cookie Name"`
DefaultAction string `long:"default-action" env:"DEFAULT_ACTION" default:"auth" choice:"auth" choice:"allow" description:"Default action"`
Domains []string `long:"domain" env:"DOMAIN" description:"Only allow given email domains, can be set multiple times"`
LifetimeString int `long:"lifetime" env:"LIFETIME" default:"43200" description:"Lifetime in seconds"`
Path string `long:"url-path" env:"URL_PATH" default:"/_oauth" description:"Callback URL Path"`
SecretString string `long:"secret" env:"SECRET" description:"Secret used for signing (required)" json:"-"`
Whitelist CommaSeparatedList `long:"whitelist" env:"WHITELIST" description:"Only allow given email addresses, can be set multiple times"`
Providers provider.Providers `group:"providers" namespace:"providers" env-namespace:"PROVIDERS"`
Rules map[string]*Rule `long:"rules.<name>.<param>" description:"Rule definitions, param can be: \"action\" or \"rule\""`
// Filled during transformations
Secret []byte `json:"-"`
Lifetime time.Duration
// Legacy
CookieDomainsLegacy CookieDomains `long:"cookie-domains" env:"COOKIE_DOMAINS" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"cookie-domain\""`
CookieSecretLegacy string `long:"cookie-secret" env:"COOKIE_SECRET" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"secret\"" json:"-"`
CookieSecureLegacy string `long:"cookie-secure" env:"COOKIE_SECURE" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"insecure-cookie\""`
DomainsLegacy CommaSeparatedList `long:"domains" env:"DOMAINS" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"domain\""`
ClientIdLegacy string `long:"client-id" env:"CLIENT_ID" group:"DEPs" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"providers.google.client-id\""`
ClientSecretLegacy string `long:"client-secret" env:"CLIENT_SECRET" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"providers.google.client-id\"" json:"-"`
PromptLegacy string `long:"prompt" env:"PROMPT" description:"DEPRECATED - Use \"providers.google.prompt\""`
func NewGlobalConfig() Config {
var err error
config, err = NewConfig(os.Args[1:])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err)
return config
func NewConfig(args []string) (Config, error) {
c := Config{
Rules: map[string]*Rule{},
Providers: provider.Providers{
Google: provider.Google{
Scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email",
LoginURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "accounts.google.com",
Path: "/o/oauth2/auth",
TokenURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "www.googleapis.com",
Path: "/oauth2/v3/token",
UserURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "www.googleapis.com",
Path: "/oauth2/v2/userinfo",
err := c.parseFlags(args)
if err != nil {
return c, err
// TODO: as log flags have now been parsed maybe we should return here so
// any further errors can be logged via logrus instead of printed?
// Backwards compatability
if c.CookieSecretLegacy != "" && c.SecretString == "" {
fmt.Println("cookie-secret config option is deprecated, please use secret")
c.SecretString = c.CookieSecretLegacy
if c.ClientIdLegacy != "" {
c.Providers.Google.ClientId = c.ClientIdLegacy
if c.ClientSecretLegacy != "" {
c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret = c.ClientSecretLegacy
if c.PromptLegacy != "" {
fmt.Println("prompt config option is deprecated, please use providers.google.prompt")
c.Providers.Google.Prompt = c.PromptLegacy
if c.CookieSecureLegacy != "" {
fmt.Println("cookie-secure config option is deprecated, please use insecure-cookie")
secure, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.CookieSecureLegacy)
if err != nil {
return c, err
c.InsecureCookie = !secure
if len(c.CookieDomainsLegacy) > 0 {
fmt.Println("cookie-domains config option is deprecated, please use cookie-domain")
c.CookieDomains = append(c.CookieDomains, c.CookieDomainsLegacy...)
if len(c.DomainsLegacy) > 0 {
fmt.Println("domains config option is deprecated, please use domain")
c.Domains = append(c.Domains, c.DomainsLegacy...)
// Transformations
if len(c.Path) > 0 && c.Path[0] != '/' {
c.Path = "/" + c.Path
c.Secret = []byte(c.SecretString)
c.Lifetime = time.Second * time.Duration(c.LifetimeString)
return c, nil
func (c *Config) parseFlags(args []string) error {
p := flags.NewParser(c, flags.Default | flags.IniUnknownOptionHandler)
p.UnknownOptionHandler = c.parseUnknownFlag
i := flags.NewIniParser(p)
c.Config = func(s string) error {
// Try parsing at as an ini
err := i.ParseFile(s)
// If it fails with a syntax error, try converting legacy to ini
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "malformed key=value") {
converted, convertErr := convertLegacyToIni(s)
if convertErr != nil {
// If conversion fails, return the original error
return err
fmt.Println("config format deprecated, please use ini format")
return i.Parse(converted)
return err
_, err := p.ParseArgs(args)
if err != nil {
return handlFlagError(err)
return nil
func (c *Config) parseUnknownFlag(option string, arg flags.SplitArgument, args []string) ([]string, error) {
// Parse rules in the format "rule.<name>.<param>"
parts := strings.Split(option, ".")
if len(parts) == 3 && parts[0] == "rule" {
// Get or create rule
rule, ok := c.Rules[parts[1]]
if !ok {
rule = NewRule()
c.Rules[parts[1]] = rule
// Get value, or pop the next arg
val, ok := arg.Value()
if !ok {
val = args[0]
args = args[1:]
// Check value
if len(val) == 0 {
return args, errors.New("route param value is required")
// Unquote if required
if val[0] == '"' {
var err error
val, err = strconv.Unquote(val)
if err != nil {
return args, err
// Add param value to rule
switch parts[2] {
case "action":
rule.Action = val
case "rule":
rule.Rule = val
case "provider":
rule.Provider = val
return args, fmt.Errorf("inavlid route param: %v", option)
} else {
return args, fmt.Errorf("unknown flag: %v", option)
return args, nil
func handlFlagError(err error) error {
flagsErr, ok := err.(*flags.Error)
if ok && flagsErr.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
// Library has just printed cli help
return err
var legacyFileFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^([a-z-]+) (.*)$`)
func convertLegacyToIni(name string) (io.Reader, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes.NewReader(legacyFileFormat.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("$1=$2"))), nil
func (c *Config) Validate() {
// Check for show stopper errors
if len(c.Secret) == 0 {
log.Fatal("\"secret\" option must be set.")
if c.Providers.Google.ClientId == "" || c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret == "" {
log.Fatal("google.providers.client-id, google.providers.client-secret must be set")
// Check rules
for _, rule := range c.Rules {
func (c Config) String() string {
jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(c)
return string(jsonConf)
type Rule struct {
Action string
Rule string
Provider string
func NewRule() *Rule {
return &Rule{
Action: "auth",
Provider: "google", // TODO: Use default provider
func (r *Rule) formattedRule() string {
// Traefik implements their own "Host" matcher and then offers "HostRegexp"
// to invoke the mux "Host" matcher. This ensures the mux version is used
return strings.ReplaceAll(r.Rule, "Host(", "HostRegexp(")
func (r *Rule) Validate() {
if r.Action != "auth" && r.Action != "allow" {
log.Fatal("invalid rule action, must be \"auth\" or \"allow\"")
// TODO: Update with more provider support
if r.Provider != "google" {
log.Fatal("invalid rule provider, must be \"google\"")
// Legacy support for comma separated lists
type CommaSeparatedList []string
func (c *CommaSeparatedList) UnmarshalFlag(value string) error {
*c = append(*c, strings.Split(value, ",")...)
return nil
func (c *CommaSeparatedList) MarshalFlag() (string, error) {
return strings.Join(*c, ","), nil