84 lines
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84 lines
2.3 KiB
'use strict'
var arrayify = require('array-back')
var t = require('typical')
* @module test-value
* @example
* var testValue = require('test-value')
module.exports = testValue
* @alias module:test-value
* @param {any} - a value to test
* @param {any} - the test query
* @param [options] {object}
* @param [options.strict] {boolean} - Treat an object like a value not a query.
* @returns {boolean}
function testValue (value, test, options) {
options = options || {}
if (test !== Object.prototype && t.isPlainObject(test) && t.isObject(value) && !options.strict) {
return Object.keys(test).every(function (prop) {
var queryValue = test[prop]
/* get flags */
var isNegated = false
var isContains = false
if (prop.charAt(0) === '!') {
isNegated = true
} else if (prop.charAt(0) === '+') {
isContains = true
/* strip flag char */
prop = (isNegated || isContains) ? prop.slice(1) : prop
var objectValue = value[prop]
if (isContains) {
queryValue = arrayify(queryValue)
objectValue = arrayify(objectValue)
var result = testValue(objectValue, queryValue, options)
return isNegated ? !result : result
} else if (test !== Array.prototype && Array.isArray(test)) {
var tests = test
if (value === Array.prototype || !Array.isArray(value)) value = [ value ]
return value.some(function (val) {
return tests.some(function (test) {
return testValue(val, test, options)
regexes queries will always return `false` for `null`, `undefined`, `NaN`.
This is to prevent a query like `/.+/` matching the string `undefined`.
} else if (test instanceof RegExp) {
if ([ 'boolean', 'string', 'number' ].indexOf(typeof value) === -1) {
return false
} else {
return test.test(value)
} else if (test !== Function.prototype && typeof test === 'function') {
return test(value)
} else {
return test === value
* Returns a callback suitable for use by `Array` methods like `some`, `filter`, `find` etc.
* @param {any} - the test query
* @returns {function}
testValue.where = function (test) {
return function (value) {
return testValue(value, test)