/* $OpenBSD: ntpd.c,v 1.133 2024/05/21 05:00:48 jsg Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Henning Brauer * Copyright (c) 2012 Mike Miller * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ntpd.h" void sighdlr(int); __dead void usage(void); int auto_preconditions(const struct ntpd_conf *); int main(int, char *[]); void check_child(void); int dispatch_imsg(struct ntpd_conf *, int, char **); void reset_adjtime(void); int ntpd_adjtime(double); void ntpd_adjfreq(double, int); void ntpd_settime(double); void readfreq(void); int writefreq(double); void ctl_main(int, char*[]); const char *ctl_lookup_option(char *, const char **); void show_status_msg(struct imsg *); void show_counters_msg(struct imsg *); void show_peer_msg(struct imsg *, int); void show_sensor_msg(struct imsg *, int); volatile sig_atomic_t quit = 0; volatile sig_atomic_t reconfig = 0; volatile sig_atomic_t sigchld = 0; struct imsgbuf *ibuf; int timeout = INFTIM; extern u_int constraint_cnt; const char *showopt; static const char *ctl_showopt_list[] = { "counters", "peers", "Sensors", "status", "all", NULL }; void sighdlr(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: quit = 1; break; case SIGCHLD: sigchld = 1; break; case SIGHUP: reconfig = 1; break; } } __dead void usage(void) { extern char *__progname; if (strcmp(__progname, "ntpctl") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "usage: ntpctl -s all | peers | Sensors | status | counters\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-dnv] [-f file]\n", __progname); exit(1); } int auto_preconditions(const struct ntpd_conf *cnf) { int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_SECURELVL }; int constraints, securelevel; size_t sz = sizeof(int); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &securelevel, &sz, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, "sysctl"); constraints = !TAILQ_EMPTY(&cnf->constraints); return !cnf->settime && (constraints || cnf->trusted_peers || conf->trusted_sensors) && securelevel == 0; } #define POLL_MAX 8 #define PFD_PIPE 0 #define PFD_MAX 1 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ntpd_conf lconf; struct pollfd *pfd = NULL; pid_t pid; const char *conffile; int ch, nfds, i, j; int pipe_chld[2]; extern char *__progname; u_int pfd_elms = 0, new_cnt; struct constraint *cstr; struct passwd *pw; void *newp; int argc0 = argc, logdest; char **argv0 = argv; char *pname = NULL; time_t settime_deadline; int sopt = 0; if (strcmp(__progname, "ntpctl") == 0) { ctl_main(argc, argv); /* NOTREACHED */ } conffile = CONFFILE; memset(&lconf, 0, sizeof(lconf)); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "df:nP:sSv")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': lconf.debug = 1; break; case 'f': conffile = optarg; break; case 'n': lconf.debug = 1; lconf.noaction = 1; break; case 'P': pname = optarg; break; case 's': case 'S': sopt = ch; break; case 'v': lconf.verbose++; break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* log to stderr until daemonized */ logdest = LOG_TO_STDERR; if (!lconf.debug) logdest |= LOG_TO_SYSLOG; log_init(logdest, lconf.verbose, LOG_DAEMON); if (sopt) { log_warnx("-%c option no longer works and will be removed soon.", sopt); log_warnx("Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers."); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 0) usage(); if (parse_config(conffile, &lconf)) exit(1); if (lconf.noaction) { fprintf(stderr, "configuration OK\n"); exit(0); } if (geteuid()) errx(1, "need root privileges"); if ((pw = getpwnam(NTPD_USER)) == NULL) errx(1, "unknown user %s", NTPD_USER); lconf.automatic = auto_preconditions(&lconf); if (lconf.automatic) lconf.settime = 1; if (pname != NULL) { /* Remove our proc arguments, so child doesn't need to. */ if (sanitize_argv(&argc0, &argv0) == -1) fatalx("sanitize_argv"); if (strcmp(NTP_PROC_NAME, pname) == 0) ntp_main(&lconf, pw, argc0, argv0); else if (strcmp(NTPDNS_PROC_NAME, pname) == 0) ntp_dns(&lconf, pw); else if (strcmp(CONSTRAINT_PROC_NAME, pname) == 0) priv_constraint_child(pw->pw_dir, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid); else fatalx("%s: invalid process name '%s'", __func__, pname); fatalx("%s: process '%s' failed", __func__, pname); } else { if ((control_check(CTLSOCKET)) == -1) fatalx("ntpd already running"); } if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20) == -1) warn("can't set priority"); reset_adjtime(); logdest = lconf.debug ? LOG_TO_STDERR : LOG_TO_SYSLOG; if (!lconf.settime) { log_init(logdest, lconf.verbose, LOG_DAEMON); if (!lconf.debug) if (daemon(1, 0)) fatal("daemon"); } else { settime_deadline = getmonotime(); timeout = 100; } if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, PF_UNSPEC, pipe_chld) == -1) fatal("socketpair"); if (chdir("/") == -1) fatal("chdir(\"/\")"); signal(SIGCHLD, sighdlr); /* fork child process */ start_child(NTP_PROC_NAME, pipe_chld[1], argc0, argv0); log_procinit("[priv]"); readfreq(); signal(SIGTERM, sighdlr); signal(SIGINT, sighdlr); signal(SIGHUP, sighdlr); constraint_purge(); if ((ibuf = malloc(sizeof(struct imsgbuf))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); imsg_init(ibuf, pipe_chld[0]); constraint_cnt = 0; /* * Constraint processes are forked with certificates in memory, * then privdrop into chroot before speaking to the outside world. */ if (unveil("/usr/sbin/ntpd", "x") == -1) err(1, "unveil /usr/sbin/ntpd"); if (pledge("stdio settime proc exec", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); while (quit == 0) { new_cnt = PFD_MAX + constraint_cnt; if (new_cnt > pfd_elms) { if ((newp = reallocarray(pfd, new_cnt, sizeof(*pfd))) == NULL) { /* panic for now */ log_warn("could not resize pfd from %u -> " "%u entries", pfd_elms, new_cnt); fatalx("exiting"); } pfd = newp; pfd_elms = new_cnt; } memset(pfd, 0, sizeof(*pfd) * pfd_elms); pfd[PFD_PIPE].fd = ibuf->fd; pfd[PFD_PIPE].events = POLLIN; if (ibuf->w.queued) pfd[PFD_PIPE].events |= POLLOUT; i = PFD_MAX; TAILQ_FOREACH(cstr, &conf->constraints, entry) { pfd[i].fd = cstr->fd; pfd[i].events = POLLIN; i++; } if ((nfds = poll(pfd, i, timeout)) == -1) if (errno != EINTR) { log_warn("poll error"); quit = 1; } if (nfds == 0 && lconf.settime && getmonotime() > settime_deadline + SETTIME_TIMEOUT) { lconf.settime = 0; timeout = INFTIM; log_init(logdest, lconf.verbose, LOG_DAEMON); log_warnx("no reply received in time, skipping initial " "time setting"); if (!lconf.debug) if (daemon(1, 0)) fatal("daemon"); } if (nfds > 0 && (pfd[PFD_PIPE].revents & POLLOUT)) if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf->w) <= 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { log_warn("pipe write error (to child)"); quit = 1; } if (nfds > 0 && pfd[PFD_PIPE].revents & POLLIN) { nfds--; if (dispatch_imsg(&lconf, argc0, argv0) == -1) quit = 1; } for (j = PFD_MAX; nfds > 0 && j < i; j++) { nfds -= priv_constraint_dispatch(&pfd[j]); } if (sigchld) { check_child(); sigchld = 0; } } signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); /* Close socket and start shutdown. */ close(ibuf->fd); do { if ((pid = wait(NULL)) == -1 && errno != EINTR && errno != ECHILD) fatal("wait"); } while (pid != -1 || (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR)); msgbuf_clear(&ibuf->w); free(ibuf); log_info("Terminating"); return (0); } void check_child(void) { int status; pid_t pid; do { pid = waitpid(WAIT_ANY, &status, WNOHANG); if (pid <= 0) continue; priv_constraint_check_child(pid, status); } while (pid > 0 || (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR)); } int dispatch_imsg(struct ntpd_conf *lconf, int argc, char **argv) { struct imsg imsg; int n; double d; if (((n = imsg_read(ibuf)) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) || n == 0) return (-1); for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf, &imsg)) == -1) return (-1); if (n == 0) break; switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_ADJTIME: if (imsg.hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(d)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_ADJTIME received"); memcpy(&d, imsg.data, sizeof(d)); n = ntpd_adjtime(d); imsg_compose(ibuf, IMSG_ADJTIME, 0, 0, -1, &n, sizeof(n)); break; case IMSG_ADJFREQ: if (imsg.hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(d)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_ADJFREQ received"); memcpy(&d, imsg.data, sizeof(d)); ntpd_adjfreq(d, 1); break; case IMSG_SETTIME: if (imsg.hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(d)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_SETTIME received"); if (!lconf->settime) break; log_init(lconf->debug ? LOG_TO_STDERR : LOG_TO_SYSLOG, lconf->verbose, LOG_DAEMON); memcpy(&d, imsg.data, sizeof(d)); ntpd_settime(d); /* daemonize now */ if (!lconf->debug) if (daemon(1, 0)) fatal("daemon"); lconf->settime = 0; timeout = INFTIM; break; case IMSG_CONSTRAINT_QUERY: priv_constraint_msg(imsg.hdr.peerid, imsg.data, imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE, argc, argv); break; case IMSG_CONSTRAINT_KILL: priv_constraint_kill(imsg.hdr.peerid); break; default: break; } imsg_free(&imsg); } return (0); } void reset_adjtime(void) { struct timeval tv; timerclear(&tv); if (adjtime(&tv, NULL) == -1) log_warn("reset adjtime failed"); } int ntpd_adjtime(double d) { struct timeval tv, olddelta; int synced = 0; static int firstadj = 1; d += getoffset(); if (d >= (double)LOG_NEGLIGIBLE_ADJTIME / 1000 || d <= -1 * (double)LOG_NEGLIGIBLE_ADJTIME / 1000) log_info("adjusting local clock by %fs", d); else log_debug("adjusting local clock by %fs", d); d_to_tv(d, &tv); if (adjtime(&tv, &olddelta) == -1) log_warn("adjtime failed"); else if (!firstadj && olddelta.tv_sec == 0 && olddelta.tv_usec == 0) synced = 1; firstadj = 0; return (synced); } void ntpd_adjfreq(double relfreq, int wrlog) { int64_t curfreq; double ppmfreq; int r; if (adjfreq(NULL, &curfreq) == -1) { log_warn("adjfreq failed"); return; } /* * adjfreq's unit is ns/s shifted left 32; convert relfreq to * that unit before adding. We log values in part per million. */ curfreq += relfreq * 1e9 * (1LL << 32); r = writefreq(curfreq / 1e9 / (1LL << 32)); ppmfreq = relfreq * 1e6; if (wrlog) { if (ppmfreq >= LOG_NEGLIGIBLE_ADJFREQ || ppmfreq <= -LOG_NEGLIGIBLE_ADJFREQ) log_info("adjusting clock frequency by %f to %fppm%s", ppmfreq, curfreq / 1e3 / (1LL << 32), r ? "" : " (no drift file)"); else log_debug("adjusting clock frequency by %f to %fppm%s", ppmfreq, curfreq / 1e3 / (1LL << 32), r ? "" : " (no drift file)"); } if (adjfreq(&curfreq, NULL) == -1) log_warn("adjfreq failed"); } void ntpd_settime(double d) { struct timeval tv, curtime; char buf[80]; time_t tval; if (d == 0) return; if (gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL) == -1) { log_warn("gettimeofday"); return; } d_to_tv(d, &tv); curtime.tv_usec += tv.tv_usec + 1000000; curtime.tv_sec += tv.tv_sec - 1 + (curtime.tv_usec / 1000000); curtime.tv_usec %= 1000000; if (settimeofday(&curtime, NULL) == -1) { log_warn("settimeofday"); return; } tval = curtime.tv_sec; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime(&tval)); log_info("set local clock to %s (offset %fs)", buf, d); } static FILE *freqfp; void readfreq(void) { int64_t current; int fd; double d; fd = open(DRIFTFILE, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { log_warnx("creating new %s", DRIFTFILE); current = 0; if (adjfreq(¤t, NULL) == -1) log_warn("adjfreq reset failed"); freqfp = fopen(DRIFTFILE, "w"); return; } freqfp = fdopen(fd, "r+"); /* if we're adjusting frequency already, don't override */ if (adjfreq(NULL, ¤t) == -1) log_warn("adjfreq failed"); else if (current == 0 && freqfp) { if (fscanf(freqfp, "%lf", &d) == 1) { d /= 1e6; /* scale from ppm */ ntpd_adjfreq(d, 0); } else log_warnx("%s is empty", DRIFTFILE); } } int writefreq(double d) { int r; static int warnonce = 1; if (freqfp == NULL) return 0; rewind(freqfp); r = fprintf(freqfp, "%.3f\n", d * 1e6); /* scale to ppm */ if (r < 0 || fflush(freqfp) != 0) { if (warnonce) { log_warnx("can't write %s", DRIFTFILE); warnonce = 0; } clearerr(freqfp); return 0; } ftruncate(fileno(freqfp), ftello(freqfp)); fsync(fileno(freqfp)); return 1; } void ctl_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sockaddr_un sa; struct imsg imsg; struct imsgbuf *ibuf_ctl; int fd, n, done, ch, action; char *sockname; sockname = CTLSOCKET; if (argc < 2) { usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "s:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 's': showopt = ctl_lookup_option(optarg, ctl_showopt_list); if (showopt == NULL) { warnx("Unknown show modifier '%s'", optarg); usage(); } break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } action = -1; if (showopt != NULL) { switch (*showopt) { case 'p': action = CTL_SHOW_PEERS; break; case 's': action = CTL_SHOW_STATUS; break; case 'S': action = CTL_SHOW_SENSORS; break; case 'a': action = CTL_SHOW_ALL; break; case 'c': action = CTL_SHOW_COUNTERS; break; } } if (action == -1) usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) err(1, "ntpctl: socket"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (strlcpy(sa.sun_path, sockname, sizeof(sa.sun_path)) >= sizeof(sa.sun_path)) errx(1, "ctl socket name too long"); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) err(1, "connect: %s", sockname); if (pledge("stdio", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); if ((ibuf_ctl = malloc(sizeof(struct imsgbuf))) == NULL) err(1, NULL); imsg_init(ibuf_ctl, fd); switch (action) { case CTL_SHOW_STATUS: imsg_compose(ibuf_ctl, IMSG_CTL_SHOW_STATUS, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); break; case CTL_SHOW_PEERS: imsg_compose(ibuf_ctl, IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); break; case CTL_SHOW_SENSORS: imsg_compose(ibuf_ctl, IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); break; case CTL_SHOW_ALL: imsg_compose(ibuf_ctl, IMSG_CTL_SHOW_ALL, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); break; case CTL_SHOW_COUNTERS: imsg_compose(ibuf_ctl, IMSG_CTL_SHOW_COUNTERS, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); break; default: errx(1, "invalid action"); break; /* NOTREACHED */ } while (ibuf_ctl->w.queued) if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf_ctl->w) <= 0 && errno != EAGAIN) err(1, "ibuf_ctl: msgbuf_write error"); done = 0; while (!done) { if ((n = imsg_read(ibuf_ctl)) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) err(1, "ibuf_ctl: imsg_read error"); if (n == 0) errx(1, "ntpctl: pipe closed"); while (!done) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf_ctl, &imsg)) == -1) err(1, "ibuf_ctl: imsg_get error"); if (n == 0) break; switch (action) { case CTL_SHOW_STATUS: show_status_msg(&imsg); done = 1; break; case CTL_SHOW_COUNTERS: show_counters_msg(&imsg); done = 1; break; case CTL_SHOW_PEERS: show_peer_msg(&imsg, 0); if (imsg.hdr.type == IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS_END) done = 1; break; case CTL_SHOW_SENSORS: show_sensor_msg(&imsg, 0); if (imsg.hdr.type == IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS_END) done = 1; break; case CTL_SHOW_ALL: switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_STATUS: show_status_msg(&imsg); break; case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_COUNTERS: show_counters_msg(&imsg); break; case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS: show_peer_msg(&imsg, 1); break; case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS: show_sensor_msg(&imsg, 1); break; case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS_END: case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS_END: /* do nothing */ break; case IMSG_CTL_SHOW_ALL_END: done=1; break; default: /* no action taken */ break; } default: /* no action taken */ break; } imsg_free(&imsg); } } close(fd); free(ibuf_ctl); exit(0); } const char * ctl_lookup_option(char *cmd, const char **list) { const char *item = NULL; if (cmd != NULL && *cmd) for (; *list; list++) if (!strncmp(cmd, *list, strlen(cmd))) { if (item == NULL) item = *list; else errx(1, "%s is ambiguous", cmd); } return (item); } void show_counters_msg(struct imsg *imsg) { struct ntpd_counters *ccounters; if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct ntpd_counters)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_STATUS received"); ccounters = (struct ntpd_counters *)imsg->data; printf("%lld packets received as client\n", ccounters->recv_client_pkts); printf("%lld packets received as server\n", ccounters->recv_server_pkts); printf("%lld packets ignored as server\n", ccounters->ignored_server_pkts); printf("%lld packets answered as server\n", ccounters->answered_server_pkts); } void show_status_msg(struct imsg *imsg) { struct ctl_show_status *cstatus; double clock_offset; struct timeval tv; if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct ctl_show_status)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_STATUS received"); cstatus = (struct ctl_show_status *)imsg->data; if (cstatus->peercnt > 0) printf("%d/%d peers valid, ", cstatus->valid_peers, cstatus->peercnt); if (cstatus->sensorcnt > 0) printf("%d/%d sensors valid, ", cstatus->valid_sensors, cstatus->sensorcnt); if (cstatus->constraint_median) { tv.tv_sec = cstatus->constraint_median + (getmonotime() - cstatus->constraint_last); tv.tv_usec = 0; d_to_tv(gettime_from_timeval(&tv) - gettime(), &tv); printf("constraint offset %llds", (long long)tv.tv_sec); if (cstatus->constraint_errors) printf(" (%d errors)", cstatus->constraint_errors); printf(", "); } else if (cstatus->constraints) printf("constraints configured but none available, "); if (cstatus->peercnt + cstatus->sensorcnt == 0) printf("no peers and no sensors configured\n"); if (cstatus->synced == 1) printf("clock synced, stratum %u\n", cstatus->stratum); else { printf("clock unsynced"); clock_offset = cstatus->clock_offset < 0 ? -1.0 * cstatus->clock_offset : cstatus->clock_offset; if (clock_offset > 5e-7) printf(", clock offset is %.3fms\n", cstatus->clock_offset); else printf("\n"); } } void show_peer_msg(struct imsg *imsg, int calledfromshowall) { struct ctl_show_peer *cpeer; int cnt; char stratum[3]; static int firsttime = 1; if (imsg->hdr.type == IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS_END) { if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(cnt)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS_END received"); memcpy(&cnt, imsg->data, sizeof(cnt)); if (cnt == 0) printf("no peers configured\n"); return; } if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct ctl_show_peer)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_PEERS received"); cpeer = (struct ctl_show_peer *)imsg->data; if (strlen(cpeer->peer_desc) > MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH - 1) fatalx("peer_desc is too long"); if (firsttime) { firsttime = 0; if (calledfromshowall) printf("\n"); printf("peer\n wt tl st next poll " "offset delay jitter\n"); } if (cpeer->stratum > 0) snprintf(stratum, sizeof(stratum), "%2u", cpeer->stratum); else strlcpy(stratum, " -", sizeof (stratum)); printf("%s\n %1s %2u %2u %2s %4llds %4llds", cpeer->peer_desc, cpeer->syncedto == 1 ? "*" : " ", cpeer->weight, cpeer->trustlevel, stratum, (long long)cpeer->next, (long long)cpeer->poll); if (cpeer->trustlevel >= TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER) printf(" %12.3fms %9.3fms %8.3fms\n", cpeer->offset, cpeer->delay, cpeer->jitter); else printf(" ---- peer not valid ----\n"); } void show_sensor_msg(struct imsg *imsg, int calledfromshowall) { struct ctl_show_sensor *csensor; int cnt; static int firsttime = 1; if (imsg->hdr.type == IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS_END) { if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(cnt)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS_END received"); memcpy(&cnt, imsg->data, sizeof(cnt)); if (cnt == 0) printf("no sensors configured\n"); return; } if (imsg->hdr.len != IMSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct ctl_show_sensor)) fatalx("invalid IMSG_CTL_SHOW_SENSORS received"); csensor = (struct ctl_show_sensor *)imsg->data; if (strlen(csensor->sensor_desc) > MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH - 1) fatalx("sensor_desc is too long"); if (firsttime) { firsttime = 0; if (calledfromshowall) printf("\n"); printf("sensor\n wt gd st next poll " "offset correction\n"); } printf("%s\n %1s %2u %2u %2u %4llds %4llds", csensor->sensor_desc, csensor->syncedto == 1 ? "*" : " ", csensor->weight, csensor->good, csensor->stratum, (long long)csensor->next, (long long)csensor->poll); if (csensor->good == 1) printf(" %11.3fms %9.3fms\n", csensor->offset, csensor->correction); else printf(" - sensor not valid -\n"); }