/* $OpenBSD: ntp.c,v 1.174 2024/02/21 03:31:28 deraadt Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Henning Brauer * Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Guy * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ntpd.h" #define PFD_PIPE_MAIN 0 #define PFD_PIPE_DNS 1 #define PFD_SOCK_CTL 2 #define PFD_MAX 3 volatile sig_atomic_t ntp_quit = 0; struct imsgbuf *ibuf_main; static struct imsgbuf *ibuf_dns; struct ntpd_conf *conf; struct ctl_conns ctl_conns; u_int peer_cnt; u_int sensors_cnt; extern u_int constraint_cnt; struct ntpd_counters counters; void ntp_sighdlr(int); int ntp_dispatch_imsg(void); int ntp_dispatch_imsg_dns(void); void peer_add(struct ntp_peer *); void peer_remove(struct ntp_peer *); int inpool(struct sockaddr_storage *, struct sockaddr_storage[MAX_SERVERS_DNS], size_t); void ntp_sighdlr(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: ntp_quit = 1; break; } } void ntp_main(struct ntpd_conf *nconf, struct passwd *pw, int argc, char **argv) { int a, b, nfds, i, j, idx_peers, timeout; int nullfd, pipe_dns[2], idx_clients; int ctls; int fd_ctl; int clear_cdns; u_int pfd_elms = 0, idx2peer_elms = 0; u_int listener_cnt, new_cnt, sent_cnt, trial_cnt; u_int ctl_cnt; struct pollfd *pfd = NULL; struct servent *se; struct listen_addr *la; struct ntp_peer *p; struct ntp_peer **idx2peer = NULL; struct ntp_sensor *s, *next_s; struct constraint *cstr; struct timespec tp; struct stat stb; struct ctl_conn *cc; time_t nextaction, last_sensor_scan = 0, now; time_t last_action = 0, interval, last_cdns_reset = 0; void *newp; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, PF_UNSPEC, pipe_dns) == -1) fatal("socketpair"); start_child(NTPDNS_PROC_NAME, pipe_dns[1], argc, argv); log_init(nconf->debug ? LOG_TO_STDERR : LOG_TO_SYSLOG, nconf->verbose, LOG_DAEMON); if (!nconf->debug && setsid() == -1) fatal("setsid"); log_procinit("ntp"); if ((se = getservbyname("ntp", "udp")) == NULL) fatal("getservbyname"); /* Start control socket. */ if ((fd_ctl = control_init(CTLSOCKET)) == -1) fatalx("control socket init failed"); if (control_listen(fd_ctl) == -1) fatalx("control socket listen failed"); if ((nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) == -1) fatal(NULL); if (stat(pw->pw_dir, &stb) == -1) { fatal("privsep dir %s could not be opened", pw->pw_dir); } if (stb.st_uid != 0 || (stb.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)) != 0) { fatalx("bad privsep dir %s permissions: %o", pw->pw_dir, stb.st_mode); } if (chroot(pw->pw_dir) == -1) fatal("chroot"); if (chdir("/") == -1) fatal("chdir(\"/\")"); if (!nconf->debug) { dup2(nullfd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(nullfd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(nullfd, STDERR_FILENO); } close(nullfd); setproctitle("ntp engine"); conf = nconf; setup_listeners(se, conf, &listener_cnt); if (setgroups(1, &pw->pw_gid) || setresgid(pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid) || setresuid(pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid)) fatal("can't drop privileges"); endservent(); /* The ntp process will want to open NTP client sockets -> "inet" */ if (pledge("stdio inet", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); signal(SIGTERM, ntp_sighdlr); signal(SIGINT, ntp_sighdlr); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); if ((ibuf_main = malloc(sizeof(struct imsgbuf))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); imsg_init(ibuf_main, PARENT_SOCK_FILENO); if ((ibuf_dns = malloc(sizeof(struct imsgbuf))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); imsg_init(ibuf_dns, pipe_dns[0]); constraint_cnt = 0; conf->constraint_median = 0; conf->constraint_last = getmonotime(); TAILQ_FOREACH(cstr, &conf->constraints, entry) constraint_cnt += constraint_init(cstr); TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) client_peer_init(p); memset(&conf->status, 0, sizeof(conf->status)); conf->freq.num = 0; conf->freq.samples = 0; conf->freq.x = 0.0; conf->freq.xx = 0.0; conf->freq.xy = 0.0; conf->freq.y = 0.0; conf->freq.overall_offset = 0.0; conf->status.synced = 0; clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); b = 1000000000 / tp.tv_nsec; /* convert to Hz */ for (a = 0; b > 1; a--, b >>= 1) ; conf->status.precision = a; conf->scale = 1; TAILQ_INIT(&ctl_conns); sensor_init(); init_ntpd_counters(&counters); log_info("ntp engine ready"); ctl_cnt = 0; peer_cnt = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) peer_cnt++; while (ntp_quit == 0) { if (peer_cnt > idx2peer_elms) { if ((newp = reallocarray(idx2peer, peer_cnt, sizeof(*idx2peer))) == NULL) { /* panic for now */ log_warn("could not resize idx2peer from %u -> " "%u entries", idx2peer_elms, peer_cnt); fatalx("exiting"); } idx2peer = newp; idx2peer_elms = peer_cnt; } new_cnt = PFD_MAX + peer_cnt + listener_cnt + ctl_cnt; if (new_cnt > pfd_elms) { if ((newp = reallocarray(pfd, new_cnt, sizeof(*pfd))) == NULL) { /* panic for now */ log_warn("could not resize pfd from %u -> " "%u entries", pfd_elms, new_cnt); fatalx("exiting"); } pfd = newp; pfd_elms = new_cnt; } memset(pfd, 0, sizeof(*pfd) * pfd_elms); memset(idx2peer, 0, sizeof(*idx2peer) * idx2peer_elms); nextaction = getmonotime() + 900; pfd[PFD_PIPE_MAIN].fd = ibuf_main->fd; pfd[PFD_PIPE_MAIN].events = POLLIN; pfd[PFD_PIPE_DNS].fd = ibuf_dns->fd; pfd[PFD_PIPE_DNS].events = POLLIN; pfd[PFD_SOCK_CTL].fd = fd_ctl; pfd[PFD_SOCK_CTL].events = POLLIN; i = PFD_MAX; TAILQ_FOREACH(la, &conf->listen_addrs, entry) { pfd[i].fd = la->fd; pfd[i].events = POLLIN; i++; } idx_peers = i; sent_cnt = trial_cnt = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) { if (!p->trusted && constraint_cnt && conf->constraint_median == 0) continue; if (p->next > 0 && p->next <= getmonotime()) { if (p->state > STATE_DNS_INPROGRESS) trial_cnt++; if (client_query(p) == 0) sent_cnt++; } if (p->deadline > 0 && p->deadline <= getmonotime()) { timeout = 300; log_debug("no reply from %s received in time, " "next query %ds", log_ntp_addr( p->addr), timeout); if (p->trustlevel >= TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER && (p->trustlevel /= 2) < TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER) log_info("peer %s now invalid", log_ntp_addr(p->addr)); if (client_nextaddr(p) == 1) { peer_addr_head_clear(p); client_nextaddr(p); } set_next(p, timeout); } if (p->senderrors > MAX_SEND_ERRORS) { log_debug("failed to send query to %s, " "next query %ds", log_ntp_addr(p->addr), INTERVAL_QUERY_PATHETIC); p->senderrors = 0; if (client_nextaddr(p) == 1) { peer_addr_head_clear(p); client_nextaddr(p); } set_next(p, INTERVAL_QUERY_PATHETIC); } if (p->next > 0 && p->next < nextaction) nextaction = p->next; if (p->deadline > 0 && p->deadline < nextaction) nextaction = p->deadline; if (p->state == STATE_QUERY_SENT && p->query.fd != -1) { pfd[i].fd = p->query.fd; pfd[i].events = POLLIN; idx2peer[i - idx_peers] = p; i++; } } idx_clients = i; if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&conf->ntp_conf_sensors) && (conf->trusted_sensors || constraint_cnt == 0 || conf->constraint_median != 0)) { if (last_sensor_scan == 0 || last_sensor_scan + SENSOR_SCAN_INTERVAL <= getmonotime()) { sensors_cnt = sensor_scan(); last_sensor_scan = getmonotime(); } if (sensors_cnt == 0 && nextaction > last_sensor_scan + SENSOR_SCAN_INTERVAL) nextaction = last_sensor_scan + SENSOR_SCAN_INTERVAL; sensors_cnt = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &conf->ntp_sensors, entry) { if (conf->settime && s->offsets[0].offset) priv_settime(s->offsets[0].offset, NULL); sensors_cnt++; if (s->next > 0 && s->next < nextaction) nextaction = s->next; } } if (conf->settime && ((trial_cnt > 0 && sent_cnt == 0) || (peer_cnt == 0 && sensors_cnt == 0))) priv_settime(0, "no valid peers configured"); clear_cdns = 1; TAILQ_FOREACH(cstr, &conf->constraints, entry) { constraint_query(cstr, conf->status.synced); if (cstr->state <= STATE_QUERY_SENT) clear_cdns = 0; } if (ibuf_main->w.queued > 0) pfd[PFD_PIPE_MAIN].events |= POLLOUT; if (ibuf_dns->w.queued > 0) pfd[PFD_PIPE_DNS].events |= POLLOUT; TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &ctl_conns, entry) { pfd[i].fd = cc->ibuf.fd; pfd[i].events = POLLIN; if (cc->ibuf.w.queued > 0) pfd[i].events |= POLLOUT; i++; } ctls = i; now = getmonotime(); if (conf->constraint_median == 0 && clear_cdns && now - last_cdns_reset > CONSTRAINT_SCAN_INTERVAL) { log_debug("Reset constraint info"); constraint_reset(); last_cdns_reset = now; nextaction = now + CONSTRAINT_RETRY_INTERVAL; } timeout = nextaction - now; if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; if ((nfds = poll(pfd, i, timeout ? timeout * 1000 : 1)) == -1) if (errno != EINTR) { log_warn("poll error"); ntp_quit = 1; } if (nfds > 0 && (pfd[PFD_PIPE_MAIN].revents & POLLOUT)) if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf_main->w) <= 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { log_warn("pipe write error (to parent)"); ntp_quit = 1; } if (nfds > 0 && pfd[PFD_PIPE_MAIN].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) { nfds--; if (ntp_dispatch_imsg() == -1) { log_debug("pipe read error (from main)"); ntp_quit = 1; } } if (nfds > 0 && (pfd[PFD_PIPE_DNS].revents & POLLOUT)) if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf_dns->w) <= 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { log_warn("pipe write error (to dns engine)"); ntp_quit = 1; } if (nfds > 0 && pfd[PFD_PIPE_DNS].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) { nfds--; if (ntp_dispatch_imsg_dns() == -1) { log_warn("pipe read error (from dns engine)"); ntp_quit = 1; } } if (nfds > 0 && pfd[PFD_SOCK_CTL].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) { nfds--; ctl_cnt += control_accept(fd_ctl); } for (j = PFD_MAX; nfds > 0 && j < idx_peers; j++) if (pfd[j].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) { nfds--; if (server_dispatch(pfd[j].fd, conf) == -1) { log_warn("pipe write error (conf)"); ntp_quit = 1; } } for (; nfds > 0 && j < idx_clients; j++) { if (pfd[j].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) { struct ntp_peer *pp = idx2peer[j - idx_peers]; nfds--; switch (client_dispatch(pp, conf->settime, conf->automatic)) { case -1: log_debug("no reply from %s " "received", log_ntp_addr(pp->addr)); if (pp->trustlevel >= TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER && (pp->trustlevel /= 2) < TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER) log_info("peer %s now invalid", log_ntp_addr(pp->addr)); break; case 0: /* invalid replies are ignored */ break; case 1: last_action = now; break; } } } for (; nfds > 0 && j < ctls; j++) { nfds -= control_dispatch_msg(&pfd[j], &ctl_cnt); } for (s = TAILQ_FIRST(&conf->ntp_sensors); s != NULL; s = next_s) { next_s = TAILQ_NEXT(s, entry); if (s->next <= now) { last_action = now; sensor_query(s); } } /* * Compute maximum of scale_interval(INTERVAL_QUERY_NORMAL), * if we did not process a time message for three times that * interval, stop advertising we're synced. */ interval = INTERVAL_QUERY_NORMAL * conf->scale; interval += SCALE_INTERVAL(interval) - 1; if (conf->status.synced && last_action + 3 * interval < now) { log_info("clock is now unsynced due to lack of replies"); conf->status.synced = 0; conf->scale = 1; priv_dns(IMSG_UNSYNCED, NULL, 0); } } msgbuf_write(&ibuf_main->w); msgbuf_clear(&ibuf_main->w); free(ibuf_main); msgbuf_write(&ibuf_dns->w); msgbuf_clear(&ibuf_dns->w); free(ibuf_dns); log_info("ntp engine exiting"); exit(0); } int ntp_dispatch_imsg(void) { struct imsg imsg; int n; if (((n = imsg_read(ibuf_main)) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) || n == 0) return (-1); for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf_main, &imsg)) == -1) return (-1); if (n == 0) break; switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_ADJTIME: memcpy(&n, imsg.data, sizeof(n)); if (n == 1 && !conf->status.synced) { log_info("clock is now synced"); conf->status.synced = 1; priv_dns(IMSG_SYNCED, NULL, 0); constraint_reset(); } else if (n == 0 && conf->status.synced) { log_info("clock is now unsynced"); conf->status.synced = 0; priv_dns(IMSG_UNSYNCED, NULL, 0); } break; case IMSG_CONSTRAINT_RESULT: constraint_msg_result(imsg.hdr.peerid, imsg.data, imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE); break; case IMSG_CONSTRAINT_CLOSE: constraint_msg_close(imsg.hdr.peerid, imsg.data, imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE); break; default: break; } imsg_free(&imsg); } return (0); } int inpool(struct sockaddr_storage *a, struct sockaddr_storage old[MAX_SERVERS_DNS], size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a->ss_family != old[i].ss_family) continue; if (a->ss_family == AF_INET) { if (((struct sockaddr_in *)a)->sin_addr.s_addr == ((struct sockaddr_in *)&old[i])->sin_addr.s_addr) return 1; } else if (memcmp(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)a)->sin6_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&old[i])->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } int ntp_dispatch_imsg_dns(void) { struct imsg imsg; struct sockaddr_storage existing[MAX_SERVERS_DNS]; struct ntp_peer *peer, *npeer, *tmp; u_int16_t dlen; u_char *p; struct ntp_addr *h; size_t addrcount, peercount; int n; if (((n = imsg_read(ibuf_dns)) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) || n == 0) return (-1); for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf_dns, &imsg)) == -1) return (-1); if (n == 0) break; switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_HOST_DNS: TAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) if (peer->id == imsg.hdr.peerid) break; if (peer == NULL) { log_warnx("IMSG_HOST_DNS with invalid peerID"); break; } if (peer->addr != NULL) { log_warnx("IMSG_HOST_DNS but addr != NULL!"); break; } if (peer->addr_head.pool) { n = 0; peercount = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(npeer, &conf->ntp_peers, entry, tmp) { if (npeer->addr_head.pool != peer->addr_head.pool) continue; peercount++; if (npeer->id == peer->id) continue; if (npeer->addr != NULL) existing[n++] = npeer->addr->ss; } } dlen = imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE; if (dlen == 0) { /* no data -> temp error */ log_debug("DNS lookup tempfail"); peer->state = STATE_DNS_TEMPFAIL; if (conf->tmpfail++ == TRIES_AUTO_DNSFAIL) priv_settime(0, "of dns failures"); break; } p = (u_char *)imsg.data; addrcount = dlen / (sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage) + sizeof(int)); while (dlen >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage) + sizeof(int)) { if ((h = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ntp_addr))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); memcpy(&h->ss, p, sizeof(h->ss)); p += sizeof(h->ss); dlen -= sizeof(h->ss); memcpy(&h->notauth, p, sizeof(int)); p += sizeof(int); dlen -= sizeof(int); if (peer->addr_head.pool) { if (peercount > addrcount) { free(h); continue; } if (inpool(&h->ss, existing, n)) { free(h); continue; } log_debug("Adding address %s to %s", log_ntp_addr(h), peer->addr_head.name); npeer = new_peer(); npeer->weight = peer->weight; npeer->query_addr4 = peer->query_addr4; npeer->query_addr6 = peer->query_addr6; h->next = NULL; npeer->addr = h; npeer->addr_head.a = h; npeer->addr_head.name = peer->addr_head.name; npeer->addr_head.pool = peer->addr_head.pool; client_peer_init(npeer); npeer->state = STATE_DNS_DONE; peer_add(npeer); peercount++; } else { h->next = peer->addr; peer->addr = h; peer->addr_head.a = peer->addr; peer->state = STATE_DNS_DONE; } } if (dlen != 0) fatalx("IMSG_HOST_DNS: dlen != 0"); if (peer->addr_head.pool) peer_remove(peer); else client_addr_init(peer); break; case IMSG_CONSTRAINT_DNS: constraint_msg_dns(imsg.hdr.peerid, imsg.data, imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE); break; case IMSG_PROBE_ROOT: dlen = imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE; if (dlen != sizeof(int)) fatalx("IMSG_PROBE_ROOT"); memcpy(&n, imsg.data, sizeof(int)); if (n < 0) priv_settime(0, "dns probe failed"); break; default: break; } imsg_free(&imsg); } return (0); } void peer_add(struct ntp_peer *p) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&conf->ntp_peers, p, entry); peer_cnt++; } void peer_remove(struct ntp_peer *p) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&conf->ntp_peers, p, entry); free(p); peer_cnt--; } void peer_addr_head_clear(struct ntp_peer *p) { host_dns_free(p->addr_head.a); p->addr_head.a = NULL; p->addr = NULL; } static void priv_adjfreq(double offset) { double curtime, freq; if (!conf->status.synced){ conf->freq.samples = 0; return; } conf->freq.samples++; if (conf->freq.samples <= 0) return; conf->freq.overall_offset += offset; offset = conf->freq.overall_offset; curtime = gettime_corrected(); conf->freq.xy += offset * curtime; conf->freq.x += curtime; conf->freq.y += offset; conf->freq.xx += curtime * curtime; if (conf->freq.samples % FREQUENCY_SAMPLES != 0) return; freq = (conf->freq.xy - conf->freq.x * conf->freq.y / conf->freq.samples) / (conf->freq.xx - conf->freq.x * conf->freq.x / conf->freq.samples); if (freq > MAX_FREQUENCY_ADJUST) freq = MAX_FREQUENCY_ADJUST; else if (freq < -MAX_FREQUENCY_ADJUST) freq = -MAX_FREQUENCY_ADJUST; imsg_compose(ibuf_main, IMSG_ADJFREQ, 0, 0, -1, &freq, sizeof(freq)); conf->filters |= FILTER_ADJFREQ; conf->freq.xy = 0.0; conf->freq.x = 0.0; conf->freq.y = 0.0; conf->freq.xx = 0.0; conf->freq.samples = 0; conf->freq.overall_offset = 0.0; conf->freq.num++; } int priv_adjtime(void) { struct ntp_peer *p; struct ntp_sensor *s; int offset_cnt = 0, i = 0, j; struct ntp_offset **offsets; double offset_median; TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) { if (p->trustlevel < TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER) continue; if (!p->update.good) return (1); offset_cnt += p->weight; } TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &conf->ntp_sensors, entry) { if (!s->update.good) continue; offset_cnt += s->weight; } if (offset_cnt == 0) return (1); if ((offsets = calloc(offset_cnt, sizeof(struct ntp_offset *))) == NULL) fatal("calloc priv_adjtime"); TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) { if (p->trustlevel < TRUSTLEVEL_BADPEER) continue; for (j = 0; j < p->weight; j++) offsets[i++] = &p->update; } TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &conf->ntp_sensors, entry) { if (!s->update.good) continue; for (j = 0; j < s->weight; j++) offsets[i++] = &s->update; } qsort(offsets, offset_cnt, sizeof(struct ntp_offset *), offset_compare); i = offset_cnt / 2; if (offset_cnt % 2 == 0) if (offsets[i - 1]->delay < offsets[i]->delay) i -= 1; offset_median = offsets[i]->offset; conf->status.rootdelay = offsets[i]->delay; conf->status.stratum = offsets[i]->status.stratum; conf->status.leap = offsets[i]->status.leap; imsg_compose(ibuf_main, IMSG_ADJTIME, 0, 0, -1, &offset_median, sizeof(offset_median)); priv_adjfreq(offset_median); conf->status.reftime = gettime(); conf->status.stratum++; /* one more than selected peer */ if (conf->status.stratum > NTP_MAXSTRATUM) conf->status.stratum = NTP_MAXSTRATUM; update_scale(offset_median); conf->status.refid = offsets[i]->status.send_refid; free(offsets); TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &conf->ntp_peers, entry) { for (i = 0; i < OFFSET_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) p->reply[i].offset -= offset_median; p->update.good = 0; } TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &conf->ntp_sensors, entry) { for (i = 0; i < SENSOR_OFFSETS; i++) s->offsets[i].offset -= offset_median; s->update.offset -= offset_median; } return (0); } int offset_compare(const void *aa, const void *bb) { const struct ntp_offset * const *a; const struct ntp_offset * const *b; a = aa; b = bb; if ((*a)->offset < (*b)->offset) return (-1); else if ((*a)->offset > (*b)->offset) return (1); else return (0); } void priv_settime(double offset, char *msg) { if (offset == 0) log_info("cancel settime because %s", msg); imsg_compose(ibuf_main, IMSG_SETTIME, 0, 0, -1, &offset, sizeof(offset)); conf->settime = 0; } void priv_dns(int cmd, char *name, u_int32_t peerid) { u_int16_t dlen = 0; if (name != NULL) dlen = strlen(name) + 1; imsg_compose(ibuf_dns, cmd, peerid, 0, -1, name, dlen); } void update_scale(double offset) { offset += getoffset(); if (offset < 0) offset = -offset; if (offset > QSCALE_OFF_MAX || !conf->status.synced || conf->freq.num < 3) conf->scale = 1; else if (offset < QSCALE_OFF_MIN) conf->scale = QSCALE_OFF_MAX / QSCALE_OFF_MIN; else conf->scale = QSCALE_OFF_MAX / offset; } time_t scale_interval(time_t requested) { time_t interval, r; interval = requested * conf->scale; r = arc4random_uniform(SCALE_INTERVAL(interval)); return (interval + r); } time_t error_interval(void) { time_t interval, r; interval = INTERVAL_QUERY_PATHETIC * QSCALE_OFF_MAX / QSCALE_OFF_MIN; r = arc4random_uniform(interval / 10); return (interval + r); }