package tfa import ( "net/url" "os" "testing" "time" "" "" ) /** * Tests */ func TestConfigDefaults(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{}) assert.Nil(err) assert.Equal("warn", c.LogLevel) assert.Equal("text", c.LogFormat) assert.Equal("", c.AuthHost) assert.Len(c.CookieDomains, 0) assert.False(c.InsecureCookie) assert.Equal("_forward_auth", c.CookieName) assert.Equal("_forward_auth_csrf", c.CSRFCookieName) assert.Equal("auth", c.DefaultAction) assert.Len(c.Domains, 0) assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(43200), c.Lifetime) assert.Equal("/_oauth", c.Path) assert.Len(c.Whitelist, 0) assert.Equal("", c.Providers.Google.Scope) assert.Equal("", c.Providers.Google.Prompt) loginURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/o/oauth2/auth", } assert.Equal(loginURL, c.Providers.Google.LoginURL) tokenURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/oauth2/v3/token", } assert.Equal(tokenURL, c.Providers.Google.TokenURL) userURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/oauth2/v2/userinfo", } assert.Equal(userURL, c.Providers.Google.UserURL) } func TestConfigParseArgs(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--cookie-name=cookiename", "--csrf-cookie-name", "\"csrfcookiename\"", "--rule.1.action=allow", "--rule.1.rule=PathPrefix(`/one`)", "--rule.two.action=auth", "--rule.two.rule=\"Host(``) && Path(`/two`)\"", }) require.Nil(t, err) // Check normal flags assert.Equal("cookiename", c.CookieName) assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName) // Check rules assert.Equal(map[string]*Rule{ "1": { Action: "allow", Rule: "PathPrefix(`/one`)", Provider: "google", }, "two": { Action: "auth", Rule: "Host(``) && Path(`/two`)", Provider: "google", }, }, c.Rules) } func TestConfigParseUnknownFlags(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--unknown=_oauthpath2", }) if assert.Error(t, err) { assert.Equal(t, "unknown flag: unknown", err.Error()) } } func TestConfigFlagBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--client-id=clientid", "--client-secret=verysecret", "--prompt=prompt", "--cookie-secret=veryverysecret", "--lifetime=200", "--cookie-secure=false", ",", "", ",", "", ",", "", }) require.Nil(t, err) // The following used to be passed as comma separated list expected1 := []CookieDomain{ *NewCookieDomain(""), *NewCookieDomain(""), *NewCookieDomain(""), } assert.Equal(expected1, c.CookieDomains, "should read legacy comma separated list cookie-domains") expected2 := []string{"", "", ""} assert.Equal(expected2, c.Domains, "should read legacy comma separated list domains") expected3 := CommaSeparatedList{"", "", ""} assert.Equal(expected3, c.Whitelist, "should read legacy comma separated list whitelist") // Name changed assert.Equal([]byte("veryverysecret"), c.Secret) // Google provider params used to be top level assert.Equal("clientid", c.ClientIdLegacy) assert.Equal("clientid", c.Providers.Google.ClientId, "--client-id should set") assert.Equal("verysecret", c.ClientSecretLegacy) assert.Equal("verysecret", c.Providers.Google.ClientSecret, "--client-secret should set") assert.Equal("prompt", c.PromptLegacy) assert.Equal("prompt", c.Providers.Google.Prompt, "--prompt should set") // "cookie-secure" used to be a standard go bool flag that could take // true, TRUE, 1, false, FALSE, 0 etc. values. // Here we're checking that format is still suppoted assert.Equal("false", c.CookieSecureLegacy) assert.True(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=false should set insecure-cookie true") c, err = NewConfig([]string{"--cookie-secure=TRUE"}) assert.Nil(err) assert.Equal("TRUE", c.CookieSecureLegacy) assert.False(c.InsecureCookie, "--cookie-secure=TRUE should set insecure-cookie false") } func TestConfigParseIni(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--config=../test/config0", "--config=../test/config1", "--csrf-cookie-name=csrfcookiename", }) require.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal("inicookiename", c.CookieName, "should be read from ini file") assert.Equal("csrfcookiename", c.CSRFCookieName, "should be read from ini file") assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "variable in second ini file should override first ini file") assert.Equal(map[string]*Rule{ "1": { Action: "allow", Rule: "PathPrefix(`/one`)", Provider: "google", }, "two": { Action: "auth", Rule: "Host(``) && Path(`/two`)", Provider: "google", }, }, c.Rules) } func TestConfigFileBackwardsCompatability(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--config=../test/config-legacy", }) require.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal("/two", c.Path, "variable in legacy config file should be read") assert.Equal("", c.AuthHost, "variable in legacy config file should be read") } func TestConfigParseEnvironment(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) os.Setenv("COOKIE_NAME", "env_cookie_name") os.Setenv("PROVIDERS_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID", "env_client_id") c, err := NewConfig([]string{}) assert.Nil(err) assert.Equal("env_cookie_name", c.CookieName, "variable should be read from environment") assert.Equal("env_client_id", c.Providers.Google.ClientId, "namespace variable should be read from environment") } func TestConfigTransformation(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) c, err := NewConfig([]string{ "--url-path=_oauthpath", "--secret=verysecret", "--lifetime=200", }) require.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal("/_oauthpath", c.Path, "path should add slash to front") assert.Equal("verysecret", c.SecretString) assert.Equal([]byte("verysecret"), c.Secret, "secret should be converted to byte array") assert.Equal(200, c.LifetimeString) assert.Equal(time.Second*time.Duration(200), c.Lifetime, "lifetime should be read and converted to duration") } func TestConfigCommaSeparatedList(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) list := CommaSeparatedList{} err := list.UnmarshalFlag("one,two") assert.Nil(err) assert.Equal(CommaSeparatedList{"one", "two"}, list, "should parse comma sepearated list") marshal, err := list.MarshalFlag() assert.Nil(err) assert.Equal("one,two", marshal, "should marshal back to comma sepearated list") }