#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HIGH GPIO_PIN_SET #define LOW GPIO_PIN_RESET static const uint8_t EEPROM_READ = 0x03; static const uint8_t EEPROM_WRITE = 0x02; // static const uint8_t EEPROM_WRDI = 0x04; static const uint8_t EEPROM_WREN = 0x06; // static const uint8_t EEPROM_RDSR = 0x05; // static const uint8_t EEPROM_WRSR = 0x01; static const uint32_t EEPROM_MAGIC = 0xaffe0009; static const uint16_t EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR = EEPROM_BASE_ADDR; typedef union { t_eepromHeader s; uint8_t b[sizeof(struct s_eepromHeader)]; } t_eepromHeaderBlock; static t_eepromHeaderBlock eepromHeader; static const uint16_t CONFIG_BLOCK_ADDR = EEPROM_CONFIG_BLOCK_ADDR; typedef union { t_deviceStats s; uint8_t b[sizeof(t_deviceStats)]; } t_deviceStatsBlock; static const uint16_t DEVICE_STATS_ADDR = EEPROM_DEVICE_STATS_ADDR; static t_deviceStatsBlock deviceStats; typedef union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) s_spiMsg { uint8_t cmd; uint16_t addr; uint8_t data[32]; } s; uint8_t b[sizeof(struct s_spiMsg)]; } t_spiMsg; t_deviceStats* getGlobalDeviceStats() { return &(deviceStats.s); } inline static void __EEPROM_CS(GPIO_PinState v) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(EEPROM_CS_GPIO_Port, EEPROM_CS_Pin, v); } static uint16_t swap(uint16_t i) { return ((i & 0x00ff) << 8) | ((i & 0xff00) >> 8); } // active waiting, use only during initialization! static void eepromActiveDelay(uint8_t delay_ms) { activeDelay(delay_ms); } void eepromWrite(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { t_spiMsg msg = { .s.cmd = EEPROM_WRITE, .s.addr = swap(addr) }; memcpy(msg.s.data, buf, len); uint8_t writeEnable = EEPROM_WREN; __EEPROM_CS(LOW); HAL_SPI_Transmit(&eepromSpi, &writeEnable, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); __EEPROM_CS(HIGH); __EEPROM_CS(LOW); HAL_SPI_Transmit(&eepromSpi, msg.b, ((uint16_t)(len+3)), HAL_MAX_DELAY); __EEPROM_CS(HIGH); } void eepromRead(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { t_spiMsg txMsg = { .s.cmd = EEPROM_READ, .s.addr = swap(addr) }; t_spiMsg rxMsg; __EEPROM_CS(LOW); HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&eepromSpi, txMsg.b, rxMsg.b, ((uint16_t)(len+3)), HAL_MAX_DELAY); __EEPROM_CS(HIGH); memcpy(buf, rxMsg.s.data, len); } void eepromSpiTxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi) { } static void eepromHourlyUpdateDeviceStats(void *handle) { deviceStats.s.totalRunningHours += 1; deviceStats.s.totalRequests += 0; deviceStats.s.totalFailures += 0; logMsg("eeHUDS, about to write updated device stats"); logMsg("eeHUDS, total powercycles so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalPowercycles); logMsg("eeHUDS, total running hours so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalRunningHours); logMsg("eeHUDS, total requests so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalRequests); logMsg("eeHUDS, total failures so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalFailures); eepromWrite(DEVICE_STATS_ADDR, deviceStats.b, sizeof(deviceStats)); } void eepromReadConfigBlock(t_configBlock *destConfigBlock) { // static_assert((sizeof(*destConfigBlock) % EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE == 0), "config block has illegal size, must be dividable by 32"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(*destConfigBlock) / EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE); i++) { eepromRead(CONFIG_BLOCK_ADDR + (i * EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE), ((uint8_t*)destConfigBlock) + (i * EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE), EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE); } } void eepromWriteConfigBlock(t_configBlock *srcConfigBlock) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(*srcConfigBlock) / EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE); i++) { eepromWrite(CONFIG_BLOCK_ADDR + (i * EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE), ((uint8_t*)srcConfigBlock) + (i * EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE), EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE); eepromActiveDelay(EEPROM_AFTER_WRITE_DELAY); } } void eepromInit() { __EEPROM_CS(HIGH); logMsg("eeI, read header"); eepromRead(EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR, eepromHeader.b, sizeof(eepromHeader)); logMsg("eeI, magic: %08x", eepromHeader.s.magic); if (eepromHeader.s.magic != EEPROM_MAGIC) { logMsg("eeI, eeprom is uninitialized"); deviceStats.s.totalPowercycles = 0; deviceStats.s.totalRunningHours = 0; deviceStats.s.totalRequests = 0; deviceStats.s.totalFailures = 0; logMsg("eeI, about to write device stats for the first time"); eepromWrite(DEVICE_STATS_ADDR, deviceStats.b, sizeof(deviceStats)); eepromActiveDelay(EEPROM_AFTER_WRITE_DELAY); uint8_t emptyBlock[EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE]; memset(emptyBlock, 0, sizeof(emptyBlock)); eepromWrite(CONFIG_BLOCK_ADDR, emptyBlock, EEPROM_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE); eepromActiveDelay(EEPROM_AFTER_WRITE_DELAY); logMsg("eeI, config block initialized"); eepromHeader.s.magic = EEPROM_MAGIC; eepromHeader.s.writeCounter = 1; logMsg("eeI, about to write header for the first time"); eepromWrite(EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR, eepromHeader.b, sizeof(eepromHeader)); eepromActiveDelay(EEPROM_AFTER_WRITE_DELAY); logMsg("eeI, eeprom has been initialized"); } else { logMsg("eeI, eeprom is initialized"); } logMsg("eeI, about to read device stats"); eepromRead(DEVICE_STATS_ADDR, deviceStats.b, sizeof(deviceStats)); logMsg("eeI, total powercycles so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalPowercycles); logMsg("eeI, total running hours so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalRunningHours); logMsg("eeI, total requests so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalRequests); logMsg("eeI, total failures so far: %d", deviceStats.s.totalFailures); deviceStats.s.totalPowercycles += 1; logMsg("eeI, about to write device stats with updated power cycles counter"); eepromWrite(DEVICE_STATS_ADDR, deviceStats.b, sizeof(deviceStats)); eepromActiveDelay(EEPROM_AFTER_WRITE_DELAY); schAdd(eepromHourlyUpdateDeviceStats, NULL, 0, 60 * 60 * 1000); logMsg("eeI, hourly device stats update scheduled"); }