define(`TITLE', `A fully digital controlled SMPS for up to 100V, 1.5KW') define(`DATE', `2015-06-17') define(`CONTENT', ` The whole beast: IMG_2941 Transformer, 230V to 90V, 1.5KW, 11kg, 12€ on ebay IMG_2944 Transformer Start Relay IMG_2945 Rectifier IMG_2946 Filter capacitors (4x5100uF), with discharging resistor (10kOhm) IMG_2948 Power stage with switch, diode (in one package, 300A, 1000V), inductor (about 140uH) and capacitors (2x2000uF) IMG_2943 Controller, with MSP430, opto-coupler and push-pull-stage for driving the power switch with PWM signal from MCU, voltage-divider and op-amp for feedback voltage, display and some pushbuttons IMG_2942 Load for testing IMG_2947 ')