#include #include #include #include #include static bool showConfigCmd(uint8_t argc, char **args) { bool retCode = true; t_configBlock configBlock; eepromReadConfigBlock(&configBlock); sendFormatString("configMagic: %lx\n\r", configBlock.configMagic); sendFormatString("deviceName: %s\n\r", configBlock.deviceName); sendFormatString("MAC address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n\r", configBlock.macAddress[0], configBlock.macAddress[1], configBlock.macAddress[2], configBlock.macAddress[3], configBlock.macAddress[4], configBlock.macAddress[5]); sendFormatString("frontend threshold: %ld\n\r", configBlock.frontendThreshold); sendFormatString("broker: %s\n\r", configBlock.brokerName); sendFormatString("watchdogTopic: %s\n\r", configBlock.watchdogTopic); sendFormatString("startupTopic: %s\n\r", configBlock.startupTopic); sendFormatString("statusTopic: %s\n\r", configBlock.statusTopic); sendFormatString("mbusDataTopic: %s\n\r", configBlock.mbusDataTopic); sendFormatString("syslog server: %s\n\r", configBlock.syslogServerName); sendFormatString("device block cnt: %d\n\r", configBlock.numOfDeviceBlocks); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < configBlock.numOfDeviceBlocks; i++) { t_deviceBlock tmpDeviceBlock; eepromReadDeviceBlock(i, &tmpDeviceBlock); if (tmpDeviceBlock.deviceMagic == DEVICE_MAGIC) { sendFormatString("device %d: \n\r", i); sendFormatString(" Name: %s, Address: %d, Period: %d\n\r", tmpDeviceBlock.deviceName, tmpDeviceBlock.address, tmpDeviceBlock.period); sendFormatString(" Considered Fields: %d %d %d %d\n\r", tmpDeviceBlock.consideredField[0], tmpDeviceBlock.consideredField[1], tmpDeviceBlock.consideredField[2], tmpDeviceBlock.consideredField[3]); if (tmpDeviceBlock.deviceMagic != DEVICE_MAGIC) { sendString(" DEVICE MAGIC DOES NOT MATCH\n\r"); } } } return retCode; } static bool set(uint8_t argc, char **args) { bool retCode = false; if (argc >= 1) { if (0 == strcmp("?", args[0])) { sendString("You can set the following parameters:\n\r"); retCode = true; } } return retCode; } static bool restartCmd(uint8_t argc, char **args) { HAL_NVIC_SystemReset(); // you won't come here ... return true; } const cmd_t CONFIG_COMMANDS[] = { { .name = "show", .cmdFunc = showConfigCmd, .help = \ "show ................................. Show the configuration\n\r" }, { .name = "restart", .cmdFunc = restartCmd, .help = \ "restart .............................. Restart the system,\n\r" \ " Required to reload config\n\r" }, { .name = "END_OF_CMDS", .help = "",.cmdFunc = NULL } }; const cmd_t *getConfigCommands() { return CONFIG_COMMANDS; }