<!-- { "title": "Migrating a Grafana configuration database from SQLite to MySQL/MariaDB" } -->
In the default installation <a href="https://grafana.com">Grafana</a> is using a SQLite database for its configuration and session data. Certainly, this is working very well in most situations.
Nevertheless I preferred to use my anyhow existing MariaDB server.
So, I had to migrate the already existing SQLite database containing the Grafana configuration to MySQL syntax. Not to difficult, but at least it was not working without some adjustments. I found some hints how to do this migration. However, at least one hint I found more than once pointed to a paid migration service - no, thank you.
I think for text processing using regular expressions Perl is the language of choice. so I prepared a small processing frame:
<pre><code class="perl">
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
while (<>) {
print "$_\n";
I deployed a dedicated test instance of a MariaDB server using Docker on my laptop, created a database on that MariaDB server
<pre><code class="SQL">
create database grafana;
create user 'grafana'@'%' identified by 'test123';
grant all privileges on grafana.* to 'grafana'@'%';
flush privileges;
and used a small shell script to export the SQLite database into a SQL file, pass it through the above Perl script and feed it into the MariaDB server:
Maybe on a different installation or using a future version of Grafana you would run into more issues. In that case: just put additional substitutions into the script.
When the whole stuff ran through without errors I backupped the configuration and storage volumes of my Grafana container, created new ones with copies of the old ones. I removed the <tt>grafana.db</tt> file from the storage volume and modified the <tt>grafana.ini</tt> in the configuration volume to use the MariaDB server, loaded the transformed SQL into the productive MariaDB server and restarted the Grafana container with the new volumes.