2015-06-11 17:16:27 +02:00
Created on 11.06.2015
@author: wn
import MeterbusTypeConversion
2015-06-12 00:09:58 +02:00
from MeterbusLibExceptions import *
2015-06-11 17:16:27 +02:00
class Frame(object):
def __init__(self, startCharacter, frameLength, firstPayload, telegram):
self.telegram = telegram
self.frameName = self.__class__.__name__
self.frameLength = frameLength
self.payloadLength = self.frameLength - 6
self.frameStartCharacter = startCharacter
self.firstPayload = firstPayload
def parse(self):
if self.telegram[0] != self.frameStartCharacter:
raise InvalidStartCharException()
if len(self.telegram) != self.frameLength:
raise InvalidLengthException()
def verifyChecksumAndEnd(self):
if (self.firstPayload != 0):
checksum = sum(self.telegram[self.firstPayload:-2]) & 0xff
if checksum != self.telegram[-2]:
raise InvalidChecksumException()
if self.telegram[-1] != 0x16:
raise InvalidStopCharException()
def parse2(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def getJSON(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class SingleCharacter(Frame):
def __init__(self, telegram):
super(SingleCharacter, self).__init__(0xe5, 1, 0, telegram)
def parse2(self):
class ShortFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, telegram):
super(ShortFrame, self).__init__(0x10, 5, 1, telegram)
def parse2(self):
self.cField = self.telegram[1]
self.address = self.telegram[2]
class ControlFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, telegram):
super(ControlFrame, self).__init__(0x68, (telegram[1] + 6), 4, telegram)
def parse2(self):
if self.telegram[2] != self.payloadLength:
raise InvalidSecondLengthException
if self.payloadLength < 3:
raise PayloadTooShortException("too short for c, a, ci fields")
self.cField = self.telegram[4]
self.address = self.telegram[5]
self.ciField = self.telegram[6]
class LongFrame(ControlFrame):
class FixedDataHeader(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def parse(self):
self.identNr = MeterbusTypeConversion.bcd(self.data[:4])
2015-06-12 00:09:58 +02:00
self.manufacturer = MeterbusTypeConversion.manufCode(self.data[4:6])
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self.version = self.data[6]
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self.medium = MeterbusTypeConversion.mediumCode(self.data[7])
2015-06-11 17:16:27 +02:00
self.accessNo = self.data[8]
self.status = self.data[9]
self.signature = self.data[10:]
2015-06-12 00:09:58 +02:00
if self.signature[0] != 0 or self.signature[1] != 0:
raise InvalidFrameException("signature should be zero")
class DataInformationElement(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.consumed = 0
def create(cls, data):
if data[0] != 0x0f:
return LongFrame.DataInformationBlock(data)
return LongFrame.ManufacturerSpecificDataBlock(data)
class ManufacturerSpecificDataBlock(DataInformationElement):
def parse(self):
self.dif = self.data[0]
self.mdh = self.data[1:]
def getJSON(self):
j = {'dif': self.dif, 'mdh': self.mdh}
return j
class DataInformationBlock(DataInformationElement):
VALUE_LENGTH_MAP = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, 6, 0 ]
def parse(self):
self.dif = self.data[self.consumed]
self.consumed += 1
self.dife = []
if self.dif & 0x80 != 0:
while True:
curDife = self.data[self.consumed]
self.consumed += 1
if curDife & 0x80 == 0:
self.vif = self.data[self.consumed]
self.consumed += 1
self.vife = []
if self.vif & 0x80 != 0:
while True:
curVife = self.data[self.consumed]
self.consumed += 1
if curVife & 0x80 == 0:
self.vifData = []
if self.vif & 0x7f == 0x7c:
dataLength = self.data[self.consumed]
self.consumed += 1
self.vifData = [v for v in self.data[self.consumed:self.consumed+dataLength]]
self.consumed += dataLength
self.userData = [u for u in self.data[self.consumed:self.consumed+LongFrame.DataInformationBlock.VALUE_LENGTH_MAP[self.dif&0x0f]]]
return self.consumed
def value(self):
res = 0
difCode = self.dif & 0x0f
if difCode == 0:
# 0
elif difCode == 1:
# 8bit int
res = self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 2:
# 16bit int
res = (self.userData[1] << 8) + self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 3:
# 24bit int
res = (self.userData[2] << 16) + (self.userData[1] << 8) + self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 4:
# 32bit int
res = (self.userData[3] << 24) + (self.userData[2] << 16) + (self.userData[1] << 8) + self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 5:
# 32bit float
res = 1.0
elif difCode == 6:
# 48bit int
res = (self.userData[5] << 40) + (self.userData[4] << 32) + (self.userData[3] << 24) + (self.userData[2] << 16) + (self.userData[1] << 8) + self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 7:
# 64bit int
res = (self.userData[7] << 56) + (self.userData[6] << 48) + (self.userData[5] << 40) + (self.userData[4] << 32) + (self.userData[3] << 24) + (self.userData[2] << 16) + (self.userData[1] << 8) + self.userData[0]
elif difCode == 8:
# strange
res = 0
elif difCode in [9, 10, 11, 12, 14]:
res = MeterbusTypeConversion.bcd(self.userData)
return res
def getJSON(self):
j = {'dif': self.dif, 'dife': self.dife, 'vif': self.vif, 'vife': self.vife,
'vifData': self.vifData, 'userData':self.userData, 'value':self.value()}
return j
2015-06-11 17:16:27 +02:00
def parse2(self):
super(LongFrame, self).parse2()
if self.payloadLength < 3 + 12:
raise PayloadTooShortException("too short for fixed data header")
self.fixedDataHeader = LongFrame.FixedDataHeader(self.telegram[7:19])
2015-06-12 00:09:58 +02:00
self.dib = []
consumed = 0
#print("Telegram length: %d" % len(self.telegram))
while True:
curDib = LongFrame.DataInformationElement.create(self.telegram[(19 + consumed):])
consumed += curDib.parse()
#print("PayloadLength: %d, Consumed: %d" % (self.payloadLength, consumed))
print("DIB: %s" % str(curDib.getJSON()))
if (consumed + 12 + 3 - 1) >= self.payloadLength:
2015-06-11 17:16:27 +02:00
class Telegram(object):
def __init__(self):
def fromHexString(self, hexString):
self.hexString = hexString
octetList = [int(o, 16) for o in self.hexString.split(' ')]
self.telegram = bytearray(octetList)
def toHexString(self):
return str([hex(b) for b in self.telegram])
def parse(self):
if self.telegram[0] == 0x68 and self.telegram[1] == 0x03:
self.frame = ControlFrame(self.telegram)
elif self.telegram[0] == 0x68:
self.frame = LongFrame(self.telegram)
elif self.telegram[0] == 0x10:
self.frame = ShortFrame(self.telegram)
elif self.telegram[0] == 0xe5:
self.frame = SingleCharacter(self.telegram)
raise InvalidStartCharException()