190 lines
4.5 KiB
190 lines
4.5 KiB
3.1.0 - May 13 2018
* replace new Buffer with Buffer.from or Buffer.alloc
* add accessebile property to Gpio class
* add HIGH and LOW properties to Gpio class
3.0.2 - Apr 07 2018
* update dependencies (epoll v2.0.1)
* improve performance tests
3.0.1 - Apr 01 2018
* create poller for both inputs and outputs
* add test to verify that gpio direction can be changed
3.0.0 - Mar 31 2018
* add effective debouncing support
* codebase modernized
* remove link to outdated tutorial
* remove undocumented options method
2.0.0 - Feb 26 2018
* update dependencies (epoll v2.0.0)
* drop support for node.js v0.10, v0.12, v5 and v7
1.2.0 - Feb 11 2018
* ignore edge argument when instantiating a Gpio for an output
1.1.9 - Dec 24 2017
* document node 9 support
* update BeagleBone performance numbers
* many documentation improvements
* update BeagleBone Black performance numbers
* update dependencies
1.1.8 - Oct 15 2017
* update dependencies (epoll v1.0.0)
1.1.7 - Aug 26 2017
* only check permissions for edge file if edge specified [#77](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/77)
1.1.5 - Jul 30 2017
* wait until unprivileged file access allowed
1.1.4 - Jul 15 2017
* improve examples
1.1.3 - Jun 18 2017
* upgrade to epoll v0.1.22
* document related packages
1.1.2 - Feb 12 2017
* documentation improved
* upgrade to epoll v0.1.21
1.1.1 - Jun 05 2016
* avoid exceptions when cape_universal is enabled on the bbb [#50](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/50)
1.1.0 - May 04 2016
* activeLow option
* documentation improved
1.0.4 - Jan 29 2016
* documentation improved
* epoll v0.1.17
1.0.3 - Oct 10 2015
* documentation improved
* epoll v0.1.16
1.0.2 - Feb 18 2015
* documentation improved
1.0.1 - Feb 15 2015
* refactored tests to avoid relying in interrupt generating outputs as linux 3.13 and above no longer supports them
* new wiring for tests and examples
* pullup and pulldown resistor configuration documented
1.0.0 - Jan 10 2015
* use strict mode
* jslint improvements
* updated dependencies: epoll 0.1.4 -> 0.1.10
* new wiring for tests on pi
* GPIO access without superuser privileges on Raspbian
0.3.2 - Apr 18 2014
* Documented BeagleBone Ångström prerequisites
* Updated dependencies: epoll 0.1.2 -> 0.1.4
0.3.1 - Mar 22 2014
* Added setDirection functionality [#19](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/pull/19)
* Added setEdge functionality
* Updated dependencies: epoll 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2
0.3.0 - Nov 18 2013
* Updated dependencies: epoll 0.0.8 -> 0.1.0
* Removed persistentWatch option
0.2.3 - Oct 14 2013
* Use epoll 0.0.8
* onoff now plays well with the quick2wire gpio-admin and the WiringPi gpio utilities on the Pi [#14](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/14)
* Documentation improved
* New test to monitor interrupt performance
* New light switch example
0.2.2 - Oct 05 2013
* Use epoll 0.0.7
* Removed timeout hack in many-interrupts test
0.2.1 - Sep 25 2013
* Use epoll 0.0.3
* Improved five-inputs test
0.2.0 - Sep 22 2013
* Use epoll module for interrupt detection [#15](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/15)
* 0.11.4+ compatability [#11](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/10)
* One thread for watching all GPIOs rather than one thread per GPIO [#5](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/5)
* Unwatch API added [#4](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/4)
0.1.7 - Sep 17 2013
* Remove OS limitations for installing [#12](https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/issues/12)
0.1.6 - July 15 2013
* Fixed typos
* Documented how to watch five or more inputs
0.1.5 - May 26 2013
* Added test with five inputs
0.1.0 - Nov 11 2012
* Added Gpio objects
* Removed functions, use Gpio objects instead
* Performance improvements
* Synchronous or asynchronous access to a GPIOs value
* Allow applications to handle superuser issues
0.0.1 - Oct 28 2012
* Initial release