persistence: enabled: true storageClassName: nfs-client grafana.ini: server: root_url: smtp: enabled: true host: smtp.system.svc.cluster.local from_address: from_name: "Saerbeck Grafana Pseudouser" log: level: debug emails: welcome_email_on_sign_up: true security: cookie_secure: true cookie_samesite: none auth: disable_login_form: false auth.anonymous: enabled: true org_name: "Main Org." org_role: Viewer auth.generic_oauth: enabled: true name: Hottis via Keycloak allow_sign_up: true client_id: saerbeckgrafana scopes: openid email profile offline_access roles email_attribute_path: email login_attribute_path: username name_attribute_path: fullname auth_url: token_url: api_url: role_attribute_path: "contains(roles[*], 'GrafanaAdmin') && 'GrafanaAdmin' || contains(roles[*], 'Admin') && 'Admin' || contains(roles[*], 'Editor') && 'Editor' || contains(roles[*], 'Viewer') && 'Viewer'" role_attribute_strict: true allow_assign_grafana_admin: true tls_skip_verify_insecure: true database: type: postgres host: database.database1.svc.cluster.local name: saerbeckgrafana ssl_mode: require # add the oauth client secret in this secret with the key GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET # example: # kubectl create secret generic grafana-oauth-secret --from-literal=GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="geheim" envFromSecrets: - name: grafana-oauth-secret - name: grafana-db-cred