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# mqtt_as.py Asynchronous version of umqtt.robust
# (C) Copyright Peter Hinch 2017-2022.
# Released under the MIT licence.
# Pyboard D support added also RP2/default
# Various improvements contributed by Kevin Köck.
import gc
import usocket as socket
import ustruct as struct
from ubinascii import hexlify
import uasyncio as asyncio
from utime import ticks_ms, ticks_diff
from uerrno import EINPROGRESS, ETIMEDOUT
from micropython import const
from machine import unique_id
import network
from sys import platform
VERSION = (0, 6, 6)
# Default short delay for good SynCom throughput (avoid sleep(0) with SynCom).
_DEFAULT_MS = const(20)
_SOCKET_POLL_DELAY = const(5) # 100ms added greatly to publish latency
# Legitimate errors while waiting on a socket. See uasyncio __init__.py open_connection().
ESP32 = platform == 'esp32' or platform == 'esp32_LoBo'
RP2 = platform == 'rp2'
if ESP32:
# https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3608&p=20942#p20942
BUSY_ERRORS = [EINPROGRESS, ETIMEDOUT, 118, 119] # Add in weird ESP32 errors
elif RP2:
ESP8266 = platform == 'esp8266'
PYBOARD = platform == 'pyboard'
# Default "do little" coro for optional user replacement
async def eliza(*_): # e.g. via set_wifi_handler(coro): see test program
await asyncio.sleep_ms(_DEFAULT_MS)
config = {
'client_id': hexlify(unique_id()),
'server': None,
'port': 0,
'user': '',
'password': '',
'keepalive': 60,
'ping_interval': 0,
'ssl': False,
'ssl_params': {},
'response_time': 10,
'clean_init': True,
'clean': True,
'max_repubs': 4,
'will': None,
'subs_cb': lambda *_: None,
'wifi_coro': eliza,
'connect_coro': eliza,
'ssid': None,
'wifi_pw': None,
class MQTTException(Exception):
def pid_gen():
pid = 0
while True:
pid = pid + 1 if pid < 65535 else 1
yield pid
def qos_check(qos):
if not (qos == 0 or qos == 1):
raise ValueError('Only qos 0 and 1 are supported.')
# MQTT_base class. Handles MQTT protocol on the basis of a good connection.
# Exceptions from connectivity failures are handled by MQTTClient subclass.
class MQTT_base:
DEBUG = False
def __init__(self, config):
# MQTT config
self._client_id = config['client_id']
self._user = config['user']
self._pswd = config['password']
self._keepalive = config['keepalive']
if self._keepalive >= 65536:
raise ValueError('invalid keepalive time')
self._response_time = config['response_time'] * 1000 # Repub if no PUBACK received (ms).
self._max_repubs = config['max_repubs']
self._clean_init = config['clean_init'] # clean_session state on first connection
self._clean = config['clean'] # clean_session state on reconnect
will = config['will']
if will is None:
self._lw_topic = False
# WiFi config
self._ssid = config['ssid'] # Required for ESP32 / Pyboard D. Optional ESP8266
self._wifi_pw = config['wifi_pw']
self._ssl = config['ssl']
self._ssl_params = config['ssl_params']
# Callbacks and coros
self._cb = config['subs_cb']
self._wifi_handler = config['wifi_coro']
self._connect_handler = config['connect_coro']
# Network
self.port = config['port']
if self.port == 0:
self.port = 8883 if self._ssl else 1883
self.server = config['server']
if self.server is None:
raise ValueError('no server specified.')
self._sock = None
self._sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
self.newpid = pid_gen()
self.rcv_pids = set() # PUBACK and SUBACK pids awaiting ACK response
self.last_rx = ticks_ms() # Time of last communication from broker
self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
def _set_last_will(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0):
if not topic:
raise ValueError('Empty topic.')
self._lw_topic = topic
self._lw_msg = msg
self._lw_qos = qos
self._lw_retain = retain
def dprint(self, msg, *args):
if self.DEBUG:
print(msg % args)
def _timeout(self, t):
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t) > self._response_time
async def _as_read(self, n, sock=None): # OSError caught by superclass
if sock is None:
sock = self._sock
# Declare a byte array of size n. That space is needed anyway, better
# to just 'allocate' it in one go instead of appending to an
# existing object, this prevents reallocation and fragmentation.
data = bytearray(n)
buffer = memoryview(data)
size = 0
t = ticks_ms()
while size < n:
if self._timeout(t) or not self.isconnected():
raise OSError(-1, 'Timeout on socket read')
msg = sock.read(n - size)
except OSError as e: # ESP32 issues weird 119 errors here
msg = None
if e.args[0] not in BUSY_ERRORS:
if msg == b'': # Connection closed by host
raise OSError(-1, 'Connection closed by host')
if msg is not None: # data received
msg_size = len(msg)
buffer[size:size + msg_size] = msg
size += msg_size
t = ticks_ms()
self.last_rx = ticks_ms()
await asyncio.sleep_ms(_SOCKET_POLL_DELAY)
return data
async def _as_write(self, bytes_wr, length=0, sock=None):
if sock is None:
sock = self._sock
# Wrap bytes in memoryview to avoid copying during slicing
bytes_wr = memoryview(bytes_wr)
if length:
bytes_wr = bytes_wr[:length]
t = ticks_ms()
while bytes_wr:
if self._timeout(t) or not self.isconnected():
raise OSError(-1, 'Timeout on socket write')
n = sock.write(bytes_wr)
except OSError as e: # ESP32 issues weird 119 errors here
n = 0
if e.args[0] not in BUSY_ERRORS:
if n:
t = ticks_ms()
bytes_wr = bytes_wr[n:]
await asyncio.sleep_ms(_SOCKET_POLL_DELAY)
async def _send_str(self, s):
await self._as_write(struct.pack("!H", len(s)))
await self._as_write(s)
async def _recv_len(self):
n = 0
sh = 0
while 1:
res = await self._as_read(1)
b = res[0]
n |= (b & 0x7f) << sh
if not b & 0x80:
return n
sh += 7
async def _connect(self, clean):
self._sock = socket.socket()
except OSError as e:
if e.args[0] not in BUSY_ERRORS:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(_DEFAULT_MS)
self.dprint('Connecting to broker.')
if self._ssl:
import ussl
self._sock = ussl.wrap_socket(self._sock, **self._ssl_params)
premsg = bytearray(b"\x10\0\0\0\0\0")
msg = bytearray(b"\x04MQTT\x04\0\0\0") # Protocol 3.1.1
sz = 10 + 2 + len(self._client_id)
msg[6] = clean << 1
if self._user:
sz += 2 + len(self._user) + 2 + len(self._pswd)
msg[6] |= 0xC0
if self._keepalive:
msg[7] |= self._keepalive >> 8
msg[8] |= self._keepalive & 0x00FF
if self._lw_topic:
sz += 2 + len(self._lw_topic) + 2 + len(self._lw_msg)
msg[6] |= 0x4 | (self._lw_qos & 0x1) << 3 | (self._lw_qos & 0x2) << 3
msg[6] |= self._lw_retain << 5
i = 1
while sz > 0x7f:
premsg[i] = (sz & 0x7f) | 0x80
sz >>= 7
i += 1
premsg[i] = sz
await self._as_write(premsg, i + 2)
await self._as_write(msg)
await self._send_str(self._client_id)
if self._lw_topic:
await self._send_str(self._lw_topic)
await self._send_str(self._lw_msg)
if self._user:
await self._send_str(self._user)
await self._send_str(self._pswd)
# read causes ECONNABORTED if broker is out; triggers a reconnect.
resp = await self._as_read(4)
self.dprint('Connected to broker.') # Got CONNACK
if resp[3] != 0 or resp[0] != 0x20 or resp[1] != 0x02:
raise OSError(-1, 'Bad CONNACK') # Bad CONNACK e.g. authentication fail.
async def _ping(self):
async with self.lock:
await self._as_write(b"\xc0\0")
# Check internet connectivity by sending DNS lookup to Google's
async def wan_ok(self,
if not self.isconnected(): # WiFi is down
return False
length = 32 # DNS query and response packet size
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 53))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await self._as_write(packet, sock=s)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
res = await self._as_read(length, s)
if len(res) == length:
return True # DNS response size OK
except OSError: # Timeout on read: no connectivity.
return False
return False
async def broker_up(self): # Test broker connectivity
if not self.isconnected():
return False
tlast = self.last_rx
if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), tlast) < 1000:
return True
await self._ping()
except OSError:
return False
t = ticks_ms()
while not self._timeout(t):
await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
if ticks_diff(self.last_rx, tlast) > 0: # Response received
return True
return False
async def disconnect(self):
if self._sock is not None:
await self._kill_tasks(False) # Keep socket open
async with self.lock:
self._sock.write(b"\xe0\0") # Close broker connection
await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
except OSError:
self._has_connected = False
def _close(self):
if self._sock is not None:
def close(self): # API. See https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-mqtt/issues/60
self._sta_if.disconnect() # Disconnect Wi-Fi to avoid errors
except OSError:
self.dprint('Wi-Fi not started, unable to disconnect interface')
async def _await_pid(self, pid):
t = ticks_ms()
while pid in self.rcv_pids: # local copy
if self._timeout(t) or not self.isconnected():
break # Must repub or bail out
await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
return True # PID received. All done.
return False
# qos == 1: coro blocks until wait_msg gets correct PID.
# If WiFi fails completely subclass re-publishes with new PID.
async def publish(self, topic, msg, retain, qos):
pid = next(self.newpid)
if qos:
async with self.lock:
await self._publish(topic, msg, retain, qos, 0, pid)
if qos == 0:
count = 0
while 1: # Await PUBACK, republish on timeout
if await self._await_pid(pid):
# No match
if count >= self._max_repubs or not self.isconnected():
raise OSError(-1) # Subclass to re-publish with new PID
async with self.lock:
await self._publish(topic, msg, retain, qos, dup=1, pid=pid) # Add pid
count += 1
self.REPUB_COUNT += 1
async def _publish(self, topic, msg, retain, qos, dup, pid):
pkt = bytearray(b"\x30\0\0\0")
pkt[0] |= qos << 1 | retain | dup << 3
sz = 2 + len(topic) + len(msg)
if qos > 0:
sz += 2
if sz >= 2097152:
raise MQTTException('Strings too long.')
i = 1
while sz > 0x7f:
pkt[i] = (sz & 0x7f) | 0x80
sz >>= 7
i += 1
pkt[i] = sz
await self._as_write(pkt, i + 1)
await self._send_str(topic)
if qos > 0:
struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 0, pid)
await self._as_write(pkt, 2)
await self._as_write(msg)
# Can raise OSError if WiFi fails. Subclass traps.
async def subscribe(self, topic, qos):
pkt = bytearray(b"\x82\0\0\0")
pid = next(self.newpid)
struct.pack_into("!BH", pkt, 1, 2 + 2 + len(topic) + 1, pid)
async with self.lock:
await self._as_write(pkt)
await self._send_str(topic)
await self._as_write(qos.to_bytes(1, "little"))
if not await self._await_pid(pid):
raise OSError(-1)
# Can raise OSError if WiFi fails. Subclass traps.
async def unsubscribe(self, topic):
pkt = bytearray(b"\xa2\0\0\0")
pid = next(self.newpid)
struct.pack_into("!BH", pkt, 1, 2 + 2 + len(topic), pid)
async with self.lock:
await self._as_write(pkt)
await self._send_str(topic)
if not await self._await_pid(pid):
raise OSError(-1)
# Wait for a single incoming MQTT message and process it.
# Subscribed messages are delivered to a callback previously
# set by .setup() method. Other (internal) MQTT
# messages processed internally.
# Immediate return if no data available. Called from ._handle_msg().
async def wait_msg(self):
res = self._sock.read(1) # Throws OSError on WiFi fail
except OSError as e:
if e.args[0] in BUSY_ERRORS: # Needed by RP2
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)
if res is None:
if res == b'':
raise OSError(-1, 'Empty response')
if res == b"\xd0": # PINGRESP
await self._as_read(1) # Update .last_rx time
op = res[0]
if op == 0x40: # PUBACK: save pid
sz = await self._as_read(1)
if sz != b"\x02":
raise OSError(-1, 'Invalid PUBACK packet')
rcv_pid = await self._as_read(2)
pid = rcv_pid[0] << 8 | rcv_pid[1]
if pid in self.rcv_pids:
raise OSError(-1, 'Invalid pid in PUBACK packet')
if op == 0x90: # SUBACK
resp = await self._as_read(4)
if resp[3] == 0x80:
raise OSError(-1, 'Invalid SUBACK packet')
pid = resp[2] | (resp[1] << 8)
if pid in self.rcv_pids:
raise OSError(-1, 'Invalid pid in SUBACK packet')
if op == 0xB0: # UNSUBACK
resp = await self._as_read(3)
pid = resp[2] | (resp[1] << 8)
if pid in self.rcv_pids:
raise OSError(-1)
if op & 0xf0 != 0x30:
sz = await self._recv_len()
topic_len = await self._as_read(2)
topic_len = (topic_len[0] << 8) | topic_len[1]
topic = await self._as_read(topic_len)
sz -= topic_len + 2
if op & 6:
pid = await self._as_read(2)
pid = pid[0] << 8 | pid[1]
sz -= 2
msg = await self._as_read(sz)
retained = op & 0x01
self._cb(topic, msg, bool(retained))
if op & 6 == 2: # qos 1
pkt = bytearray(b"\x40\x02\0\0") # Send PUBACK
struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 2, pid)
await self._as_write(pkt)
elif op & 6 == 4: # qos 2 not supported
raise OSError(-1, 'QoS 2 not supported')
# MQTTClient class. Handles issues relating to connectivity.
class MQTTClient(MQTT_base):
def __init__(self, config):
self._isconnected = False # Current connection state
keepalive = 1000 * self._keepalive # ms
self._ping_interval = keepalive // 4 if keepalive else 20000
p_i = config['ping_interval'] * 1000 # Can specify shorter e.g. for subscribe-only
if p_i and p_i < self._ping_interval:
self._ping_interval = p_i
self._in_connect = False
self._has_connected = False # Define 'Clean Session' value to use.
self._tasks = []
if ESP8266:
import esp
esp.sleep_type(0) # Improve connection integrity at cost of power consumption.
async def wifi_connect(self, quick=False):
s = self._sta_if
if ESP8266:
if s.isconnected(): # 1st attempt, already connected.
s.connect() # ESP8266 remembers connection.
for _ in range(60):
if s.status() != network.STAT_CONNECTING: # Break out on fail or success. Check once per sec.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if s.status() == network.STAT_CONNECTING: # might hang forever awaiting dhcp lease renewal or something else
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if not s.isconnected() and self._ssid is not None and self._wifi_pw is not None:
s.connect(self._ssid, self._wifi_pw)
while s.status() == network.STAT_CONNECTING: # Break out on fail or success. Check once per sec.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if RP2: # Disable auto-sleep.
# https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/picow/connecting-to-the-internet-with-pico-w.pdf
# para 3.6.3
s.config(pm = 0xa11140)
s.connect(self._ssid, self._wifi_pw)
for _ in range(60): # Break out on fail or success. Check once per sec.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Loop while connecting or no IP
if s.isconnected():
if ESP32:
if s.status() != network.STAT_CONNECTING: # 1001
elif PYBOARD: # No symbolic constants in network
if not 1 <= s.status() <= 2:
elif RP2: # 1 is STAT_CONNECTING. 2 reported by user (No IP?)
if not 1 <= s.status() <= 2:
else: # Timeout: still in connecting state
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if not s.isconnected(): # Timed out
raise OSError('Wi-Fi connect timed out')
if not quick: # Skip on first connection only if power saving
# Ensure connection stays up for a few secs.
self.dprint('Checking WiFi integrity.')
for _ in range(5):
if not s.isconnected():
raise OSError('Connection Unstable') # in 1st 5 secs
await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.dprint('Got reliable connection')
async def connect(self, *, quick=False): # Quick initial connect option for battery apps
if not self._has_connected:
await self.wifi_connect(quick) # On 1st call, caller handles error
# Note this blocks if DNS lookup occurs. Do it once to prevent
# blocking during later internet outage:
self._addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1]
self._in_connect = True # Disable low level ._isconnected check
if not self._has_connected and self._clean_init and not self._clean:
# Power up. Clear previous session data but subsequently save it.
# Issue #40
await self._connect(True) # Connect with clean session
async with self.lock:
self._sock.write(b"\xe0\0") # Force disconnect but keep socket open
except OSError:
self.dprint("Waiting for disconnect")
await asyncio.sleep(2) # Wait for broker to disconnect
self.dprint("About to reconnect with unclean session.")
await self._connect(self._clean)
except Exception:
self._in_connect = False # Caller may run .isconnected()
clean = self._clean if self._has_connected else self._clean_init
# If we get here without error broker/LAN must be up.
self._isconnected = True
self._in_connect = False # Low level code can now check connectivity.
asyncio.create_task(self._wifi_handler(True)) # User handler.
if not self._has_connected:
self._has_connected = True # Use normal clean flag on reconnect.
self._keep_connected()) # Runs forever unless user issues .disconnect()
asyncio.create_task(self._handle_msg()) # Task quits on connection fail.
if self.DEBUG:
asyncio.create_task(self._connect_handler(self)) # User handler.
# Launched by .connect(). Runs until connectivity fails. Checks for and
# handles incoming messages.
async def _handle_msg(self):
while self.isconnected():
async with self.lock:
await self.wait_msg() # Immediate return if no message
await asyncio.sleep_ms(_DEFAULT_MS) # Let other tasks get lock
except OSError:
self._reconnect() # Broker or WiFi fail.
# Keep broker alive MQTT spec Keep Alive.
# Runs until ping failure or no response in keepalive period.
async def _keep_alive(self):
while self.isconnected():
pings_due = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), self.last_rx) // self._ping_interval
if pings_due >= 4:
self.dprint('Reconnect: broker fail.')
await asyncio.sleep_ms(self._ping_interval)
await self._ping()
except OSError:
self._reconnect() # Broker or WiFi fail.
async def _kill_tasks(self, kill_skt): # Cancel running tasks
for task in self._tasks:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0) # Ensure cancellation complete
if kill_skt: # Close socket
# DEBUG: show RAM messages.
async def _memory(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(20)
self.dprint("RAM free %d alloc %d", gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc())
def isconnected(self):
if self._in_connect: # Disable low-level check during .connect()
return True
if self._isconnected and not self._sta_if.isconnected(): # It's going down.
return self._isconnected
def _reconnect(self): # Schedule a reconnection if not underway.
if self._isconnected:
self._isconnected = False
asyncio.create_task(self._kill_tasks(True)) # Shut down tasks and socket
asyncio.create_task(self._wifi_handler(False)) # User handler.
# Await broker connection.
async def _connection(self):
while not self._isconnected:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Scheduled on 1st successful connection. Runs forever maintaining wifi and
# broker connection. Must handle conditions at edge of WiFi range.
async def _keep_connected(self):
while self._has_connected:
if self.isconnected(): # Pause for 1 second
await asyncio.sleep(1)
else: # Link is down, socket is closed, tasks are killed
except OSError:
self.dprint('Wi-Fi not started, unable to disconnect interface')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await self.wifi_connect()
except OSError:
if not self._has_connected: # User has issued the terminal .disconnect()
self.dprint('Disconnected, exiting _keep_connected')
await self.connect()
# Now has set ._isconnected and scheduled _connect_handler().
self.dprint('Reconnect OK!')
except OSError as e:
self.dprint('Error in reconnect. %s', e)
# Can get ECONNABORTED or -1. The latter signifies no or bad CONNACK received.
self._close() # Disconnect and try again.
self._in_connect = False
self._isconnected = False
self.dprint('Disconnected, exited _keep_connected')
async def subscribe(self, topic, qos=0):
while 1:
await self._connection()
return await super().subscribe(topic, qos)
except OSError:
self._reconnect() # Broker or WiFi fail.
async def unsubscribe(self, topic):
while 1:
await self._connection()
return await super().unsubscribe(topic)
except OSError:
self._reconnect() # Broker or WiFi fail.
async def publish(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0):
while 1:
await self._connection()
return await super().publish(topic, msg, retain, qos)
except OSError:
self._reconnect() # Broker or WiFi fail.