#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const uint8_t CMD_SOCK; const uint16_t cmdPort = 23; typedef enum { CH_INIT, CH_LISTEN, CH_WAITING, CH_BANNER, CH_PROMPT, CH_RECEIVE, CH_DISCONNECT, CH_DISCONNECT_WAIT, CH_ERROR } chState_t; // clear statistics bool clearCmd() { t_mbusCommStats zeroedStats = { .requestCnt = 0, .errorCnt = 0 }; mbusCommSetStats(zeroedStats); return true; } // returns 0 to continue waiting for input // returns -1 to close the connection // returns 1 to toggle to config mode // returns 2 to toggle back to default mode int8_t cmdExecuteCommand(uint8_t *cmd, bool resetConfigMode) { const static uint8_t HELP_MSG[] = \ "Usage\n\r" \ "\n\r" \ "help ................................. Show this help page\n\r" \ "quit ................................. Terminate the console session\n\r" \ "enable ............................... Enable configuration mode\n\r" \ "disable .............................. Disable configuration mode\n\r" \ "clear ................................ Clears the global Meterbus\n\r" \ " statistics\n\r" \ " Required configuration mode\n\r" \ ; const static uint8_t GOODBYE_MSG[] = "Good bye\n\r"; const static uint8_t OK_MSG[] = "OK\n\r"; const static uint8_t FAILED_MSG[] = "Failed\n\r"; const static uint8_t REQUIRES_CONFIG_MODE_MGS[] = "Not executed, requires config mode\n\r"; uint8_t *messageToSend = NULL; static bool configMode = false; if (resetConfigMode) { configMode = false; } int8_t retCode = 0; coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "cec, cmd is %s", cmd); if (0 == strcmp(cmd, "quit")) { messageToSend = GOODBYE_MSG; retCode = -1; } else if (0 == strcmp(cmd, "help")) { messageToSend = HELP_MSG; retCode = -1; } else if (0 == strcmp(cmd, "enable")) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "cec, enable config mode"); configMode = true; retCode = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(cmd, "disable")) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "cec, disable config mode"); configMode = false; retCode = 2; } else if (0 == strcmp(cmd, "clear")) { if (configMode) { messageToSend = clearCmd() ? OK_MSG : FAILED_MSG; } else { messageToSend = REQUIRES_CONFIG_MODE_MGS; } } if (messageToSend) { send(CMD_SOCK, messageToSend, strlen(messageToSend)); } return retCode; } void cmdHandlerEngine(void *handle) { static uint8_t receiveBuffer[256]; static chState_t state = CH_INIT; static bool resetConfigMode = false; static uint8_t banner[] = \ "MBGW3\n\r" \ "Type help for usage help\n\r" \ "or quit to close the connection.\n\r"; static uint8_t *prompt; static uint8_t defaultPrompt[] = "MBGW3 # "; static uint8_t elevatedPrompt[] = "MBGW3 (admin) > "; int8_t res = 0; uint8_t sockState; int32_t resultSend; int16_t receivedOctets; int32_t resultRecv; uint8_t resultDisconnect; if (isNetworkAvailable()) { switch (state) { case CH_INIT: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, initializing socket"); res = socket(CMD_SOCK, Sn_MR_TCP, cmdPort, SF_IO_NONBLOCK); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, socket returns %d", res); if (res == CMD_SOCK) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, socket is initialized"); state = CH_LISTEN; } else { state = CH_ERROR; } break; case CH_LISTEN: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, listening"); res = listen(CMD_SOCK); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, listen returns %d", res); if (res == SOCK_OK) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, ok, waiting for established"); state = CH_WAITING; } else { state = CH_ERROR; } break; case CH_WAITING: //coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, waiting for established"); sockState = getSn_SR(CMD_SOCK); if (sockState != SOCK_LISTEN) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, socket state is 0x%02x", sockState); } if (sockState == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, connection is established"); state = CH_BANNER; } break; case CH_BANNER: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, send banner"); sockState = getSn_SR(CMD_SOCK); if (sockState != SOCK_ESTABLISHED) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che sockState is 0x%02x when trying to send banner", sockState); state = CH_DISCONNECT; } else { resultSend = send(CMD_SOCK, banner, strlen(banner)); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, sent banner, send returns 0x%02x", resultSend); prompt = defaultPrompt; resetConfigMode = true; state = CH_PROMPT; } break; case CH_PROMPT: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che send prompt"); sockState = getSn_SR(CMD_SOCK); if (sockState != SOCK_ESTABLISHED) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che sockState is 0x%02x when trying to send promt", sockState); state = CH_DISCONNECT; } else { resultSend = send(CMD_SOCK, prompt, strlen(prompt)); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, sent prompt %s, send returns 0x%02x", prompt, resultSend); state = CH_RECEIVE; } break; case CH_RECEIVE: sockState = getSn_SR(CMD_SOCK); if (sockState != SOCK_ESTABLISHED) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che sockState is 0x%02x when trying to receive something", sockState); state = CH_DISCONNECT; } else { // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, now waiting for some input"); receivedOctets = getSn_RX_RSR(CMD_SOCK); // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, getSn_RxMAX returns %d", res16); if (receivedOctets > 0) { memset(receiveBuffer, 0, sizeof(receiveBuffer)); resultRecv = recv(CMD_SOCK, receiveBuffer, sizeof(receiveBuffer)); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, recv returns 0x%02x", resultRecv); if (resultRecv > 0) { if ((receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] == 0x0a) || (receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] == 0x0d)) { receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] = 0; } if ((receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] == 0x0a) || (receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] == 0x0d)) { receiveBuffer[strlen(receiveBuffer) - 1] = 0; } coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, received: %s", receiveBuffer); int8_t resCEC = cmdExecuteCommand(receiveBuffer, resetConfigMode); resetConfigMode = false; switch (resCEC) { case 0: state = CH_PROMPT; break; case -1: state = CH_DISCONNECT; break; case 1: prompt = elevatedPrompt; state = CH_PROMPT; break; case 2: prompt = defaultPrompt; state = CH_PROMPT; break; } } } } break; case CH_DISCONNECT: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, close our end"); resultDisconnect = disconnect(CMD_SOCK); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, disconnect returns 0x%02x", resultDisconnect); state = CH_DISCONNECT_WAIT; break; case CH_DISCONNECT_WAIT: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, waiting after disconnect"); sockState = getSn_SR(CMD_SOCK); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, sockState is 0x%02x", sockState); if (sockState == SOCK_CLOSED) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, socket is closed now"); state = CH_INIT; } break; case CH_ERROR: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, "che, error state, will stop here"); schDel(cmdHandlerEngine, NULL); break; } } } void cmdHandlerInit() { schAdd(cmdHandlerEngine, NULL, 0, 100); }