// DHCP Library v0.3 - April 25, 2009 // Author: Jordan Terrell - blog.jordanterrell.com #ifndef Dhcp_h #define Dhcp_h #include "EthernetUdp.h" /* DHCP state machine. */ #define STATE_DHCP_START 0 #define STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER 1 #define STATE_DHCP_REQUEST 2 #define STATE_DHCP_LEASED 3 #define STATE_DHCP_REREQUEST 4 #define STATE_DHCP_RELEASE 5 #define DHCP_FLAGSBROADCAST 0x8000 /* UDP port numbers for DHCP */ #define DHCP_SERVER_PORT 67 /* from server to client */ #define DHCP_CLIENT_PORT 68 /* from client to server */ /* DHCP message OP code */ #define DHCP_BOOTREQUEST 1 #define DHCP_BOOTREPLY 2 /* DHCP message type */ #define DHCP_DISCOVER 1 #define DHCP_OFFER 2 #define DHCP_REQUEST 3 #define DHCP_DECLINE 4 #define DHCP_ACK 5 #define DHCP_NAK 6 #define DHCP_RELEASE 7 #define DHCP_INFORM 8 #define DHCP_HTYPE10MB 1 #define DHCP_HTYPE100MB 2 #define DHCP_HLENETHERNET 6 #define DHCP_HOPS 0 #define DHCP_SECS 0 #define MAGIC_COOKIE 0x63825363 #define MAX_DHCP_OPT 16 #define HOST_NAME "WIZnet" #define DEFAULT_LEASE (900) //default lease time in seconds #define DHCP_CHECK_NONE (0) #define DHCP_CHECK_RENEW_FAIL (1) #define DHCP_CHECK_RENEW_OK (2) #define DHCP_CHECK_REBIND_FAIL (3) #define DHCP_CHECK_REBIND_OK (4) enum { padOption = 0, subnetMask = 1, timerOffset = 2, routersOnSubnet = 3, /* timeServer = 4, nameServer = 5,*/ dns = 6, /*logServer = 7, cookieServer = 8, lprServer = 9, impressServer = 10, resourceLocationServer = 11,*/ hostName = 12, /*bootFileSize = 13, meritDumpFile = 14,*/ domainName = 15, /*swapServer = 16, rootPath = 17, extentionsPath = 18, IPforwarding = 19, nonLocalSourceRouting = 20, policyFilter = 21, maxDgramReasmSize = 22, defaultIPTTL = 23, pathMTUagingTimeout = 24, pathMTUplateauTable = 25, ifMTU = 26, allSubnetsLocal = 27, broadcastAddr = 28, performMaskDiscovery = 29, maskSupplier = 30, performRouterDiscovery = 31, routerSolicitationAddr = 32, staticRoute = 33, trailerEncapsulation = 34, arpCacheTimeout = 35, ethernetEncapsulation = 36, tcpDefaultTTL = 37, tcpKeepaliveInterval = 38, tcpKeepaliveGarbage = 39, nisDomainName = 40, nisServers = 41, ntpServers = 42, vendorSpecificInfo = 43, netBIOSnameServer = 44, netBIOSdgramDistServer = 45, netBIOSnodeType = 46, netBIOSscope = 47, xFontServer = 48, xDisplayManager = 49,*/ dhcpRequestedIPaddr = 50, dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime = 51, /*dhcpOptionOverload = 52,*/ dhcpMessageType = 53, dhcpServerIdentifier = 54, dhcpParamRequest = 55, /*dhcpMsg = 56, dhcpMaxMsgSize = 57,*/ dhcpT1value = 58, dhcpT2value = 59, /*dhcpClassIdentifier = 60,*/ dhcpClientIdentifier = 61, endOption = 255 }; typedef struct _RIP_MSG_FIXED { uint8_t op; uint8_t htype; uint8_t hlen; uint8_t hops; uint32_t xid; uint16_t secs; uint16_t flags; uint8_t ciaddr[4]; uint8_t yiaddr[4]; uint8_t siaddr[4]; uint8_t giaddr[4]; uint8_t chaddr[6]; }RIP_MSG_FIXED; class DhcpClass { private: uint32_t _dhcpInitialTransactionId; uint32_t _dhcpTransactionId; uint8_t _dhcpMacAddr[6]; #ifdef __arm__ uint8_t _dhcpLocalIp[4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t _dhcpSubnetMask[4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t _dhcpGatewayIp[4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t _dhcpDhcpServerIp[4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t _dhcpDnsServerIp[4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); #else uint8_t _dhcpLocalIp[4]; uint8_t _dhcpSubnetMask[4]; uint8_t _dhcpGatewayIp[4]; uint8_t _dhcpDhcpServerIp[4]; uint8_t _dhcpDnsServerIp[4]; #endif uint32_t _dhcpLeaseTime; uint32_t _dhcpT1, _dhcpT2; signed long _renewInSec; signed long _rebindInSec; signed long _lastCheck; unsigned long _timeout; unsigned long _responseTimeout; unsigned long _secTimeout; uint8_t _dhcp_state; EthernetUDP _dhcpUdpSocket; int request_DHCP_lease(); void reset_DHCP_lease(); void presend_DHCP(); void send_DHCP_MESSAGE(uint8_t, uint16_t); void printByte(char *, uint8_t); uint8_t parseDHCPResponse(unsigned long responseTimeout, uint32_t& transactionId); public: IPAddress getLocalIp(); IPAddress getSubnetMask(); IPAddress getGatewayIp(); IPAddress getDhcpServerIp(); IPAddress getDnsServerIp(); int beginWithDHCP(uint8_t *, unsigned long timeout = 60000, unsigned long responseTimeout = 4000); int checkLease(); }; #endif