'use strict' /** * @module command-line-args */ module.exports = commandLineArgs /** * Returns an object containing all option values set on the command line. By default it parses the global [`process.argv`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_argv) array. * * Parsing is strict by default - an exception is thrown if the user sets a singular option more than once or sets an unknown value or option (one without a valid [definition](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/blob/master/doc/option-definition.md)). To be more permissive, enabling [partial](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/wiki/Partial-mode-example) or [stopAtFirstUnknown](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/wiki/stopAtFirstUnknown) modes will return known options in the usual manner while collecting unknown arguments in a separate `_unknown` property. * * @param {module:definition[]} - An array of [OptionDefinition](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/blob/master/doc/option-definition.md) objects * @param {object} [options] - Options. * @param {string[]} [options.argv] - An array of strings which, if present will be parsed instead of `process.argv`. * @param {boolean} [options.partial] - If `true`, an array of unknown arguments is returned in the `_unknown` property of the output. * @param {boolean} [options.stopAtFirstUnknown] - If `true`, parsing will stop at the first unknown argument and the remaining arguments returned in `_unknown`. When set, `partial: true` is also implied. * @param {boolean} [options.camelCase] - If `true`, options with hypenated names (e.g. `move-to`) will be returned in camel-case (e.g. `moveTo`). * @returns {object} * @throws `UNKNOWN_OPTION` If `options.partial` is false and the user set an undefined option. The `err.optionName` property contains the arg that specified an unknown option, e.g. `--one`. * @throws `UNKNOWN_VALUE` If `options.partial` is false and the user set a value unaccounted for by an option definition. The `err.value` property contains the unknown value, e.g. `5`. * @throws `ALREADY_SET` If a user sets a singular, non-multiple option more than once. The `err.optionName` property contains the option name that has already been set, e.g. `one`. * @throws `INVALID_DEFINITIONS` * - If an option definition is missing the required `name` property * - If an option definition has a `type` value that's not a function * - If an alias is numeric, a hyphen or a length other than 1 * - If an option definition name was used more than once * - If an option definition alias was used more than once * - If more than one option definition has `defaultOption: true` * - If a `Boolean` option is also set as the `defaultOption`. * @alias module:command-line-args */ function commandLineArgs (optionDefinitions, options) { options = options || {} if (options.stopAtFirstUnknown) options.partial = true const Definitions = require('./lib/option-definitions') optionDefinitions = Definitions.from(optionDefinitions) const ArgvParser = require('./lib/argv-parser') const parser = new ArgvParser(optionDefinitions, { argv: options.argv, stopAtFirstUnknown: options.stopAtFirstUnknown }) const Option = require('./lib/option') const OutputClass = optionDefinitions.isGrouped() ? require('./lib/output-grouped') : require('./lib/output') const output = new OutputClass(optionDefinitions) /* Iterate the parser setting each known value to the output. Optionally, throw on unknowns. */ for (const argInfo of parser) { const arg = argInfo.subArg || argInfo.arg if (!options.partial) { if (argInfo.event === 'unknown_value') { const err = new Error(`Unknown value: ${arg}`) err.name = 'UNKNOWN_VALUE' err.value = arg throw err } else if (argInfo.event === 'unknown_option') { const err = new Error(`Unknown option: ${arg}`) err.name = 'UNKNOWN_OPTION' err.optionName = arg throw err } } let option if (output.has(argInfo.name)) { option = output.get(argInfo.name) } else { option = Option.create(argInfo.def) output.set(argInfo.name, option) } if (argInfo.name === '_unknown') { option.set(arg) } else { option.set(argInfo.value) } } return output.toObject({ skipUnknown: !options.partial, camelCase: options.camelCase }) }