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maxValue=undefined) {\n let r\n if (attr in payload) {\n let i = payload[attr]\n let t = typeof(i)\n if (reqType == t) {\n r = i\n } else {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload is not of type ${reqType} but ${t}`)\n r = defaultValue\n }\n if (typeof(minValue) != 'undefined' && (i < minValue)) {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload (${r}) is less than minValue (${minValue})`)\n r = minValue\n }\n if (typeof(maxValue) != 'undefined' && (i > maxValue)) {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload (${r}) is greater than maxValue (${maxValue})`)\n r = maxValue\n }\n } else {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload is not available`)\n r = defaultValue\n }\n return r \n}\n\nfunction rgb2xy(red, green, blue) {\n if (red > 0.04045) { \n red = Math.pow((red + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4);\n } else {\n red = (red / 12.92);\n }\n\n if (green > 0.04045) {\n green = Math.pow((green + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4);\n } else {\n green = (green / 12.92);\n }\n\n if (blue > 0.04045) {\n blue = Math.pow((blue + 0.055) / (1.0 + 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{\n msgxy = null\n }\n} else {\n msgbri = null\n msgct = null\n msgxy = null\n}\n\nreturn [ msgon, msgbri, msgct, msgxy ]\n","outputs":4,"noerr":0,"x":470,"y":280,"wires":[[],[],[],[]]},{"id":"504ad8fb.4f9b1","type":"subflow:2e5e876.fb6b4f8","z":"494660ad.86d1d8","name":"","x":490,"y":260,"wires":[["7b64e9ae.fc2aa8"],["54600bda.39473c"],[],[]]},{"id":"10b8b236.62749e","type":"mqtt in","z":"494660ad.86d1d8","name":"","topic":"deconzhelper/nachtlichtpatty","qos":"2","broker":"51edc7eb.9519d8","x":240,"y":260,"wires":[["504ad8fb.4f9b1"]]},{"id":"7b64e9ae.fc2aa8","type":"deconz-output","z":"494660ad.86d1d8","name":"Nachtlicht Patty Schlafzimmer On/Off","server":"9072089b.a7c1a","device":"group_5","device_name":"○ Nachtlicht Patty","command":"on","commandType":"deconz_cmd","payload":"payload","payloadType":"msg","transitionTime":"","x":770,"y":220,"wires":[]},{"id":"54600bda.39473c","type":"deconz-output","z":"494660ad.86d1d8","name":"Nachtlicht Patty Schlafzimmer 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"ZigbeePrep", + "func": "function typeChecker(payload, attr, reqType, defaultValue, minValue=undefined, maxValue=undefined) {\n let r\n if (attr in payload) {\n let i = payload[attr]\n let t = typeof(i)\n if (reqType == t) {\n r = i\n } else {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload is not of type ${reqType} but ${t}`)\n r = defaultValue\n }\n if (typeof(minValue) != 'undefined' && (i < minValue)) {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload (${r}) is less than minValue (${minValue})`)\n r = minValue\n }\n if (typeof(maxValue) != 'undefined' && (i > maxValue)) {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload (${r}) is greater than maxValue (${maxValue})`)\n r = maxValue\n }\n } else {\n node.warn(`${attr} in payload is not available`)\n r = defaultValue\n }\n return r \n}\n\nfunction rgb2xy(red, green, blue) {\n if (red > 0.04045) { \n red = Math.pow((red + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4);\n } else {\n red = (red / 12.92);\n }\n\n if (green > 0.04045) {\n green = Math.pow((green + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4);\n } else {\n green = (green / 12.92);\n }\n\n if (blue > 0.04045) {\n blue = Math.pow((blue + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4);\n } else {\n blue = (blue / 12.92);\n }\n\n let X = red * 0.664511 + green * 0.154324 + blue * 0.162028;\n let Y = red * 0.283881 + green * 0.668433 + blue * 0.047685;\n let Z = red * 0.000088 + green * 0.072310 + blue * 0.986039;\n let x = X / (X + Y + Z);\n let y = Y / (X + Y + Z);\n \n return [ x, y ]\n}\n\nlet msgon = {}\nlet msgbri = {}\nlet msgct = {}\nlet msgxy = {}\n\nmsgon.payload = typeChecker(msg.payload, 'on', 'boolean', false)\nif (msgon.payload) {\n msgbri.payload = typeChecker(msg.payload, 'bri', 'number', 128, minValue=0, maxValue=255)\n msgct.payload = typeChecker(msg.payload, 'ct', 'number', 196, minValue=153, maxValue=500)\n\n if ('rgb' in msg.payload) {\n let red = typeChecker(msg.payload.rgb, 0, 'number', 0, minValue=0, maxValue=255)\n let green = typeChecker(msg.payload.rgb, 1, 'number', 0, minValue=0, maxValue=255)\n let blue = typeChecker(msg.payload.rgb, 2, 'number', 0, minValue=0, maxValue=255)\n msgxy.payload = rgb2xy(red, green, blue)\n } else {\n msgxy = null\n }\n} else {\n msgbri = null\n msgct = null\n msgxy = null\n}\n\nreturn [ msgon, msgbri, msgct, msgxy ]\n", + "outputs": 4, + "noerr": 0, + "x": 470, + "y": 280, + "wires": [ + [], + [], + [], + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "504ad8fb.4f9b1", + "type": "subflow:2e5e876.fb6b4f8", + "z": "494660ad.86d1d8", + "name": "", + "x": 490, + "y": 260, + "wires": [ + [ + "7b64e9ae.fc2aa8" + ], + [ + "54600bda.39473c" + ], + [], + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "10b8b236.62749e", + "type": "mqtt in", + "z": "494660ad.86d1d8", + "name": "", + "topic": "deconzhelper/nachtlichtpatty", + "qos": "2", + "broker": "51edc7eb.9519d8", + "x": 240, + "y": 260, + "wires": [ + [ + "504ad8fb.4f9b1" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b64e9ae.fc2aa8", + "type": "deconz-output", + "z": "494660ad.86d1d8", + "name": "Nachtlicht Patty Schlafzimmer On/Off", + "server": "9072089b.a7c1a", + "device": 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] + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a367d57.831f2", + "type": "deconz-input", + "z": "fdb3ecaa.03eda", + "name": "MultiSensorWaschkuecheTemperatur", + "server": "9072089b.a7c1a", + "device": "00:15:8d:00:04:49:f3:bc-01-0402", + "device_name": "Multi Sensor Waschküche : ZHATemperature", + "topic": "", + "state": "0", + "output": "always", + "outputAtStartup": true, + "x": 370, + "y": 260, + "wires": [ + [], + [ + "bd6269f21acb1cac" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c7b501f.d79", + "type": "function", + "z": "d68bb8c4.1e4db8", + "name": "HumidityTemperatureJoiner", + "func": "let retMsg = null\n\nif (msg.topic == 'trigger') {\n let humidity = context.get('Humidity')\n let temperature = context.get('Temperature')\n let location = env.get('Location')\n \n let status = 'Error'\n if ((humidity !== undefined) && (temperature !== undefined)) {\n status = 'Ok'\n }\n \n retMsg = {\n \"payload\" : {\n \"temperature\": temperature,\n \"humidity\": humidity,\n \"status\": status,\n \"location\": location\n }\n }\n} else {\n if ('CurrentRelativeHumidity' in msg.payload) {\n humidity = msg.payload.CurrentRelativeHumidity\n context.set('Humidity', humidity)\n }\n \n if ('CurrentTemperature' in msg.payload) {\n temperature = msg.payload.CurrentTemperature\n context.set('Temperature', temperature)\n }\n}\n\nreturn retMsg\n\n", + "outputs": 1, + "noerr": 0, + "initialize": "", + "finalize": "", + "libs": [], + "x": 600, + "y": 340, + "wires": [ + [ + "ec9f626de687beb6" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "65999885.b0d058", + "type": "inject", + "z": "d68bb8c4.1e4db8", + "name": "", + "props": [ + { + "p": "payload" + }, + { + "p": "topic", + "vt": "str" + } + ], + "repeat": "60", + "crontab": "", + "once": false, + "onceDelay": 0.1, + "topic": "trigger", + "payload": "true", + "payloadType": "bool", + "x": 330, + "y": 380, + "wires": [ + [ + "1c7b501f.d79" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec9f626de687beb6", + "type": "template", + "z": "d68bb8c4.1e4db8", + "name": "Status", + "field": "payload", + "fieldType": "msg", + 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