2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00
2018-05-16 10:10:23 +02:00

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For type-checking Javascript values.


const t = require('typical')

t.isNumber(n) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if input is a number

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
n * the input to test


> t.isNumber(0)
> t.isNumber(1)
> t.isNumber(1.1)
> t.isNumber(0xff)
> t.isNumber(0644)
> t.isNumber(6.2e5)
> t.isNumber(NaN)
> t.isNumber(Infinity)

t.isPlainObject(input) ⇒ boolean

A plain object is a simple object literal, it is not an instance of a class. Returns true if the input typeof is object and directly decends from Object.

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test


> t.isPlainObject({ clive: 'hater' })
> t.isPlainObject(new Date())
> t.isPlainObject([ 0, 1 ])
> t.isPlainObject(1)
> t.isPlainObject(/test/)

t.isArrayLike(input) ⇒ boolean

An array-like value has all the properties of an array, but is not an array instance. Examples in the arguments object. Returns true if the input value is an object, not null and has a length property with a numeric value.

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test


function sum(x, y){
    // prints `true`

t.isObject(input) ⇒ boolean

returns true if the typeof input is 'object', but not null!

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isDefined(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input value is defined

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isString(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input value is a string

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isBoolean(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input value is a boolean

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isFunction(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input value is a function

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isClass(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input value is an es2015 class.

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isPrimitive(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input is a string, number, symbol, boolean, null or undefined value.

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isPromise(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input is a Promise.

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

t.isIterable(input) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input is an iterable (Map, Set, Array etc.).

Kind: static method of typical

Param Type Description
input * the input to test

© 2014-17 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.