$GENERATED_CS_COMMENT using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen; using Newtonsoft.Json; using ${env['packagename']}.Attributes; using ${env['packagename']}.Models; using ${env['packagename']}.Controllers; namespace ${env['packagename']}.Implementations { public class RegularApiImplementation : RegularApiController { #for $operation in $operations #if $operation['method'] == 'get' public override IActionResult ${operation['func']}( #slurp #if $operation['byIdSelector'] INSERT CODE TO GET ID #slurp #elif $operation['inputType'] [FromBody]$operation['inputType']['csName'] inputItem #slurp #end if ) { // Statement: #if not $operation['statement'] // SELECT #set $sep = "" #for $property in $types[$operation['resultType']['apiName']]['properties'] // $sep$property['sqlName'] #set $sep = "," #end for // FROM $types[$operation['resultType']['apiName']]['sqlName']; #else // $operation['statement'] #end if #if $operation['inputType'] // Input type mapping: $operation['inputType']['apiName'] -> $operation['inputType']['csName'] #for $property in $types[$operation['inputType']['apiName']]['properties'] // $property['sqlName'] -> $property['csName'] #end for #end if // Model object to use: $operation['resultType']['apiName'] -> $operation['resultType']['csName'] // Properties to map result: #for $property in $types[$operation['resultType']['apiName']]['properties'] // $property['sqlName'] -> $property['csName'] #end for #if $operation['isList'] // result must be mapped in list #end if return new ObjectResult(); } #elif $operation['method'] == 'post' bla #else #raise Exception('invalid method') #end if #end for } }