114 lines
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114 lines
3.6 KiB
create table rt_totalizer_result (
day date,
device text,
total double precision
select total_energy_by_day_and_device('2021-05-01','2021-05-10','Computer');
create or replace function total_energy_by_day_and_device(p_start_day date, p_end_say date, p_device varchar)
returns setof rt_totalizer_result
language plpgsql
as $$
v_firstEnergy double precision;
v_lastEnergy double precision;
v_total double precision;
v_day date;
v_result rt_totalizer_result%rowtype;
v_day := p_start_day;
select energy
into v_lastEnergy
from power_measurement_t
where time = (
select max(time)
from power_measurement_t
where time between v_day + time '00:00' and v_day + time '00:00' + interval '24h' and
deviceid = p_device and
status = 'Ok'
) and
deviceid = p_device;
select energy
into v_firstEnergy
from power_measurement_t
where time = (
select min(time)
from power_measurement_t
where time between v_day + time '00:00' and v_day + time '00:00' + interval '24h' and
deviceid = p_device and
status = 'Ok'
) and
deviceid = p_device;
v_total := v_lastEnergy - v_firstEnergy;
v_result.day := v_day;
v_result.device := p_device;
v_result.total := v_total;
return next v_result;
v_day := v_day + interval '1 day';
exit when v_day > p_end_say;
end loop;
select total_energy('2021-05-01','2021-05-10');
create or replace function total_energy(p_start_day date, p_end_say date)
returns setof rt_totalizer_result
language plpgsql
as $$
v_firstEnergy double precision;
v_lastEnergy double precision;
v_total double precision;
v_day date;
v_deviceid text;
v_result rt_totalizer_result%rowtype;
for v_deviceid in select distinct deviceid
from power_measurement_t
v_day := p_start_day;
select energy
into v_lastEnergy
from power_measurement_t
where time = (
select max(time)
from power_measurement_t
where time between v_day + time '00:00' and v_day + time '00:00' + interval '24h' and
deviceid = v_deviceid and
status = 'Ok'
) and
deviceid = v_deviceid;
select energy
into v_firstEnergy
from power_measurement_t
where time = (
select min(time)
from power_measurement_t
where time between v_day + time '00:00' and v_day + time '00:00' + interval '24h' and
deviceid = v_deviceid and
status = 'Ok'
) and
deviceid = v_deviceid;
v_total := v_lastEnergy - v_firstEnergy;
v_result.day := v_day;
v_result.device := v_deviceid;
v_result.total := v_total;
return next v_result;
v_day := v_day + interval '1 day';
exit when v_day > p_end_say;
end loop;
end loop;