library(DBI) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(lubridate) library(R.utils) get_freq_df <- function(con, startDate, endDate) { startStr <- strftime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC") endStr <- strftime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC") res <-dbSendQuery(con, "select time, location, freq from mainsfrequency where valid=1 and time >= $1 and time < $2") dbBind(res, list(startStr, endStr)) frequencies <- dbFetch(res) dbClearResult(res) freq_wide <- frequencies %>% pivot_wider(names_from = location, values_from = freq, values_fn = mean) THRESHOLD <- 0.5 for (colIdx in 2:length(freq_wide)) { last <- freq_wide[[1, colIdx]] for (rowIdx in 1:length(freq_wide[[colIdx]])) { current <- freq_wide[[rowIdx, colIdx]] if (! && ! && (abs(current - last) > THRESHOLD)) { freq_wide[[rowIdx, colIdx]] = NA } last <- current } } return (freq_wide) } con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname='mainscnt', host='', user='wn') START <- "2021-08-03 07:00:00" INTERVAL <- 3600 for (offset in 0:0) { startDate <- ymd_hms(START) + INTERVAL * offset endDate <- startDate + INTERVAL freq_wide <- get_freq_df(con, startDate, endDate) freq_wide_names <- names(freq_wide) for (colIdx in 2:length(freq_wide)) { colName.mean <- paste("mean.w.o.", freq_wide_names[colIdx], sep="") colName.diff <- paste(freq_wide_names[colIdx], ".to.mean", sep="") freq_wide <- freq_wide %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(!!colName.mean := mean(c_across(freq_wide_names[c(-1, - colIdx)]), na.rm=TRUE)) %>% mutate(!!colName.diff := abs(eval( - eval([colIdx]))) * 100) } means <- freq_wide %>% select(ends_with(".to.mean")) means.means <- apply(means, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # print(summary(freq_wide)) } dbDisconnect(con)