#include #include #include #include #include int running = 1; static void stopHandler(int sign) { printf("received ctrl-c\n"); running = 0; } int main() { signal(SIGINT, stopHandler); /* catches ctrl-c */ void *context = zmq_ctx_new(); void *publisher = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_PUB); int rc = zmq_bind(publisher, "tcp://"); if (rc != 0) { printf("something wrong with zmq_bind: %s\n", zmq_strerror(errno)); exit(1); } double temperature = 15.0; while (running) { rc = zmq_send(publisher, &temperature, sizeof(double), 0); if (rc != -1) { printf("sent %f\n", temperature); } else { printf("something wrong with zmq_send: %s\n", zmq_strerror(errno)); } temperature += 0.25; sleep(5); } printf("Terminating ...\n"); zmq_close(publisher); zmq_ctx_destroy(context); }