103 lines
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103 lines
3.4 KiB
from db import dbGetMany
import datetime
from loguru import logger
def perform(dbh, params):
year = params['year']
except KeyError:
year = datetime.datetime.today().year
startDate = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
endDate = datetime.datetime(year, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)
premises = (1, 2)
# get flat tenants by object and timespan with paid overhead and due overhead
tenants = dbGetMany(
select t.id as tenant_id,
t.firstname as tenant_firstname,
t.lastname as tenant_lastname,
f.id as flat_id,
f.description as flat,
p.id as house_id,
p.description as house,
ty.startdate as startdate,
ty.enddate as enddate
from tenant_t t,
premise_t p,
flat_t f,
tenancy_t ty
where ty.tenant = t.id and
ty.flat = f.id and
ty.startdate >= %(startDate)s and
(ty.enddate <= %(endDate)s or ty.enddate is null) and
f.premise = p.id and
p.id in %(premises)s
order by house_id, tenant_id
"params": {
"startDate": startDate,
"endDate": endDate,
"premises": premises
# get overhead sums by object, category and timespan
overheadSums = dbGetMany(
select sum(ae.amount) as sum,
aec.description as category,
p.id as house_id,
p.description as house
from account_t a,
premise_t p,
account_entry_t ae,
account_entry_category_t aec
where p.account = a.id and
ae.account = a.id and
aec.overhead_relevant = 't' and
ae.account_entry_category = aec.id and
created_at between %(startDate)s and %(endDate)s and
p.id in %(premises)s
group by house_id, house, category
select 0 as sum,
aec.description as category,
p.id as house_id,
p.description as house
from account_t a,
premise_t p,
account_entry_t ae,
account_entry_category_t aec
where p.account = a.id and
ae.account = a.id and
aec.overhead_relevant = 't' and
aec.id not in (select distinct account_entry_category from account_entry_t) and
created_at between %(startDate)s and %(endDate)s and
p.id in %(premises)s
group by house_id, house, category
order by house_id, category
"params": {
"startDate": startDate,
"endDate": endDate,
"premises": premises