-- vergleiche Tagesdurchschnitt und 12-Uhr-Durchschnitt with twelve_avg as ( select date_trunc('day', time)::date as day, avg(temperature)::numeric(10,0) as temperature from room_climate_measurement_t where category = 'Outdoor' and location = 'Outdoor' and extract('hour' from time) = 12 and extract('year' from time) = 2023 group by day order by day ), day_avg as ( select date_trunc('day', time)::date as day, avg(temperature)::numeric(10,0) as temperature from room_climate_measurement_t where category = 'Outdoor' and location = 'Outdoor' and extract('year' from time) = 2023 group by day order by day ) select d.day as day, d.temperature as day_avg_temperature, t.temperature as twelve_avg_temperature, (d.temperature - t.temperature) as swing from day_avg d, twelve_avg t where d.day = t.day; -- zaehle Verteilung bei 12-Uhr-Durchschnitt with day_avg as ( select date_trunc('day', time)::date as day, avg(temperature) as temperature from room_climate_measurement_t where category = 'Outdoor' and location = 'Outdoor' and extract('hour' from time) = 12 and extract('year' from time) = 2022 group by day order by day ) select temperature::numeric(10,0) as t, count(*) from day_avg group by t; -- 12-Uhr-Werte select date_trunc('day', time)::date as day, avg(temperature)::numeric(10,0) as temperature from room_climate_measurement_t where category = 'Outdoor' and location = 'Outdoor' and extract('hour' from time) = 12 and extract('year' from time) = 2023 group by day order by day; -- Tageswert select extract('day' from time)::varchar || '.' || extract('month' from time)::varchar || '.' || extract('year' from time)::varchar as day, avg(temperature)::numeric(10,0) as temperature from room_climate_measurement_t where category = 'Outdoor' and location = 'Outdoor' and extract('hour' from time) = 12 and time::date = now()::date group by day;