- too short fixed data length (invalid_length2.hex) - premature end of record at data (premature_end_of_data1.hex, premature_end_of_data2.hex) - premature end of record at DIF (premature_end_of_dif1.hex, premature_end_of_dif2.hex) - premature end of record at variable length VIF (premature_end_of_var_vif1.hex) - premature end of record at VIF (premature_end_of_vif1.hex) - too long variable length VIF (too_long_var_vif.hex) - too many DIFE (too_many_dife.hex) - too many VIFE (too_many_vife.hex) - too short variable header (too_short_header.hex)
2 lines
72 B
2 lines
72 B
68 12 12 68 08 01 73 93 92 91 90 10 00 05 69 31 65 00 00 69 00 00 3F 16