/***************************************************************************//** * @file AD7190.h * @brief Header file of AD7190 Driver. * @author DNechita (Dan.Nechita@analog.com) ******************************************************************************** * Copyright 2012(c) Analog Devices, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of Analog Devices, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * - The use of this software may or may not infringe the patent rights * of one or more patent holders. This license does not release you * from the requirement that you obtain separate licenses from these * patent holders to use this software. * - Use of the software either in source or binary form, must be run * on or directly connected to an Analog Devices Inc. component. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANALOG DEVICES "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ******************************************************************************** * SVN Revision: 903 *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __AD7190_H__ #define __AD7190_H__ /******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files **********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include /******************************************************************************/ /******************************** AD7190 **************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* SPI slave device ID */ //#define AD7190_SLAVE_ID 1 #define AD7190_SLAVE_ID 10 /* AD7190 GPIO */ #define AD7190_RDY_STATE GPIO1_STATE /* AD7190 Register Map */ #define AD7190_REG_COMM 0 // Communications Register (WO, 8-bit) #define AD7190_REG_STAT 0 // Status Register (RO, 8-bit) #define AD7190_REG_MODE 1 // Mode Register (RW, 24-bit #define AD7190_REG_CONF 2 // Configuration Register (RW, 24-bit) #define AD7190_REG_DATA 3 // Data Register (RO, 24/32-bit) #define AD7190_REG_ID 4 // ID Register (RO, 8-bit) #define AD7190_REG_GPOCON 5 // GPOCON Register (RW, 8-bit) #define AD7190_REG_OFFSET 6 // Offset Register (RW, 24-bit #define AD7190_REG_FULLSCALE 7 // Full-Scale Register (RW, 24-bit) /* Communications Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_COMM) */ #define AD7190_COMM_WEN (1L << 7) // Write Enable. #define AD7190_COMM_WRITE (0L << 6) // Write Operation. #define AD7190_COMM_READ (1L << 6) // Read Operation. #define AD7190_COMM_ADDR(x) ((((unsigned long)x) & 0x7) << 3) // Register Address. #define AD7190_COMM_CREAD (1L << 2) // Continuous Read of Data Register. /* Status Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_STAT) */ #define AD7190_STAT_RDY (1L << 7) // Ready. #define AD7190_STAT_ERR (1L << 6) // ADC error bit. #define AD7190_STAT_NOREF (1L << 5) // Error no external reference. #define AD7190_STAT_PARITY (1L << 4) // Parity check of the data register. #define AD7190_STAT_CH2 (1L << 2) // Channel 2. #define AD7190_STAT_CH1 (1L << 1) // Channel 1. #define AD7190_STAT_CH0 (1L << 0) // Channel 0. /* Mode Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_MODE) */ #define AD7190_MODE_SEL(x) ((((unsigned long)x) & 0x7) << 21) // Operation Mode Select. #define AD7190_MODE_DAT_STA (1L << 20) // Status Register transmission. #define AD7190_MODE_CLKSRC(x) ((((unsigned long)x) & 0x3) << 18) // Clock Source Select. #define AD7190_MODE_SINC3 (1L << 15) // SINC3 Filter Select. #define AD7190_MODE_ENPAR (1L << 13) // Parity Enable. #define AD7190_MODE_SCYCLE (1L << 11) // Single cycle conversion. #define AD7190_MODE_REJ60 (1L << 10) // 50/60Hz notch filter. #define AD7190_MODE_RATE(x) (((unsigned long)x) & 0x3FF) // Filter Update Rate Select. /* Mode Register: AD7190_MODE_SEL(x) options */ #define AD7190_MODE_CONT 0 // Continuous Conversion Mode. #define AD7190_MODE_SINGLE 1 // Single Conversion Mode. #define AD7190_MODE_IDLE 2 // Idle Mode. #define AD7190_MODE_PWRDN 3 // Power-Down Mode. #define AD7190_MODE_CAL_INT_ZERO 4 // Internal Zero-Scale Calibration. #define AD7190_MODE_CAL_INT_FULL 5 // Internal Full-Scale Calibration. #define AD7190_MODE_CAL_SYS_ZERO 6 // System Zero-Scale Calibration. #define AD7190_MODE_CAL_SYS_FULL 7 // System Full-Scale Calibration. /* Mode Register: AD7190_MODE_CLKSRC(x) options */ #define AD7190_CLK_EXT_MCLK1_2 0 // External crystal. The external crystal // is connected from MCLK1 to MCLK2. #define AD7190_CLK_EXT_MCLK2 1 // External Clock applied to MCLK2 #define AD7190_CLK_INT 2 // Internal 4.92 MHz clock. // Pin MCLK2 is tristated. #define AD7190_CLK_INT_CO 3 // Internal 4.92 MHz clock. The internal // clock is available on MCLK2. /* Configuration Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_CONF) */ #define AD7190_CONF_CHOP (1L << 23) // CHOP enable. #define AD7190_CONF_REFSEL (1L << 20) // REFIN1/REFIN2 Reference Select. #define AD7190_CONF_CHAN(x) ((((unsigned long)x) & 0xFF) << 8) // Channel select. #define AD7190_CONF_BURN (1L << 7) // Burnout current enable. #define AD7190_CONF_REFDET (1L << 6) // Reference detect enable. #define AD7190_CONF_BUF (1L << 4) // Buffered Mode Enable. #define AD7190_CONF_UNIPOLAR (1L << 3) // Unipolar/Bipolar Enable. #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN(x) (((unsigned long)x) & 0x7) // Gain Select. /* Configuration Register: AD7190_CONF_CHAN(x) options */ #define AD7190_CH_AIN1P_AIN2M 0 // AIN1(+) - AIN2(-) #define AD7190_CH_AIN3P_AIN4M 1 // AIN3(+) - AIN4(-) #define AD7190_CH_TEMP_SENSOR 2 // Temperature sensor #define AD7190_CH_AIN2P_AIN2M 3 // AIN2(+) - AIN2(-) #define AD7190_CH_AIN1P_AINCOM 4 // AIN1(+) - AINCOM #define AD7190_CH_AIN2P_AINCOM 5 // AIN2(+) - AINCOM #define AD7190_CH_AIN3P_AINCOM 6 // AIN3(+) - AINCOM #define AD7190_CH_AIN4P_AINCOM 7 // AIN4(+) - AINCOM /* Configuration Register: AD7190_CONF_GAIN(x) options */ // ADC Input Range (5 V Reference) #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_1 0 // Gain 1 +-5 V #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_8 3 // Gain 8 +-625 mV #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_16 4 // Gain 16 +-312.5 mV #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_32 5 // Gain 32 +-156.2 mV #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_64 6 // Gain 64 +-78.125 mV #define AD7190_CONF_GAIN_128 7 // Gain 128 +-39.06 mV /* ID Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_ID) */ #define ID_AD7190 0x4 #define AD7190_ID_MASK 0x0F /* GPOCON Register Bit Designations (AD7190_REG_GPOCON) */ #define AD7190_GPOCON_BPDSW (1L << 6) // Bridge power-down switch enable #define AD7190_GPOCON_GP32EN (1L << 5) // Digital Output P3 and P2 enable #define AD7190_GPOCON_GP10EN (1L << 4) // Digital Output P1 and P0 enable #define AD7190_GPOCON_P3DAT (1L << 3) // P3 state #define AD7190_GPOCON_P2DAT (1L << 2) // P2 state #define AD7190_GPOCON_P1DAT (1L << 1) // P1 state #define AD7190_GPOCON_P0DAT (1L << 0) // P0 state /******************************************************************************/ /*********************** Functions Declarations *******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /*! Writes data into a register. */ void AD7190_SetRegisterValue(unsigned char registerAddress, unsigned long registerValue, unsigned char bytesNumber, unsigned char modifyCS); /*! Reads the value of a register. */ unsigned long AD7190_GetRegisterValue(unsigned char registerAddress, unsigned char bytesNumber, unsigned char modifyCS); /*! Checks if the AD7139 part is present. */ unsigned char AD7190_Init(void); /*! Resets the device. */ void AD7190_Reset(void); /*! Set device to idle or power-down. */ void AD7190_SetPower(unsigned char pwrMode); /*! Waits for RDY pin to go low. */ void AD7190_WaitRdyGoLow(void); /*! Selects the channel to be enabled. */ void AD7190_ChannelSelect(unsigned short channel); /*! Performs the given calibration to the specified channel. */ void AD7190_Calibrate(unsigned char mode, unsigned char channel); /*! Selects the polarity of the conversion and the ADC input range. */ void AD7190_RangeSetup(unsigned char polarity, unsigned char range); /*! Returns the result of a single conversion. */ unsigned long AD7190_SingleConversion(void); /*! Returns the average of several conversion results. */ unsigned long AD7190_ContinuousReadAvg(unsigned char sampleNumber); /*! Read data from temperature sensor and converts it to Celsius degrees. */ unsigned long AD7190_TemperatureRead(void); void SPI_Init(); void SPI_Enable(unsigned char csPin); void SPI_Disable(unsigned char csPin); #endif /* __AD7190_H__ */