'use strict'; const SMTPConnection = require('../smtp-connection'); const assign = require('../shared').assign; const XOAuth2 = require('../xoauth2'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); /** * Creates an element for the pool * * @constructor * @param {Object} options SMTPPool instance */ class PoolResource extends EventEmitter { constructor(pool) { super(); this.pool = pool; this.options = pool.options; this.logger = this.pool.logger; if (this.options.auth) { switch ((this.options.auth.type || '').toString().toUpperCase()) { case 'OAUTH2': { let oauth2 = new XOAuth2(this.options.auth, this.logger); oauth2.provisionCallback = (this.pool.mailer && this.pool.mailer.get('oauth2_provision_cb')) || oauth2.provisionCallback; this.auth = { type: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.auth.user, oauth2, method: 'XOAUTH2' }; oauth2.on('token', token => this.pool.mailer.emit('token', token)); oauth2.on('error', err => this.emit('error', err)); break; } default: if (!this.options.auth.user && !this.options.auth.pass) { break; } this.auth = { type: 'LOGIN', user: this.options.auth.user, credentials: { user: this.options.auth.user || '', pass: this.options.auth.pass }, method: (this.options.auth.method || '').trim().toUpperCase() || false }; } } this._connection = false; this._connected = false; this.messages = 0; this.available = true; } /** * Initiates a connection to the SMTP server * * @param {Function} callback Callback function to run once the connection is established or failed */ connect(callback) { this.pool.getSocket(this.options, (err, socketOptions) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } let returned = false; let options = this.options; if (socketOptions && socketOptions.connection) { this.logger.info( { tnx: 'proxy', remoteAddress: socketOptions.connection.remoteAddress, remotePort: socketOptions.connection.remotePort, destHost: options.host || '', destPort: options.port || '', action: 'connected' }, 'Using proxied socket from %s:%s to %s:%s', socketOptions.connection.remoteAddress, socketOptions.connection.remotePort, options.host || '', options.port || '' ); options = assign(false, options); Object.keys(socketOptions).forEach(key => { options[key] = socketOptions[key]; }); } this.connection = new SMTPConnection(options); this.connection.once('error', err => { this.emit('error', err); if (returned) { return; } returned = true; return callback(err); }); this.connection.once('end', () => { this.close(); if (returned) { return; } returned = true; let timer = setTimeout(() => { if (returned) { return; } // still have not returned, this means we have an unexpected connection close let err = new Error('Unexpected socket close'); if (this.connection && this.connection._socket && this.connection._socket.upgrading) { // starttls connection errors err.code = 'ETLS'; } callback(err); }, 1000); try { timer.unref(); } catch (E) { // Ignore. Happens on envs with non-node timer implementation } }); this.connection.connect(() => { if (returned) { return; } if (this.auth) { this.connection.login(this.auth, err => { if (returned) { return; } returned = true; if (err) { this.connection.close(); this.emit('error', err); return callback(err); } this._connected = true; callback(null, true); }); } else { returned = true; this._connected = true; return callback(null, true); } }); }); } /** * Sends an e-mail to be sent using the selected settings * * @param {Object} mail Mail object * @param {Function} callback Callback function */ send(mail, callback) { if (!this._connected) { return this.connect(err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } return this.send(mail, callback); }); } let envelope = mail.message.getEnvelope(); let messageId = mail.message.messageId(); let recipients = [].concat(envelope.to || []); if (recipients.length > 3) { recipients.push('...and ' + recipients.splice(2).length + ' more'); } this.logger.info( { tnx: 'send', messageId, cid: this.id }, 'Sending message %s using #%s to <%s>', messageId, this.id, recipients.join(', ') ); if (mail.data.dsn) { envelope.dsn = mail.data.dsn; } this.connection.send(envelope, mail.message.createReadStream(), (err, info) => { this.messages++; if (err) { this.connection.close(); this.emit('error', err); return callback(err); } info.envelope = { from: envelope.from, to: envelope.to }; info.messageId = messageId; setImmediate(() => { let err; if (this.messages >= this.options.maxMessages) { err = new Error('Resource exhausted'); err.code = 'EMAXLIMIT'; this.connection.close(); this.emit('error', err); } else { this.pool._checkRateLimit(() => { this.available = true; this.emit('available'); }); } }); callback(null, info); }); } /** * Closes the connection */ close() { this._connected = false; if (this.auth && this.auth.oauth2) { this.auth.oauth2.removeAllListeners(); } if (this.connection) { this.connection.close(); } this.emit('close'); } } module.exports = PoolResource;