/* RS-485 Receiver This sketch receives data over RS-485 interface and outputs the data to the Serial interface Circuit: - MKR board - MKR 485 shield - ISO GND connected to GND of the RS-485 device - A connected to A/Y of the RS-485 device - B connected to B/Z of the RS-485 device - Jumper positions - FULL set to ON - A \/\/ B set to OFF created 4 July 2018 by Sandeep Mistry */ #include <ArduinoRS485.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); RS485.begin(9600); // enable reception, can be disabled with: RS485.noReceive(); RS485.receive(); } void loop() { if (RS485.available()) { Serial.write(RS485.read()); } }