2018-05-08 17:25:41 +02:00
define(`TITLE', `M-Bus Master, Part 2 (Electricity)')
define(`DATE', `2013-09-09')
define(`CONTENT', `
2018-05-02 16:30:12 +02:00
< a href = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Foto-3.jpg" > < img class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-145" alt = "Foto 3" src = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Foto-3-300x225.jpg" width = "300" height = "225" / > < / a >
Finally, this MeterBus transceiver is connected to an Arduino Ethernet board and talks to an M-Bus equipped electric powermeter
< a href = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/kettle.jpg" > < img src = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/kettle-300x221.jpg" alt = "kettle" width = "300" height = "221" class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-167" / > < / a >
< a href = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Foto-2.jpg" > < img class = "alignnone size-medium wp-image-144" alt = "Foto 2" src = "http://a385e-5.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Foto-2-300x225.jpg" width = "300" height = "225" / > < / a >
The power meter was configured to M-Bux address 0x21, and so the initialize command, sent through the Arduino and the transceiver has been answered correctly:
< code >
so 10 40 21 61 16
< / code >
< code > so< / code > is the command for the firmware to send the following octets on the bus, < code > success< / code > is the acknowledgement, that this has been done and < code > SO RESP:< / code > is the prefix for the octets received from the bus.
According the the manufacturers < a href = "http://gfinder.findernet.com//assets/Series/388/S7EM-BusDE.pdf" target = "_blank" > documentation< / a > the M-Bus command < code > REQ_UD2< / code > (see < a href = "http://http://www.m-bus.com/mbusdoc/md5.php" target = "_blank" > here in the M-Bus documentation< / a > should be used to request all the measurement data from the powermeter, and it works:
Here without any consumer load:
< code >
so 10 5b 21 7c 16
SO RESP: 68 38 38 68 08 21 72 99 51 00 13 2E 19 21 02 01 00 00 00 8C
10 04 < strong > 06 00 00 00< / strong > 8C 11 04 00 00 00 00 02 FD C9 FF 01 < strong > E3 00< / strong > 02 FD DB
FF 01 < strong > 00 00< / strong > 02 AC FF 01 < strong > 00 00< / strong > 82 40 AC FF 01 00 00 EB 16
< / code >
Here with an electric kettle as consumer load:
< code >
so 10 5b 21 7c 16
SO RESP: 68 38 38 68 08 21 72 99 51 00 13 2E 19 21 02 02 00 00 00 8C
10 04 < strong > 06 00 00 00< / strong > 8C 11 04 00 00 00 00 02 FD C9 FF 01 < strong > DE 00< / strong > 02 FD DB
FF 01 < strong > 56 00< / strong > 02 AC FF 01 < strong > CD 00< / strong > 82 40 AC FF 01 00 00 0A 16
< / code >
In the above answer of the powermeter the important measurement values are highlighted:
Data,measurement category,multiplicator and unit,
< code > 06 00 00 00< / code > ,total consumption,0.01kWh,0.06kWh
< code > DE 00< / code > ,voltage,1V,222V
< code > 56 00< / code > ,current,0.1A,8.6A
< code > CD 00< / code > ,power,0.01kW,2.05kW
< a href = "http://files.a385e-5.de/files/NetMeterBusMaster-0.9.tar.gz" target = "_blank" > Here< / a > is the firmware for the Arduino.
This is a closer look into the response data structure:
(Manufacturer IDs can be found < a href = "http://dlms.com/organization/flagmanufacturesids/index.html" target = "_blank" > here< / a > .)
Octet(s), Field, Meaning
< code > 68 38 38 68< / code > , Preamble with lentgh,
< code > 08< / code > , C Field,
< code > 21< / code > , A Field,
< code > 72< / code > , CI Field, variable data response
< code > 99 51 00 13< / code > , Ident. No.,
< code > 2E 19< / code > , Manufacturer, FIN = Finder GmbH
< code > 21< / code > , Version,
< code > 02< / code > , Medium, Electricity
< code > 02< / code > , Access No,
< code > 00< / code > , Status,
< code > 00 00< / code > , Signature,
< code > 8C< / code > , DIF, ext; instantaneuos value; 8 digit BCD
< code > 10< / code > , DIFE, tariff 1; storage 0
< code > 04< / code > , VIF, Energy; 10^(4-3)Wh
< code > 06 00 00 00< / code > , Value, 0.06kWh
< code > 8C< / code > , DIF, ext; instantaneuos value; 8 digit BCD
< code > 11< / code > , DIFE, tariff 1; storage 1
< code > 04< / code > , VIF, Energy; 10^(4-3)Wh
< code > 00 00 00 00< / code > , Value, 0
< code > 02< / code > , DIF, 16bit integer
< code > FD< / code > , VIF, ext; true VIF is next; see table for secondary VIF
< code > C9< / code > , VIFE, ext; Voltage; 10^(9-9)V
< code > FF< / code > , VIFE, manufacturer specific next VIFE
< code > 01< / code > , VIFE,
< code > DE 00< / code > , Value, 222V
< code > 02< / code > , DIF, 16bit integer
< code > FD< / code > , VIF, ext; true VIF is next; see table for secondary VIF
< code > DB< / code > , VIFE, ext; Current; 10^(11-12)A
< code > FF< / code > , VIFE, manufacturer specific next VIFE
< code > 01< / code > , VIFE,
< code > 56 00< / code > , Value, 8.6A
< code > 02< / code > , DIF, 16bit integer
< code > AC< / code > , VIF, ext; Power; 10^(4-3)W
< code > FF< / code > , VIFE, manufacturer specific next VIFE
< code > 01< / code > , VIFE,
< code > CD 00< / code > , Value, 2.05kW
< code > 82< / code > , DIF, ext; 16bit integer
< code > 40< / code > , DIFE, tariff 0; storage 4
< code > AC< / code > , VIF, ext; Power; 10^(4-3)W
< code > FF< / code > , VIFE, manufacturer specific next VIFE
< code > 01< / code > , VIFE,
< code > 00 00< / code > , Value, 0
< code > 0A< / code > , Checksum,
< code > 16< / code > , Stopbyte,
2018-05-08 17:25:41 +02:00