define(`TITLE', `Another (better) MBus-Master, Part 3') define(`DATE', `2014-01-18') define(`CONTENT', ` Hardware has been extended by means to measure the current on the MBus and by a over current sensing, which will be extended to over current protection soon. Foto MBusMaster2-1
Well, it seems, that this way of over current signaling to the MCU does not work properly. In the first design, the input of the comparator was directly the lower end of the shunt resistor, which worked. So, the differentiator is required of current measurement, but is not usable for over current signaling. Needs some more work.
The both blue LEDs show activity on RX and TX, the red LED signals over current. The whole development setup: 20140118-200610.jpg Power supply: 20140118-200600.jpg Load simulation: 20140118-200526.jpg Wave form of a simple communication: 20140118-200623.jpg (Yellow is the voltage on the bus, blue is the control signal of the sample-hold-device.) The test client: 20140118-200540.jpg And finally, some communication with the master: Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-18 um 22.13.50 ')