'use strict' const TestRunner = require('test-runner') const commandLineArgs = require('../') const a = require('assert') const runner = new TestRunner() runner.test('partial: simple', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'one', type: Boolean } ] const argv = [ '--two', 'two', '--one', 'two' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { one: true, _unknown: [ '--two', 'two', 'two' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, defaultOption: true, multiple: true } ] const argv = [ '--files', 'file1', '--one', 'file2' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file1', 'file2' ], _unknown: [ '--one' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption 2', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, defaultOption: true, multiple: true }, { name: 'one', type: Boolean }, { name: 'two', alias: 't', defaultValue: 2 } ] const argv = [ 'file1', '--one', 'file2', '-t', '--two=3', 'file3', '-ab' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ], two: '3', one: true, _unknown: [ '-a', '-b' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption with value equal to defaultValue', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'file', type: String, defaultOption: true, defaultValue: 'file1' } ] const argv = [ 'file1', '--two=3', '--four', '5' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { file: 'file1', _unknown: [ '--two', '3', '--four', '5' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption with value equal to defaultValue 2', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'file', type: String, defaultOption: true, defaultValue: 'file1' } ] const argv = [ '--file', '--file=file1', '--two=3', '--four', '5' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { file: 'file1', _unknown: [ '--two', '3', '--four', '5' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: multiple', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, multiple: true } ] const argv = [ 'file1', '--files', 'file2', '-t', '--two=3', 'file3', '-ab', '--files=file4' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file2', 'file4' ], _unknown: [ 'file1', '-t', '--two=3', 'file3', '-a', '-b' ] }) }) runner.test('unknown options: rejected defaultOption values end up in _unknown', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'foo', type: String }, { name: 'verbose', alias: 'v', type: Boolean }, { name: 'libs', type: String, defaultOption: true } ] const argv = [ '--foo', 'bar', '-v', 'libfn', '--libarg', 'val1', '-r' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { foo: 'bar', verbose: true, libs: 'libfn', _unknown: [ '--libarg', 'val1', '-r' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: groups', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'one', group: 'a' }, { name: 'two', group: 'a' }, { name: 'three', group: 'b' } ] const argv = [ '--one', '1', '--two', '2', '--three', '3', 'ham', '--cheese' ] a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }), { a: { one: '1', two: '2' }, b: { three: '3' }, _all: { one: '1', two: '2', three: '3' }, _unknown: [ 'ham', '--cheese' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: multiple groups and _none', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'one', group: ['a', 'f'] }, { name: 'two', group: ['a', 'g'] }, { name: 'three' } ] const argv = [ '--cheese', '--one', '1', 'ham', '--two', '2', '--three', '3', '-c' ] a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }), { a: { one: '1', two: '2' }, f: { one: '1' }, g: { two: '2' }, _none: { three: '3' }, _all: { one: '1', two: '2', three: '3' }, _unknown: [ '--cheese', 'ham', '-c' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption with --option=value notation', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true } ] const argv = [ 'file1', 'file2', '--unknown=something' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file1', 'file2' ], _unknown: [ '--unknown=something' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption with --option=value notation 2', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true } ] const argv = [ 'file1', 'file2', '--unknown=something', '--files', 'file3', '--files=file4' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file4' ], _unknown: [ '--unknown=something' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: defaultOption with --option=value notation 3', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'files', type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true } ] const argv = [ '--unknown', 'file1', '--another', 'something', 'file2', '--unknown=something', '--files', 'file3', '--files=file4' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { files: [ 'file1', 'something', 'file2', 'file3', 'file4' ], _unknown: [ '--unknown', '--another', '--unknown=something' ] }) }) runner.test('partial: mulitple unknowns with same name', function () { const definitions = [ { name: 'file' } ] const argv = [ '--unknown', '--unknown=something', '--file=file1', '--unknown' ] const options = commandLineArgs(definitions, { argv, partial: true }) a.deepStrictEqual(options, { file: 'file1', _unknown: [ '--unknown', '--unknown=something', '--unknown' ] }) })