#include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #include <main.h> #include <usart.h> #include <PontCoopScheduler.h> #include <mbusComm.h> #include <loopCtrl.h> #include <show.h> #include <logger.h> #include <frontend.h> #include <wizHelper.h> #include <mbusParserExt.h> #include <mqttComm.h> #include <oled.h> #include <ringbuffer.h> #include <config.h> #include <mbus/mbus-protocol.h> static t_configBlock *config; static const uint8_t MBUS_QUERY_CMD = 0x5b; // Delay between end of last bit of sent request telegram // and enabling the frontend for receiving the response. // Standard says client must wait at least 11 bit times. // 1 / 2400 * 11 = 4.5e-3ms static const uint32_t DELAY_AFTER_SENDING = 4; // ms typedef enum { MBCR_SUCCESS = 0, MBCR_ERROR_TIMEOUT, MBCR_ERROR_LOOP_FAILURE, MBCR_ERROR_TX_REG_UNACCESSIBLE, MBCR_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY__FRAME, MBCR_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY__USERDATA, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__START1, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__LENGTH1, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__LENGTH2, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__START2, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__INVALID_CHKSUM, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__STOP, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__ILLEGAL_STATE, MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__UNKNOWN } e_mbusCommResult; typedef enum { MBCS_IDLE, MBCS_SEND, MBCS_SEND_CONTINUED, MBCS_SENDING, MBCS_SENDING_DONE, MBCS_WAIT_AFTER_SENDING, MBCS_ENABLE_FRONTEND, MBCS_START1, MBCS_LENGTH1, MBCS_LENGTH2, MBCS_START2, MBCS_C_FIELD, MBCS_A_FIELD, MBCS_CI_FIELD, MBCS_USERDATA, MBCS_CHKSUM, MBCS_STOP, MBCS_DONE, MBCS_TIMEOUT, MBCS_DISABLE_FRONTEND, MBCS_ERROR, MBCS_ERROR_CONTINUED } e_mbusCommState; typedef struct { uint8_t start1; uint8_t length1; uint8_t length2; uint8_t start2; uint8_t l; uint8_t c; uint8_t a; uint8_t ci; uint8_t *userdata; uint8_t chksum; uint8_t stop; } t_longframe; typedef struct { uint16_t size; uint16_t readIdx; uint16_t writeIdx; uint8_t *buffer; } linearBuffer_t; typedef struct { uint32_t requestId; e_mbusCommState state; uint8_t retryCnt; uint8_t cmd; uint8_t addr; linearBuffer_t sendBuffer; linearBuffer_t receiveBuffer; uint32_t startTime; uint8_t receiveCnt; bool waitForOctet; e_mbusCommResult result; t_longframe frame; t_mbusDevice *device; } t_mbusCommHandle; static t_mbusCommHandle mbusCommHandle = { .requestId = 0, .state = MBCS_IDLE, .retryCnt = 0, .cmd = 0, .addr = 0, .startTime = 0, .receiveCnt = 0, .waitForOctet = false }; static t_mbusCommStats mbusCommStats = { .mbusRequestCnt = 0, .mbusErrorCnt = 0, .uartOctetCnt = 0, .uartOverrunCnt = 0, .uartFramingErrCnt = 0, .uartParityErrCnt = 0, .uartNoiseErrCnt = 0 }; static bool mbusCommEnabled = true; void mbusCommSetStats(t_mbusCommStats stats) { mbusCommStats = stats; } t_mbusCommStats *mbusCommGetStats() { return &mbusCommStats; } static void printError() { float errorRatio = ((float) mbusCommHandle.device->failures) / ((float) mbusCommHandle.device->requests); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc pe [%d] Error ratio is %.2f", mbusCommHandle.requestId, errorRatio); mqttPublishf(config->mbusDataTopic, "{\"Status\":\"Error\", \"RequestId\":\"%d\", \"Device\":\"%s\", \"Errors\":\"%d\", \"Requests\":\"%d\", \"ErrorRatio\":\"%.2f\"}", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->deviceName, mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio); oledPrintf(OLED_SCREEN0, "Err:%d/%d %.2f", mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio); } static void parseAndPrintFrame() { t_longframe *frame = &(mbusCommHandle.frame); mbus_frame reply; memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); //mbus_parse(&reply, buf, len); reply.start1 = frame->start1; reply.length1 = frame->length1; reply.length2 = frame->length2; reply.start2 = frame->start2; reply.control = frame->c; reply.address = frame->a; reply.control_information = frame->ci; memcpy(reply.data, frame->userdata, frame->length1 - 3); reply.checksum = frame->chksum; reply.stop = frame->stop; reply.type = MBUS_FRAME_TYPE_LONG; reply.data_size = frame->length1 - 3; mbus_frame_data frame_data; memset(&frame_data, 0, sizeof(frame_data)); int r = mbus_frame_data_parse(&reply, &frame_data); if (r == 0) { mbus_data_variable *data_var = &(frame_data.data_var); if (data_var->header.status) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, data_var->header.status); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x01)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Application Busy", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x02)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Any Application Error", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x04)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Power Low", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x08)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Permanent Error", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x10)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Temporary Error", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x20)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Specific to manufacturer Error 1", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x40)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Specific to manufacturer Error 2", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } if ((data_var->header.status & 0x80)) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] sts: Specific to manufacturer Error 3", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } mbus_data_record *record; int i; const char *keys[MBUSDEVICE_NUM_OF_CONSIDEREDFIELDS]; float values[MBUSDEVICE_NUM_OF_CONSIDEREDFIELDS]; uint8_t numOfConsideredFields = 0; for (record = data_var->record, i = 0; record; record = record->next, i++) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MBUSDEVICE_NUM_OF_CONSIDEREDFIELDS; j++) { if (mbusCommHandle.device->consideredField[j] == i) { parsedVIB_t parsedVIB = parseVIB(record->drh.vib); // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc papf [%d] parsed VIB N: %s, U: %s, E: %d", // mbusCommHandle.requestId, // parsedVIB.name, parsedVIB.unit, parsedVIB.exponent); if (parsedVIB.found) { uint32_t value = strtol(mbus_data_record_value(record), NULL, 10); float weightedValue = ((float) value) * powf(10.0, ((float) parsedVIB.exponent)); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc papf [%d] %s is %.1f %s (%d * 10^%d)", mbusCommHandle.requestId, parsedVIB.name, weightedValue, parsedVIB.unit, value, parsedVIB.exponent); keys[numOfConsideredFields] = parsedVIB.name; values[numOfConsideredFields] = weightedValue; numOfConsideredFields++; } else { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc papf [%d] L:%d, VIF: 0x%02x U:%s V:%s", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->consideredField[j], record->drh.vib.vif, mbus_data_record_unit(record), mbus_data_record_value(record)); } } } } float errorRatio = ((float) mbusCommHandle.device->failures) / ((float) mbusCommHandle.device->requests); coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc papf [%d] Error ratio is %.2f", mbusCommHandle.requestId, errorRatio); if (numOfConsideredFields == 1) { mqttPublishf(config->mbusDataTopic, "{\"Status\":\"Ok\", \"RequestId\":\"%d\", \"Device\":\"%s\", \"Errors\":\"%d\", \"Requests\":\"%d\", \"ErrorRatio\":\"%.2f\", " \ "\"Values\":{\"%s\":\"%.1f\"}}", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->deviceName, mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio, keys[0], values[0]); } else if (numOfConsideredFields == 2) { mqttPublishf(config->mbusDataTopic, "{\"Status\":\"Ok\", \"RequestId\":\"%d\", \"Device\":\"%s\", \"Errors\":\"%d\", \"Requests\":\"%d\", \"ErrorRatio\":\"%.2f\", " \ "\"Values\":{\"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\"}}", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->deviceName, mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio, keys[0], values[0], keys[1], values[1]); } else if (numOfConsideredFields == 3) { mqttPublishf(config->mbusDataTopic, "{\"Status\":\"Ok\", \"RequestId\":\"%d\", \"Device\":\"%s\", \"Errors\":\"%d\", \"Requests\":\"%d\", \"ErrorRatio\":\"%.2f\", " \ "\"Values\":{\"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\"}}", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->deviceName, mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio, keys[0], values[0], keys[1], values[1], keys[2], values[2]); } else if (numOfConsideredFields == 4) { mqttPublishf(config->mbusDataTopic, "{\"Status\":\"Ok\", \"RequestId\":\"%d\", \"Device\":\"%s\", \"Errors\":\"%d\", \"Requests\":\"%d\", \"ErrorRatio\":\"%.2f\", " \ "\"Values\":{\"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\", \"%s\":\"%.1f\"}}", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.device->deviceName, mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio, keys[0], values[0], keys[1], values[1], keys[2], values[2], keys[3], values[3]); } oledPrintf(OLED_SCREEN0, "Ok:%d/%d %.2f", mbusCommHandle.device->failures, mbusCommHandle.device->requests, errorRatio); mbus_data_record_free(data_var->record); } else { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc papf [%d] err: unable to parse frame", mbusCommHandle.requestId); } } void mbusCommISR() { uint32_t isrflags = READ_REG(mbusUart.Instance->SR); uint32_t cr1its = READ_REG(mbusUart.Instance->CR1); // RXNEIE doesn't need to be considered since it is always on and more over the // RXNE flag is cleared by reading the DR, which is done in any case if (((isrflags & USART_SR_RXNE) != RESET) || ((isrflags & (USART_SR_ORE | USART_SR_FE | USART_SR_PE | USART_SR_NE)) != RESET)) { // Error flags are only valid together with the RX flag. // They will be cleared by reading SR (already done above) followed by reading DR (below). bool errorFound = false; if ((isrflags & USART_SR_ORE) != RESET) { mbusCommStats.uartOverrunCnt += 1; errorFound = true; } if ((isrflags & USART_SR_FE) != RESET) { mbusCommStats.uartFramingErrCnt += 1; errorFound = true; } if ((isrflags & USART_SR_PE) != RESET) { mbusCommStats.uartParityErrCnt += 1; errorFound = true; } if ((isrflags & USART_SR_NE) != RESET) { mbusCommStats.uartNoiseErrCnt += 1; errorFound = true; } mbusCommStats.uartOctetCnt += 1; // it is required to read the DR in any case here, not only when the buffer has space // otherwise the interrupt flag won't be reset, particularly important in case of ORE uint8_t data = (uint8_t)(mbusUart.Instance->DR & (uint8_t)0x00FF); if ((! errorFound) && (mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx < mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.size)) { mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.buffer[mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx] = data; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx += 1; } } // TXEIE needs to be considered since TXE is cleared by writing the DR, which isn't done // after the last octet sent if (((isrflags & USART_SR_TXE) != RESET) && ((cr1its & USART_CR1_TXEIE) != RESET)) { if (mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx < mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.writeIdx) { mbusUart.Instance->DR = mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx]; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx += 1; if (mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx == mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.writeIdx) { __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_TXE); __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_TC); } } } // advance the state for the engine only when the last octet is shifted out completely if (((isrflags & USART_SR_TC) != RESET) && ((cr1its & USART_CR1_TCIE) != RESET)) { __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_TC); mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_SENDING_DONE; } } void mbusCommExec() { static uint8_t userdataIdx = 0; static uint8_t calculatedChksum = 0; uint8_t receivedOctet = 0; static uint32_t delayAfterSendStartTime = 0; if ((mbusCommHandle.startTime != 0) && ((mbusCommHandle.startTime + 2500) < HAL_GetTick())) { mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_TIMEOUT; } else if (mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet) { if (mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.readIdx >= mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx) { return; // no data available, wait } receivedOctet = mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.buffer[mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.readIdx]; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.readIdx += 1; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = false; } switch (mbusCommHandle.state) { case MBCS_IDLE: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state IDLE", mbusCommHandle.requestId); break; case MBCS_SEND: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state SEND", mbusCommHandle.requestId); mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[0] = 0x10; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[1] = mbusCommHandle.cmd; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[2] = mbusCommHandle.addr; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[3] = mbusCommHandle.cmd + mbusCommHandle.addr; // checksum mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer[4] = 0x16; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.writeIdx = 5; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_SEND_CONTINUED; // no break !! case MBCS_SEND_CONTINUED: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state SEND_CONTINUED", mbusCommHandle.requestId); show(LED_RED, OFF); if (! loopActive) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc hre [%d] enabling loop, try %d", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.retryCnt); mbusCommHandle.retryCnt++; loopEnable(); } else { mbusCommHandle.retryCnt = 0; // enable transmitter interrupt //coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] enable transmitter interrupt", mbusCommHandle.requestId); __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_TXE); mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_SENDING; } break; case MBCS_SENDING: // transition from here to MBCS_SENDING_DONE is done by TX ISR break; case MBCS_SENDING_DONE: //coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state SENDING_DONE", mbusCommHandle.requestId); delayAfterSendStartTime = HAL_GetTick(); mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_WAIT_AFTER_SENDING; break; case MBCS_WAIT_AFTER_SENDING: // Avoids switching on the frontend while there is still noise from sending on the loop // Make sure to wait not too long otherwise the beginning of the response is missed if ((delayAfterSendStartTime + DELAY_AFTER_SENDING) < HAL_GetTick()) { mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ENABLE_FRONTEND; } break; case MBCS_ENABLE_FRONTEND: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state ENABLE_FRONTEND", mbusCommHandle.requestId); frontendEnable(); calculatedChksum = 0; userdataIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.readIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; // start receiver mbusCommHandle.startTime = HAL_GetTick(); // start receiver timeout mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_START1; break; case MBCS_START1: if (receivedOctet == 0x68) { mbusCommHandle.frame.start1 = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_LENGTH1; } else { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: invalid start1 symbol %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__START1; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } break; case MBCS_LENGTH1: if (receivedOctet <= 3) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: length to small %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__LENGTH1; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } else { mbusCommHandle.frame.length1 = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata = (uint8_t*) malloc(mbusCommHandle.frame.length1 - 3); if (! mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: unable to allocate memory for userdata", mbusCommHandle.requestId); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY__USERDATA; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } else { mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_LENGTH2; } } break; case MBCS_LENGTH2: if (mbusCommHandle.frame.length1 != receivedOctet) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: invalid length2 %02x vs. %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusCommHandle.frame.length1, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__LENGTH2; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } else { mbusCommHandle.frame.length2 = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_START2; } break; case MBCS_START2: if (receivedOctet == 0x68) { mbusCommHandle.frame.start2 = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_C_FIELD; } else { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: invalid start2 symbol %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__START2; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } break; case MBCS_C_FIELD: mbusCommHandle.frame.c = receivedOctet; calculatedChksum += receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_A_FIELD; break; case MBCS_A_FIELD: mbusCommHandle.frame.a = receivedOctet; calculatedChksum += receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_CI_FIELD; break; case MBCS_CI_FIELD: mbusCommHandle.frame.ci = receivedOctet; calculatedChksum += receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_USERDATA; break; case MBCS_USERDATA: mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata[userdataIdx] = receivedOctet; calculatedChksum += receivedOctet; userdataIdx++; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; if (userdataIdx == (mbusCommHandle.frame.length1 - 3)) { mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_CHKSUM; } break; case MBCS_CHKSUM: if (receivedOctet != calculatedChksum) { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: invalid checksum %02x vs %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, calculatedChksum, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__INVALID_CHKSUM; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } else { mbusCommHandle.frame.chksum = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = true; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_STOP; } break; case MBCS_STOP: if (receivedOctet == 0x16) { mbusCommHandle.frame.stop = receivedOctet; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_DONE; } else { coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] err: invalid stop symbol %02x", mbusCommHandle.requestId, receivedOctet); mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_ERROR_STATE_ENGINE__STOP; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR; } break; case MBCS_DONE: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state DONE", mbusCommHandle.requestId); parseAndPrintFrame(); if (mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata != NULL) { free(mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata); mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata = NULL; } mbusCommHandle.result = MBCR_SUCCESS; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_DISABLE_FRONTEND; break; case MBCS_ERROR: // coloredMsg(LOG_RED, false, "mbc hre [%d] state ERROR", mbusCommHandle.requestId); coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] error", mbusCommHandle.requestId); show(LED_RED, ON); // disable frontend immediately in case of error since no more data in relevant // this avoids strange noise on RX line/led frontendDisable(); mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_ERROR_CONTINUED; // no break case MBCS_ERROR_CONTINUED: // every error will be collected by a timeout to receive all data still on the wire // to avoid leaking old data in responses for new requests break; case MBCS_TIMEOUT: // coloredMsg(LOG_RED, false, "mbc hre [%d] state TIMEOUT", mbusCommHandle.requestId); coloredMsg(LOG_RED, true, "mbc hre [%d] timeout", mbusCommHandle.requestId); mbusCommStats.mbusErrorCnt += 1; mbusCommHandle.device->failures += 1; mbusCommHandle.startTime = 0; // disable timeout mbusCommHandle.waitForOctet = false; // disable receiver printError(); if (mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata != NULL) { free(mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata); mbusCommHandle.frame.userdata = NULL; } // no break case MBCS_DISABLE_FRONTEND: // coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc hre [%d] state DISABLE_FRONTEND", mbusCommHandle.requestId); frontendDisable(); mbusCommHandle.startTime = 0; // disable timeout mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_IDLE; break; default: mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_IDLE; break; } } void mbusCommEnable(bool enable) { mbusCommEnabled = enable; } static e_mbusCommRequestResult mbusCommRequest(t_mbusDevice *mbusDevice) { e_mbusCommRequestResult res = MBCRR_BUSY; if (mbusCommEnabled) { if (mbusCommHandle.state == MBCS_IDLE) { mbusCommHandle.requestId += 1; mbusCommHandle.state = MBCS_SEND; mbusCommHandle.retryCnt = 0; mbusCommHandle.cmd = MBUS_QUERY_CMD; mbusCommHandle.addr = mbusDevice->address; mbusCommHandle.device = mbusDevice; mbusDevice->requests += 1; coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mcr [%d] new request %s", mbusCommHandle.requestId, mbusDevice->deviceName); oledPrint(OLED_SCREEN0, mbusDevice->deviceName); res = MBCRR_TRIGGERED; mbusCommStats.mbusRequestCnt += 1; } } else { res = MBCRR_DISABLED; } return res; } #define PERIOD 10 static uint8_t numOfDevices = 0; static t_mbusDevice *devices = NULL; void mbusCommAddDevice(t_deviceBlock *deviceBlock) { devices = (t_mbusDevice*) realloc((void*) devices, (numOfDevices + 1) * sizeof(t_mbusDevice)); strcpy(devices[numOfDevices].deviceName, deviceBlock->deviceName); devices[numOfDevices].address = deviceBlock->address; memcpy(devices[numOfDevices].consideredField, deviceBlock->consideredField, sizeof(deviceBlock->consideredField)); devices[numOfDevices].period = deviceBlock->period; devices[numOfDevices].requests = 0; devices[numOfDevices].failures = 0; devices[numOfDevices].delay = 0; devices[numOfDevices].waiting = false; devices[numOfDevices].active = true; coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mbcad device added %d %s %d", numOfDevices, devices[numOfDevices].deviceName, devices[numOfDevices].address); numOfDevices += 1; } /* static t_mbusDevice devices[] = { { .deviceName = "Total", .address = 80, .consideredField = { 0, 17, -1, -1 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Computer", .address = 85, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Dryer", .address = 81, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Laundry", .address = 82, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Dishwasher", .address = 83, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Light", .address = 84, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Freezer", .address = 86, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true }, { .deviceName = "Fridge", .address = 87, .consideredField = { 0, 4, 2, 3 }, .requests = 0, .failures = 0, .period = PERIOD, .delay = 0, .waiting = false, .active = true } }; */ static void triggerMBusRequest(void *handle) { static uint8_t deviceIndex = 0; if (devices[deviceIndex].waiting) { e_mbusCommRequestResult r = mbusCommRequest(&(devices[deviceIndex])); if (r == MBCRR_TRIGGERED) { devices[deviceIndex].waiting = false; deviceIndex++; } } else { deviceIndex++; } if (deviceIndex >= numOfDevices) { deviceIndex = 0; } } static void mbusCommScheduler(void *handle) { static uint8_t state = 0; switch (state) { case 0: if (isNetworkAvailable()) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mcs activate scheduler by network"); schAdd(triggerMBusRequest, NULL, 0, 100); state = 2; } break; case 1: if (mbusCommEnabled) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mcs activate scheduler by request"); schAdd(triggerMBusRequest, NULL, 0, 100); state = 2; } break; case 2: if (! isNetworkAvailable()) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mcs deactivate scheduler by network"); schDel(triggerMBusRequest, NULL); loopDisable(); state = 0; } if (! mbusCommEnabled) { coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, true, "mbc mcs deactivate scheduler by request"); schDel(triggerMBusRequest, NULL); loopDisable(); state = 1; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numOfDevices; i++) { if (devices[i].active) { devices[i].delay -= 1; if (devices[i].delay <= 0) { devices[i].delay = devices[i].period; devices[i].waiting = true; coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc mcs scheduled: %s", devices[i].deviceName); } } } // FIXME // state = 3; break; case 3: coloredMsg(LOG_YELLOW, false, "mbc mcs waiting for godot"); state = 4; // no break case 4: break; } } void mbusCommInit() { config = getConfig(); coloredMsg(LOG_GREEN, true, "mbc mci initializing Meterbus communication"); // enable receive interrupts // __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_PE); // __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_ERR); __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&mbusUart, UART_IT_RXNE); // init buffers mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.size = 256; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.size); mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.readIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.receiveBuffer.writeIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.size = 8; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.size); mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.readIdx = 0; mbusCommHandle.sendBuffer.writeIdx = 0; // FIXME schAdd(mbusCommScheduler, NULL, 0, 1000); }