maybe porting to C is already done, platformAdaption and testing is open
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ CFLAGS+=-I../ioLibrary_Driver/Ethernet -Isrc
OBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,pubsubc.o client.o)
OBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,pubsubc.o platformAdaption.o)
all: $(OBJS)
all: $(OBJS)
$(AR) rcs pubsubc.a $^
$(AR) rcs pubsubc.a $^
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
client.h - A simple client for MQTT in C
Derived from the PubSubClient from Nick O'Leary
Wolfgang Hottgenroth <>
#ifndef _CLIENT_H_
#define _CLIENT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t sockNum;
} client_t;
#endif // _CLIENT_H_
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
client.c - A simple client for MQTT in C
platformAdaption.c - A simple client for MQTT in C
Derived from the PubSubClient from Nick O'Leary
Derived from the PubSubClient from Nick O'Leary
Wolfgang Hottgenroth <>
Wolfgang Hottgenroth <>
#include <client.h>
#include <platformAdaption.h>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
platformAdaption.h - A simple client for MQTT in C
Derived from the PubSubClient from Nick O'Leary
Wolfgang Hottgenroth <>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t sockNum;
} client_t;
int clientConnect(client_t *client, const char *host, uint16_t port);
int clientAvailable(client_t *client);
void clientStop(client_t *client);
int clientRead(client_t *client);
size_t clientWrite(client_t *client, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size);
size_t clientWriteOne(client_t *client, uint8_t b);
void clientFlush(client_t *client);
bool clientConnected(client_t *client);
uint32_t millis();
@ -7,5 +7,430 @@
#include <pubsubc.h>
#include <pubsubc.h>
#include <client.h>
#include <platformAdaption.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
static bool readByte(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, uint8_t * result) {
uint32_t previousMillis = millis();
while(!clientAvailable(mqttClient->client)) {
uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= ((int32_t) mqttClient->socketTimeout * 1000)){
return false;
*result = clientRead(mqttClient->client);
return true;
// reads a byte into result[*index] and increments index
static bool readByteAt(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, uint8_t * result, uint16_t * index){
uint16_t current_index = *index;
uint8_t * write_address = &(result[current_index]);
if (readByte(mqttClient, write_address)) {
*index = current_index + 1;
return true;
return false;
static uint16_t writeString(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, const char* string, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t pos) {
const char* idp = string;
uint16_t i = 0;
pos += 2;
while (*idp) {
buf[pos++] = *idp++;
buf[pos-i-2] = (i >> 8);
buf[pos-i-1] = (i & 0xFF);
return pos;
static size_t buildHeader(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, uint8_t header, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t length) {
uint8_t lenBuf[4];
uint8_t llen = 0;
uint8_t digit;
uint8_t pos = 0;
uint16_t len = length;
do {
digit = len & 127; //digit = len %128
len >>= 7; //len = len / 128
if (len > 0) {
digit |= 0x80;
lenBuf[pos++] = digit;
} while(len>0);
buf[4-llen] = header;
for (int i=0;i<llen;i++) {
buf[MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE-llen+i] = lenBuf[i];
return llen+1; // Full header size is variable length bit plus the 1-byte fixed header
static bool write(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, uint8_t header, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t length) {
uint16_t rc;
uint8_t hlen = buildHeader(mqttClient, header, buf, length);
rc = clientWrite(mqttClient->client, buf + (MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE - hlen), length + hlen);
mqttClient->lastOutActivity = millis();
return (rc == hlen + length);
static uint32_t readPacket(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, uint8_t* lengthLength) {
uint16_t len = 0;
if (!readByteAt(mqttClient, mqttClient->buffer, &len)) return 0;
bool isPublish = (mqttClient->buffer[0] & 0xF0) == MQTTPUBLISH;
uint32_t multiplier = 1;
uint32_t length = 0;
uint8_t digit = 0;
uint16_t skip = 0;
uint32_t start = 0;
do {
if (len == 5) {
// Invalid remaining length encoding - kill the connection
mqttClient->state = MQTT_DISCONNECTED;
return 0;
if (!readByte(mqttClient, &digit)) return 0;
mqttClient->buffer[len++] = digit;
length += (digit & 127) * multiplier;
multiplier <<=7; //multiplier *= 128
} while ((digit & 128) != 0);
*lengthLength = len-1;
if (isPublish) {
// Read in topic length to calculate bytes to skip over for Stream writing
if (!readByteAt(mqttClient, mqttClient->buffer, &len)) return 0;
if (!readByteAt(mqttClient, mqttClient->buffer, &len)) return 0;
skip = (mqttClient->buffer[*lengthLength + 1] << 8) + mqttClient->buffer[*lengthLength + 2];
start = 2;
if (mqttClient->buffer[0]&MQTTQOS1) {
// skip message id
skip += 2;
uint32_t idx = len;
for (uint32_t i = start; i < length; i++) {
if (!readByte(mqttClient, &digit)) return 0;
if (len < mqttClient->bufferSize) {
mqttClient->buffer[len] = digit;
if (idx > mqttClient->bufferSize) {
len = 0; // This will cause the packet to be ignored.
return len;
void mqttClientInit(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, client_t *client, callback_t callback) {
mqttClient->client = client;
mqttClient->callback = callback;
mqttClient->bufferSize = MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
mqttClient->keepAlive = MQTT_KEEPALIVE;
mqttClient->state = MQTT_DISCONNECTED;
mqttClient->socketTimeout = MQTT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
memset(mqttClient->buffer, 0, mqttClient->bufferSize);
bool connect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
uint8_t *address, uint16_t port,
const char *id,
const char *user, const char *pass,
const char *willTopic, uint8_t willQos,
bool willRetain, const char *willMessage,
bool cleanSession) {
if (!connected(mqttClient)) {
int result = 0;
if(clientConnected(mqttClient->client)) {
result = 1;
} else {
mqttClient->brokerAddress = address;
mqttClient->brokerPort = port;
result = clientConnect(mqttClient->client, address, port);
if (result == 1) {
mqttClient->nextMsgId = 1;
// Leave room in the buffer for header and variable length field
uint16_t length = MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
uint8_t d[9] = {0x00,0x06,'M','Q','I','s','d','p', MQTT_VERSION};
uint8_t d[7] = {0x00,0x04,'M','Q','T','T',MQTT_VERSION};
for (uint16_t j = 0; j<MQTT_HEADER_VERSION_LENGTH; j++) {
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = d[j];
uint8_t v;
if (willTopic) {
v = 0x04|(willQos<<3)|(willRetain<<5);
} else {
v = 0x00;
if (cleanSession) {
v = v|0x02;
if(user != NULL) {
v = v|0x80;
if(pass != NULL) {
v = v|(0x80>>1);
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = v;
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = ((mqttClient->keepAlive) >> 8);
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = ((mqttClient->keepAlive) & 0xFF);
length = writeString(mqttClient, id, mqttClient->buffer, length);
if (willTopic) {
// CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,willTopic)
length = writeString(mqttClient, willTopic, mqttClient->buffer, length);
// CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,willMessage)
length = writeString(mqttClient, willMessage, mqttClient->buffer, length);
if (user != NULL) {
// CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,user)
length = writeString(mqttClient, user, mqttClient->buffer, length);
if (pass != NULL) {
// CHECK_STRING_LENGTH(length,pass)
length = writeString(mqttClient, pass, mqttClient->buffer, length);
write(mqttClient, MQTTCONNECT, mqttClient->buffer, length - MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
mqttClient->lastInActivity = mqttClient->lastOutActivity = millis();
while (! clientAvailable(mqttClient->client)) {
uint32_t t = millis();
if (t - mqttClient->lastInActivity >= ((int32_t) mqttClient->socketTimeout*1000UL)) {
mqttClient->state = MQTT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
return false;
uint8_t llen;
uint32_t len = readPacket(mqttClient, &llen);
if (len == 4) {
if (mqttClient->buffer[3] == 0) {
mqttClient->lastInActivity = millis();
mqttClient->pingOutstanding = false;
mqttClient->state = MQTT_CONNECTED;
return true;
} else {
mqttClient->state = mqttClient->buffer[3];
} else {
mqttClient->state = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED;
return false;
return true;
void disconnect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient) {
mqttClient->buffer[0] = MQTTDISCONNECT;
mqttClient->buffer[1] = 0;
clientWrite(mqttClient->client, mqttClient->buffer, 2);
mqttClient->state = MQTT_DISCONNECTED;
mqttClient->lastInActivity = mqttClient->lastOutActivity = millis();
bool loop(mqttClient_t *mqttClient) {
if (connected(mqttClient)) {
uint32_t t = millis();
if ((t - mqttClient->lastInActivity > mqttClient->keepAlive*1000UL) ||
(t - mqttClient->lastOutActivity > mqttClient->keepAlive*1000UL)) {
if (mqttClient->pingOutstanding) {
mqttClient->state = MQTT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
return false;
} else {
mqttClient->buffer[0] = MQTTPINGREQ;
mqttClient->buffer[1] = 0;
clientWrite(mqttClient->client, mqttClient->buffer,2);
mqttClient->lastOutActivity = t;
mqttClient->lastInActivity = t;
mqttClient->pingOutstanding = true;
if (clientAvailable(mqttClient->client)) {
uint8_t llen;
uint16_t len = readPacket(mqttClient, &llen);
uint16_t msgId = 0;
uint8_t *payload;
if (len > 0) {
mqttClient->lastInActivity = t;
uint8_t type = mqttClient->buffer[0]&0xF0;
if (type == MQTTPUBLISH) {
if (mqttClient->callback) {
uint16_t tl = (mqttClient->buffer[llen+1]<<8) + mqttClient->buffer[llen+2]; /* topic length in bytes */
memmove(mqttClient->buffer + llen + 2, mqttClient->buffer + llen + 3, tl); /* move topic inside buffer 1 byte to front */
mqttClient->buffer[llen + 2 + tl] = 0; /* end the topic as a 'C' string with \x00 */
char *topic = (char*) mqttClient->buffer+llen+2;
// msgId only present for QOS>0
if ((mqttClient->buffer[0] & 0x06) == MQTTQOS1) {
msgId = (mqttClient->buffer[llen + 3 + tl]<<8) + mqttClient->buffer[llen + 3 + tl + 1];
payload = mqttClient->buffer + llen + 3 + tl + 2;
mqttClient->callback(topic, payload, len - llen - 3 - tl - 2);
mqttClient->buffer[0] = MQTTPUBACK;
mqttClient->buffer[1] = 2;
mqttClient->buffer[2] = (msgId >> 8);
mqttClient->buffer[3] = (msgId & 0xFF);
clientWrite(mqttClient->client, mqttClient->buffer, 4);
mqttClient->lastOutActivity = t;
} else {
payload = mqttClient->buffer + llen + 3 + tl;
mqttClient->callback(topic, payload, len - llen - 3 - tl);
} else if (type == MQTTPINGREQ) {
mqttClient->buffer[0] = MQTTPINGRESP;
mqttClient->buffer[1] = 0;
clientWrite(mqttClient->client, mqttClient->buffer,2);
} else if (type == MQTTPINGRESP) {
mqttClient->pingOutstanding = false;
} else if (!connected(mqttClient)) {
// readPacket has closed the connection
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool connected(mqttClient_t *mqttClient) {
bool rc;
if (mqttClient->client == NULL ) {
rc = false;
} else {
rc = clientConnected(mqttClient->client);
if (!rc) {
if (mqttClient->state == MQTT_CONNECTED) {
mqttClient->state = MQTT_CONNECTION_LOST;
} else {
return mqttClient->state == MQTT_CONNECTED;
return rc;
bool publish(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char *topic,
const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t plength,
bool retained) {
if (connected(mqttClient)) {
if (mqttClient->bufferSize < MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE + 2 + strnlen(topic, mqttClient->bufferSize) + plength) {
// Too long
return false;
// Leave room in the buffer for header and variable length field
uint16_t length = MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
length = writeString(mqttClient, topic, mqttClient->buffer, length);
// Add payload
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < plength; i++) {
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = payload[i];
// Write the header
uint8_t header = MQTTPUBLISH;
if (retained) {
header |= 1;
return write(mqttClient, header, mqttClient->buffer, length - MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
return false;
bool subscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char *topic, uint8_t qos) {
size_t topicLength = strnlen(topic, mqttClient->bufferSize);
if (topic == 0) {
return false;
if (qos > 1) {
return false;
if (mqttClient->bufferSize < 9 + topicLength) {
// Too long
return false;
if (connected(mqttClient)) {
// Leave room in the buffer for header and variable length field
uint16_t length = MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
if (mqttClient->nextMsgId == 0) {
mqttClient->nextMsgId = 1;
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = (mqttClient->nextMsgId >> 8);
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = (mqttClient->nextMsgId & 0xFF);
length = writeString(mqttClient, (char*)topic, mqttClient->buffer, length);
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = qos;
return write(mqttClient, MQTTSUBSCRIBE|MQTTQOS1, mqttClient->buffer, length - MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
return false;
bool unsubscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char* topic) {
size_t topicLength = strnlen(topic, mqttClient->bufferSize);
if (topic == 0) {
return false;
if (mqttClient->bufferSize < 9 + topicLength) {
// Too long
return false;
if (connected(mqttClient)) {
uint16_t length = MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
if (mqttClient->nextMsgId == 0) {
mqttClient->nextMsgId = 1;
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = (mqttClient->nextMsgId >> 8);
mqttClient->buffer[length++] = (mqttClient->nextMsgId & 0xFF);
length = writeString(mqttClient, topic, mqttClient->buffer,length);
return write(mqttClient, MQTTUNSUBSCRIBE|MQTTQOS1, mqttClient->buffer, length - MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
return false;
@ -81,14 +81,14 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <client.h>
#include <platformAdaption.h>
typedef void (*callback_t)(char*, uint8_t*, unsigned int);
typedef void (*callback_t)(char*, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
typedef struct {
typedef struct {
client_t *client;
client_t *client;
uint8_t *buffer;
uint8_t buffer[MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
uint16_t bufferSize;
uint16_t bufferSize;
uint16_t keepAlive;
uint16_t keepAlive;
uint16_t socketTimeout;
uint16_t socketTimeout;
@ -96,31 +96,36 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t lastOutActivity;
uint32_t lastOutActivity;
uint32_t lastInActivity;
uint32_t lastInActivity;
bool pingOutstanding;
bool pingOutstanding;
callback_t *callback;
callback_t callback;
uint8_t brokerAddress[4];
uint8_t *brokerAddress;
uint16_t brokerPort;
uint16_t brokerPort;
int _state;
int state;
} mqttClient_t;
} mqttClient_t;
void mqttClientInit(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
void mqttClientInit(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, client_t *client, callback_t callback);
bool connect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient, const char *id,
bool connect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
uint8_t *address, uint16_t port,
const char *id,
const char *user, const char *pass,
const char *user, const char *pass,
const char *willTopic, uint8_t willQos,
const char *willTopic, uint8_t willQos,
bool willRetain, const char *willMessage,
bool willRetain, const char *willMessage,
bool cleanSession);
bool cleanSession);
void disconnect();
void disconnect(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
bool publish(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
bool publish(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char *topic,
const char *topic,
const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t pLength,
const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t plength,
bool retained);
bool retained);
bool subscribe(const char *topic, uint8_t qos);
bool subscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
bool unsubscribe(const char* topic);
const char *topic, uint8_t qos);
bool unsubscribe(mqttClient_t *mqttClient,
const char* topic);
bool loop();
bool loop(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
bool connected();
bool connected(mqttClient_t *mqttClient);
#endif // _PUBSUBC_H_
#endif // _PUBSUBC_H_
Reference in New Issue
Block a user