162 lines
4.3 KiB
162 lines
4.3 KiB
* @class RollingFileAppender
* roll on size and/or date/time;
* @author: darryl.west@raincitysoftware.com
* @created: 7/27/14 9:52 AM
const Logger = require( './Logger' );
const AbstractAppender = require( './AbstractAppender' );
const dash = require( 'lodash' );
const moment = require( 'moment' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const RollingFileAppender = function(options) {
'use strict';
const appender = this;
const fs = options.fs || require( 'fs' );
const newline = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? '\r\n' : '\n';
let typeName = options.typeName,
autoOpen = dash.isBoolean( options.autoOpen ) ? options.autoOpen : true,
logDirectory = options.logDirectory,
fileNamePattern = options.fileNamePattern,
dateFormat = options.dateFormat || 'YYYY.MM.DD',
level = options.level || Logger.DEFAULT_LEVEL,
levels = options.levels || Logger.STANDARD_LEVELS,
currentLevel = levels.indexOf( level ),
currentFile = options.currentFile,
createInterval = options.createInterval || setInterval,
writers = [];
if (!typeName) {
typeName = options.typeName = 'RollingFileAppender';
AbstractAppender.extend( this, options );
const getWriter = function() {
return writers[0];
const openWriter = function(fname) {
const filename = fname || appender.createFileName();
const file = path.join( logDirectory, filename );
const opts = {
let writer = fs.createWriteStream( file, opts );
// make this the current writer...
writers.unshift( writer );
currentFile = file;
// now close the current logger and remove from the writers list
while (writers.length > 1) {
// close the old writer
writer = writers.pop();
// check once per minute to see if we need to roll
const startRollTimer = function() {
rollTimer = createInterval(function() {
if (appender.checkForRoll()) {
}, 60 * 1000);
* default formatter for this appender;
* @param entry
this.formatter = function(entry) {
const fields = appender.formatEntry( entry );
fields.push( newline );
return fields.join( appender.separator );
* call formatter then write the entry to the console output
* @param entry - the log entry
this.write = function(entry) {
if (levels.indexOf( entry.level ) >= currentLevel) {
const writer = getWriter();
if (writer) {
writer.write( appender.formatter( entry ) );
} else {
/*eslint no-console: "off"*/
console.log( 'no writer...' );
this.checkForRoll = function(now) {
// check to see if the
const fn = appender.createFileName( now );
const current = path.basename( currentFile );
return fn !== current;
this.createFileName = function(now) {
let dt;
if (now || now instanceof moment) {
dt = now.format( dateFormat );
} else {
dt = moment().format( dateFormat );
return fileNamePattern.replace( /<DATE>/i, dt );
this.setLevel = function(level) {
const idx = levels.indexOf( level );
if (idx >= 0) {
currentLevel = idx;
this.__protected = function() {
return {
// constructor tests
(function() {
if (!logDirectory) {
throw new Error('appender must be constructed with a log directory');
if (!fileNamePattern) {
throw new Error('appender must be constructed with a file name pattern');
// now validate the date pattern and file format
// date may only contain YMDHAa-.
if (autoOpen) {
module.exports = RollingFileAppender;