openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: AuthService version: "0.1" paths: /auth: post: tags: [ "JWT" ] summary: Accept login and password, return JWT token operationId: auth.generateToken requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' responses: '200': description: JWT token content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string /authe: post: tags: [ "JWT" ] summary: Accept encrypted set of credentials, return JWT token operationId: auth.generateTokenFromEnc requestBody: content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string responses: '200': description: JWT token content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string /secret: get: tags: [ "JWT" ] summary: Return secret string operationId: test.getSecret responses: '200': description: secret response content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string security: - jwt: ['secret'] /pubkey: get: tags: [ "JWT" ] summary: Get the public key of this issuer operationId: auth.getPubKey responses: '200': description: public key content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string components: securitySchemes: jwt: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT x-bearerInfoFunc: test.decodeToken schemas: User: description: Application/Login/Password tuple type: object properties: application: type: string login: type: string password: type: string