26 lines
814 B
26 lines
814 B
create table pv_power_measurement_t (
time timestamp without time zone not null,
deviceid text,
status text,
state integer,
importEnergyActive double precision,
importEnergyReactive double precision,
exportEnergyActive double precision,
exportEnergyReactive double precision,
powerApparent double precision,
powerActive double precision,
powerReactive double precision,
powerDemandPositive double precision,
powerDemandReverse double precision,
powerDemand double precision,
factor double precision,
angle double precision,
voltage double precision,
current double precision
select create_hypertable('pv_power_measurement_t', 'time');
grant insert on pv_power_measurement_t to nodered;
grant select on pv_power_measurement_t to grafana;