The previous behaviour would ignore domains if the whitelist parameter was provided, however if both parameters are provided then matching either is more likely the intent.
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404 lines
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package tfa
import (
// "fmt"
* Tests
func TestConfigDefaults(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{})
assert.Equal("warn", c.LogLevel)
assert.Equal("text", c.LogFormat)
assert.Equal("", c.AuthHost)
assert.Len(c.CookieDomains, 0)
assert.Equal("_forward_auth", c.CookieName)
assert.Equal("_forward_auth_csrf", c.CSRFCookieName)
assert.Equal("auth", c.DefaultAction)
assert.Equal("google", c.DefaultProvider)
assert.Len(c.Domains, 0)
assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(43200), c.Lifetime)
assert.Equal("", c.LogoutRedirect)
assert.Equal("/_oauth", c.Path)
assert.Len(c.Whitelist, 0)
assert.Equal("select_account", c.Providers.Google.Prompt)
func TestConfigParseArgs(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
"--csrf-cookie-name", "\"csrfcookiename\"",
"--default-provider", "\"oidc\"",
"--rule.two.rule=\"Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)\"",
require.Nil(t, err)
// Check normal flags
assert.Equal("cookiename", c.CookieName)
assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName)
assert.Equal("oidc", c.DefaultProvider)
// Check rules
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "PathPrefix(`/one`)",
Provider: "oidc",
"two": {
Action: "auth",
Rule: "Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)",
Provider: "oidc",
}, c.Rules)
func TestConfigParseUnknownFlags(t *testing.T) {
_, err := NewConfig([]string{
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Equal(t, "unknown flag: unknown", err.Error())
func TestConfigParseRuleError(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// Rule without name
_, err := NewConfig([]string{
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("route name is required", err.Error())
// Rule without value
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("route param value is required", err.Error())
// Check rules
assert.Equal(map[string]*Rule{}, c.Rules)
func TestConfigFlagBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
require.Nil(t, err)
// The following used to be passed as comma separated list
expected1 := []CookieDomain{
assert.Equal(expected1, c.CookieDomains, "should read legacy comma separated list cookie-domains")
expected2 := CommaSeparatedList{"test2.com", "example.org", "another2.net"}
assert.Equal(expected2, c.Domains, "should read legacy comma separated list domains")
expected3 := CommaSeparatedList{"test3.com", "example.org", "another3.net"}
assert.Equal(expected3, c.Whitelist, "should read legacy comma separated list whitelist")
// Name changed
assert.Equal([]byte("veryverysecret"), c.Secret)
// Google provider params used to be top level
assert.Equal("clientid", c.ClientIdLegacy)
assert.Equal("clientid", c.Providers.Google.ClientID, "--client-id should set providers.google.client-id")
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.ClientSecretLegacy)
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret, "--client-secret should set providers.google.client-secret")
assert.Equal("prompt", c.PromptLegacy)
assert.Equal("prompt", c.Providers.Google.Prompt, "--prompt should set providers.google.promot")
// "cookie-secure" used to be a standard go bool flag that could take
// true, TRUE, 1, false, FALSE, 0 etc. values.
// Here we're checking that format is still suppoted
assert.Equal("false", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.True(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=false should set insecure-cookie true")
c, err = NewConfig([]string{"--cookie-secure=TRUE"})
assert.Equal("TRUE", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.False(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=TRUE should set insecure-cookie false")
func TestConfigParseIni(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal("inicookiename", c.CookieName, "should be read from ini file")
assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName, "should be read from ini file")
assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "variable in second ini file should override first ini file")
"1": {
Action: "allow",
Rule: "PathPrefix(`/one`)",
Provider: "google",
"two": {
Action: "auth",
Rule: "Host(`two.com`) && Path(`/two`)",
Provider: "google",
}, c.Rules)
func TestConfigFileBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "variable in legacy config file should be read")
assert.Equal("auth.legacy.com", c.AuthHost, "variable in legacy config file should be read")
func TestConfigParseEnvironment(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
os.Setenv("COOKIE_NAME", "env_cookie_name")
os.Setenv("PROVIDERS_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID", "env_client_id")
os.Setenv("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "test1.com,example.org")
os.Setenv("DOMAIN", "test2.com,example.org")
os.Setenv("WHITELIST", "test3.com,example.org")
c, err := NewConfig([]string{})
assert.Equal("env_cookie_name", c.CookieName, "variable should be read from environment")
assert.Equal("env_client_id", c.Providers.Google.ClientID, "namespace variable should be read from environment")
}, c.CookieDomains, "array variable should be read from environment COOKIE_DOMAIN")
assert.Equal(CommaSeparatedList{"test2.com", "example.org"}, c.Domains, "array variable should be read from environment DOMAIN")
assert.Equal(CommaSeparatedList{"test3.com", "example.org"}, c.Whitelist, "array variable should be read from environment WHITELIST")
func TestConfigParseEnvironmentBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
vars := map[string]string{
"CLIENT_ID": "clientid",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "verysecret",
"PROMPT": "prompt",
"COOKIE_SECRET": "veryverysecret",
"LIFETIME": "200",
"COOKIE_SECURE": "false",
"COOKIE_DOMAINS": "test1.com,example.org",
"COOKIE_DOMAIN": "another1.net",
"DOMAIN": "test2.com,example.org",
"WHITELIST": "test3.com,example.org",
for k, v := range vars {
os.Setenv(k, v)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{})
require.Nil(t, err)
// The following used to be passed as comma separated list
expected1 := []CookieDomain{
assert.Equal(expected1, c.CookieDomains, "should read legacy comma separated list cookie-domains")
expected2 := CommaSeparatedList{"test2.com", "example.org"}
assert.Equal(expected2, c.Domains, "should read legacy comma separated list domains")
expected3 := CommaSeparatedList{"test3.com", "example.org"}
assert.Equal(expected3, c.Whitelist, "should read legacy comma separated list whitelist")
// Name changed
assert.Equal([]byte("veryverysecret"), c.Secret)
// Google provider params used to be top level
assert.Equal("clientid", c.ClientIdLegacy)
assert.Equal("clientid", c.Providers.Google.ClientID, "--client-id should set providers.google.client-id")
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.ClientSecretLegacy)
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret, "--client-secret should set providers.google.client-secret")
assert.Equal("prompt", c.PromptLegacy)
assert.Equal("prompt", c.Providers.Google.Prompt, "--prompt should set providers.google.promot")
// "cookie-secure" used to be a standard go bool flag that could take
// true, TRUE, 1, false, FALSE, 0 etc. values.
// Here we're checking that format is still supported
assert.Equal("false", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.True(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=false should set insecure-cookie true")
c, err = NewConfig([]string{"--cookie-secure=TRUE"})
assert.Equal("TRUE", c.CookieSecureLegacy)
assert.False(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=TRUE should set insecure-cookie false")
for k := range vars {
func TestConfigTransformation(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, err := NewConfig([]string{
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal("/_oauthpath", c.Path, "path should add slash to front")
assert.Equal("verysecret", c.SecretString)
assert.Equal([]byte("verysecret"), c.Secret, "secret should be converted to byte array")
assert.Equal(200, c.LifetimeString)
assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(200), c.Lifetime, "lifetime should be read and converted to duration")
func TestConfigValidate(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// Install new logger + hook
var hook *test.Hook
log, hook = test.NewNullLogger()
log.ExitFunc = func(code int) {}
// Validate defualt config + rule error
c, _ := NewConfig([]string{
logs := hook.AllEntries()
assert.Len(logs, 3)
// Should have fatal error requiring secret
assert.Equal("\"secret\" option must be set", logs[0].Message)
assert.Equal(logrus.FatalLevel, logs[0].Level)
// Should also have default provider (google) error
assert.Equal("providers.google.client-id, providers.google.client-secret must be set", logs[1].Message)
assert.Equal(logrus.FatalLevel, logs[1].Level)
// Should validate rule
assert.Equal("invalid rule action, must be \"auth\" or \"allow\"", logs[2].Message)
assert.Equal(logrus.FatalLevel, logs[2].Level)
// Validate with invalid providers
c, _ = NewConfig([]string{
logs = hook.AllEntries()
assert.Len(logs, 1)
// Should have error for rule provider
assert.Equal("Unknown provider: bad2", logs[0].Message)
assert.Equal(logrus.FatalLevel, logs[0].Level)
func TestConfigGetProvider(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, _ := NewConfig([]string{})
// Should be able to get "google" provider
p, err := c.GetProvider("google")
assert.Equal(&c.Providers.Google, p)
// Should be able to get "oidc" provider
p, err = c.GetProvider("oidc")
assert.Equal(&c.Providers.OIDC, p)
// Should catch unknown provider
p, err = c.GetProvider("bad")
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Unknown provider: bad", err.Error())
func TestConfigGetConfiguredProvider(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c, _ := NewConfig([]string{})
// Should be able to get "google" default provider
p, err := c.GetConfiguredProvider("google")
assert.Equal(&c.Providers.Google, p)
// Should fail to get valid "oidc" provider as it's not configured
p, err = c.GetConfiguredProvider("oidc")
if assert.Error(err) {
assert.Equal("Unconfigured provider: oidc", err.Error())
func TestConfigCommaSeparatedList(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
list := CommaSeparatedList{}
err := list.UnmarshalFlag("one,two")
assert.Equal(CommaSeparatedList{"one", "two"}, list, "should parse comma sepearated list")
marshal, err := list.MarshalFlag()
assert.Equal("one,two", marshal, "should marshal back to comma sepearated list")