create database cem_monitoring; create extension timescaledb; create table application_t ( id serial not null primary key, app_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL UNIQUE, label varchar(128) not null unique ); create table variable_t ( id serial not null primary key, app integer references application_t(id), converter_id varchar(16) not null, device_id varchar(16) not null, variable_id varchar(16) not null, label varchar(128) not null unique, unit varchar(16), quantity varchar(32), unique (app, converter_id, device_id, variable_id) ); create table measurement_t ( time timestamptz not null, variable integer references variable_t (id), value float ); select create_hypertable('measurement_t', 'time'); insert into application_t (app_id, label) values('ku226', 'Kupferdreher Str. 226, Essen'); insert into variable_t (app, converter_id, device_id, variable_id, label, unit, quantity) values ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'bhkw', 'u', 'BHKW Spannung', 'V', 'voltage'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'bhkw', 'p', 'BHKW Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'bhkw', 'import', 'BHKW Energie Export', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'bhkw', 'export', 'BHKW Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'pv', 'u', 'PV Spannung', 'V', 'voltage'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'pv', 'p', 'PV Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'pv', 'import', 'PV Energie Export', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'pv', 'export', 'PV Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '3', 'mains', 'import', 'Netz Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '3', 'mains', 'p', 'Netz Leistung', 'W', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w1', 'p', 'Wohnung 1 Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w1', 'import', 'Wohnung 1 Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w2', 'p', 'Wohnung 2 Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w2', 'import', 'Wohnung 2 Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w3', 'p', 'Wohnung 3 Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w3', 'import', 'Wohnung 3 Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w4', 'p', 'Wohnung 4 Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w4', 'import', 'Wohnung 4 Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w5', 'p', 'Wohnung 5 Leistung', 'kW', 'power'), ((select id from application_t where app_id = 'ku226'), '1', 'w5', 'import', 'Wohnung 5 Energie Import', 'Wh', 'energy') ; -- create user preprocessor password 'geheim'; grant select on application_t to preprocessor; grant select on variable_t to preprocessor; grant insert on measurement_t to preprocessor; grant select on measurement_t to grafana; create view measurement_v as select m.time as time, m.value as value, v.quantity as quantity, v.unit as unit, v.label as variable, a.label as application from measurement_t m, application_t a, variable_t v where m.variable = and =; grant select on measurement_v to grafana;