
70 lines
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create sequence application_s start with 1 increment by 1;
create table application_t (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('application_s'),
name varchar(128) not null unique
create sequence user_s start with 1 increment by 1;
create table user_t (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('user_s'),
login varchar(64) not null unique,
pwhash varchar(64) not null,
expiry integer not null default 600
create sequence token_s start with 1 increment by 1;
create table token_t (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('token_s'),
"user" integer not null references user_t (id),
salt varchar(64) not null,
valid boolean not null default true
create sequence claim_s start with 1 increment by 1;
create table claim_t (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('claim_s'),
key varchar(64) not null,
value varchar(64) not null,
application integer not null references application(id),
unique (key, value)
create table user_claim_mapping_t (
"user" integer not null references user_t(id),
claim integer not null references claim_t(id),
unique ("user", claim)
create table user_application_mapping_t (
"user" integer not null references user_t(id),
application integer not null references application_t(id),
unique ("user", application)
create or replace view claims_for_user_v as
select as "user", as application,
c.key as key,
c.value as value
from user_t u,
claim_t c,
user_claim_mapping_t m,
application_t a
where m.user = and
m.claim = and = c.application;
create or replace view user_application_v as
select u.login as login,
u.pwhash as pwhash, as id,
u.expiry as expiry, as application
from user_t u,
application_t a,
user_application_mapping_t m
where = m.user and = m.application;