define(`TITLE', `A fully digital controlled SMPS for up to 100V, 1.5KW')
define(`DATE', `2015-06-17')
define(`CONTENT', `
The whole beast:
Transformer, 230V to 90V, 1.5KW, 11kg, 12€ on ebay
Transformer Start Relay
Filter capacitors (4x5100uF), with discharging resistor (10kOhm)
Power stage with switch, diode (in one package, 300A, 1000V), inductor (about 140uH) and capacitors (2x2000uF)
Controller, with MSP430, opto-coupler and push-pull-stage for driving the power switch with PWM signal from MCU, voltage-divider and op-amp for feedback voltage, display and some pushbuttons
Load for testing